1. Are you listening to one who called out to you
Yearning passionately to reach you?
١. هَل أَنتَ مُستَمِعٌ لِمَن ناداكا
فَتُهيبَ مِن شَوقٍ إِلَيكَ دِراكا
2. O Yusuf son of Muhammad, the plea of a man
Whose passion moved his tongue to call you
٢. يا يوسِفَ بنَ مُحَمَّدٍ دَعوى اِمرِئٍ
عَدَلَ الهَوى بِلِسانِهِ فَدَعاكا
3. The righteous are never devoid of well-being wherever they go
Your hand provides aid and your face brings joy
٣. لا يَعدَمُ العافونَ حَيثُ تَوَجَّهوا
يَدَكَ الهَتونَ وَوَجهَكَ الضَحّاكا
4. Since competing with the foremost, you have always
Striving for greatness until you reached your father
٤. مازِلتَ مُذ جارَيتَ سابِقَ مَعشَرٍ
قَصَدوا العُلا حَتّى لَحِقتَ أَباكا
5. So you followed his excess and clinging
By striving, neither falling behind nor giving up
٥. فَجَرى عَلى غَلوائِهِ وَعَلِقتَهُ
بِالجَريِ لا فَوتاً وَلا إِدراكا
6. They kept you from the frontier wars as far as
They knew you, O son of Muhammad, to be unique
٦. صَرَفوكَ عَن حَربِ الثُغورِ بِقَدرِ ما
عَرَفوكَ يا اِبنَ مُحَمَّدٍ بِسِواكا
7. Your feet trod dangerous precipices
Guided by piety, your feet treaded securely
٧. دَحَضَت بِهِ قَدَماهُ في أُهوَبَّةٍ
زَبَتَت عَلَيها بِالهُدى قَدَماكا
8. Behind you, Islam’s might is protected
When you make unbelief your foremost adversary
٨. فَوَراءَكَ الإِسلامُ مَحروسَ القُوى
لَمّا جَعَلتَ أَمامَكَ الإِشراكا
9. And Rome knows your sword has never ceased
To be the death and destruction of its kings
٩. وَالرومُ تَعلَمُ أَنَّ سَيفَكَ لَم يَزَل
حَتفاً لِصَيدِ مُلوكِها وَهَلاكا
10. Had you embraced them in your hands, they would have met
From beyond the waves of the Gulf, your hands
١٠. وَلَوِ اِحتَضَنتَهُمُ بِأَيدِكَ لَالتَقَت
مِن خَلفِ أَمواجِ الخَليجِ يَداكا
11. The envious will never seize your glory by wishes
God granted you what He granted you
١١. لَن يَأخُذَ الحُسّادُ مَجدَكَ بِالمُنى
اللَهُ أَعطاكَ الَّذي أَعطاكا
12. Peace sends its greeting and grace to you
Bestowing tranquility into the hearts of your friends
١٢. أَهدى السَلامُ لَكَ السَلامَ وَنِعمَةً
تُهدي الغَليلَ إِلى صُدورِ عِداكا
13. And the clouds strode to the frontiers on their mounts
Until pitching their height, they quenched your thirst
١٣. وَحَدا الغَمامُ إِلى الثُغورِ رِكابَهُ
حَتّى أَناخَ بِعَلوِها فَسَقاكا
14. A land that wanders into the clouds when
Your outcries meet in its chambers and calls
١٤. أَرضٌ تَتيهِ عَلى السَحابِ إِذا اِلتَقى
سَيهانُ في حَجَراتِها وَنَداكا
15. The Tigris did not see a thirst from me though
I dwelt by it, leaving that for that
١٥. لَم تُروِ دِجلَةُ ظَمأَةً مِنّي وَقَد
جاوَرتُها وَتَرَكتُ ذاكَ لِذاكا
16. So when will I head west toward you, yearning
To the west of dew, to see abundance and you?
١٦. فَمَتى أَرومُ الغَربَ نَحوَكَ ماتِحاً
غَربَ النَدى فَأَرى الغِنى وَأَراكا
17. Do not ask me about the frustration of my quest
And the eclipse of my hopes – may I be sacrificed for you
١٧. لا تَسأَلَنّي عَن تَعَذُّرِ مَطلَبي
وَكُسوفِ آمالي جُعِلتُ فِداكا
18. For I have sought provision after you in poverty
And praised after parting from you, the unfaithful
١٨. فَلَقَد طَلَبتُ الرِزقَ بَعدَكَ مُعوِزاً
وَمَدَحتُ بَعدَ فِراقِكَ الأَفّاكا