1. Whatever separation and love of old,
Whose bitterness the drenching rains have worn away,
١. أَيُّما خُلَّةٍ وَوَصلٍ قَديمِ
صَرَمَتهُ مِنّا ظِباءُ الصَريمِ
2. Defiantly turning from hoariness, though once
We took tranquility into enduring youth,
٢. نافِراتٍ مِنَ المَشيبِ وَقَد كُن
نَ سُكوناً إِلى الشَبابِ المُقيمِ
3. When youth departs, say what you will about
One gone, returning slow, our hopes in clouds obscured,
٣. وَإِذا ما الشبابُ بانَ فَقُل ما
شِئتَ في غائِبٍ بَطيءِ القُدومِ
4. His purpose drifted far beyond our reach,
No more that perilous thread for us to grasp.
٤. غُمَّ عَنّا مَكانُ مَن بِالغَميمِ
وَتَناءى مَرامُ ذاكَ الريمِ
5. Longing, should fates allow, to pass with him
One night for many of the faithful kind.
٥. وَحَسيرٌ مِنَ السُهادِ لَو إِسطا
عَ لَيلَهُ بِلَيلِ السَليمِ
6. A wayside halt where rules of law take pause,
Some buried griefs escape their sealed doom,
٦. خَلِّياهُ وَوَقفَةٌ في الرُسومِ
يَخلُ مِن بَعضِ بَثِّهِ المَكتومِ
7. Spare him your tears, his own suffice to swell
In streams unleashed and flood the sandy wastes.
٧. وَدَعاهُ لا تُسعِداهُ بِدَمعٍ
حَسبُهُ فَيضُ دَمعِهِ المَسجومِ
8. Folly in you two, wild excess of blame,
To chide a love that spares the weak rebuke.
٨. سَفَهٌ مِنكُما وَإِفراطُ لُؤمٍ
أَن تَلوما في الحُبِّ غَيرَ مُليمِ
9. That soft cheek, reddened like the veil of dawn,
Sweet stream to sip from, meadows rich in flowers,
٩. تِلكَ ذاتُ الخَدِّ المُوَرَّدِ وَالمُب
تَسَمِ العَذبِ وَالحَشا المَهضومِ
10. A phantom she, whose image stays though gone,
I pine in separation like one robbed of rights.
١٠. غادَةٌ ما يُغِبُّ مِنها خَيالٌ
يَقتَضيني الجَوى إِقتِضاءَ الغَريمِ
11. Did censors watch her closely, soon enough
The hale would envy all the sick man claims.
١١. لَو رَآها المُعَنِّفونَ عَلَيها
لَغَدا بِالصَحيحِ ما بِالسَقيمِ
12. To firm resolves I come for help, that ride
Roughshod across the paths of agony,
١٢. إِنَّني لاجِئٌ إِلى عَزَماتٍ
مُعدِياتٍ عَلى طُروقِ الهُمومِ
13. Toying with loose threads, bringing down with ease
The over-weakly sewn and patched abodes.
١٣. يَتَلاعَبنَ بِالفَيافي وَيودي
نَ بِنَقيِ المُسَوَّماتِ الكومِ
14. Once signs of ruin come, what use to mend
A ripped seam while the cheek shows wear before?
١٤. التَرامي بَعدَ الوَجيفِ إِذا إِستُؤ
نِفَ خَرقٌ وَالوَخدُ قَبلَ الرَسيمِ
15. Each saddle-bag the carriers swing around,
Wrapping the slant cloth on behind for shade,
١٥. كُلُّ مَهزوزَةِ المِقَذَّينِ تُلفى
رَوحَةَ الجَأبِ خَلفَها وَالظَليمِ
16. Wings like arrows bearing burdens that
Exude the worst fatigue and listlessness.
١٦. جُنَّحاً كَالسِهامِ يَحمِلنَ رَكباً
طُلَّحاً مِن سَآمَةٍ وَسُهومِ
17. No stopping-place have they, though ledges crack,
None but the rock split open for Ishmael.
١٧. ما لَهُم عَرجَةٌ وَإِن نَأَتِ الشَقَّ
ةُ غَيرُ الأَغَرِّ إِبراهيمِ
18. Seekers of pasture, but desire earns naught
Until it waits upon a generous host.
١٨. طالِبي مُنفِسٍ وَلَن يَكرُمَ المَط
لَبُ حَتّى يَكونَ عِندَ كَريمِ
19. They pledged in Banu Mudabbar's line an age
Free of defect or any bitter blame.
١٩. نَشَدوا في بَني المُدَبِّرِ عَهداً
غَيرَ مُستَقصِرٍ ولا مَذمومِ
20. Nor was the water of their sea bitter,
Nor earth bringing forth aught of foul repute.
٢٠. لَم يَكُن ماءُ بَحرِهِم بِأُجاجٍ
لا وَلا نَبتُ أَرضِهِم بِوَخيمِ
21. Nobly situated in the sovereign's rank,
And on the path so straight and clear defined,
٢١. في المَحَلِّ الجَليلِ مِن رُتبَةِ المُل
كِ إِستَقَلَّت وَالمَذهَبِ المُستَقيمِ
22. To the first call, the last, that shines, abides,
Still present, not yet gone to far domains.
٢٢. لِلنَدى الأَوَّلِ الأَخيرِ الَّذي بَرَّ
زَ وَالسُؤدُدِ الحَديثِ المُقيمِ
23. A garden it from San'a's slopes has grown
In most auspicious ground of bountiful rain,
٢٣. هِيَ أَكرومَةٌ نَمَت مِن بَني سا
سانَ في خَيرِ مَنصِبٍ وَأَرومِ
24. Most pure in lineage, of lineage pure,
If reckoned well, and truly to the core.
٢٤. لِلصَريحِ الصَريحِ وَالأَشرَفِ الأَشرَ
فِ إِن عُدَّ وَالصَميمِ الصَميمِ
25. Should you alight in Abu Ishaq's land,
Modesty itself would greet you at his shrine,
٢٥. وَإِذا ما حَلَلتَ رَبعِ أَبي إِسحا
قَ أَلفَيتَهُ مَوُطّا الحَريمِ
26. Once you but scent his rain cloud, you shall not
Dread the ungainly fury of its storm.
٢٦. وَمَتى شِمتَ غَيمَهُ لَم تُهَجِّن
صَوبَ شُؤبوبِهِ الأَجَشِّ الهَزيمِ
27. With purpose fixed that raised him high as peers
At archery compete to pierce the clouds.
٢٧. مُستَبِدٌّ بِهِمَّةٍ جَعَلَتهُ
في عُلُوِّ المَرمى شَريكَ الجومِ
28. And with a nature, were you to add to it
The like, you would not find it in the clouds.
٢٨. وَخِلالٍ لَوِ إِستَزَدتَ إِلَيها
مِثلَها ما وَجَدَتها في الغُيومِ
29. Follow in its footsteps, you have seen with eyes
Its traces on the high and low alike.
٢٩. اِتَّبِعها فَقَد رَأَيتَ عِياناً
أَثَرَيها عَلى العِدى وَالعَديمِ
30. Dazzling white the hands he spreads that grasp
The reins when evil's blackest night descends.
٣٠. الأَغَرُّ الوَضّاحُ توري يَداهُ
حينَ يَكبو زَندُ الأَغَمِّ البَهيمِ
31. Scowling in the battle's rage he seeks
To heal humiliation with curses and threats.
٣١. عابِسٌ في حَياطَةِ الفَيءِ يَلقى
مُبتَغى نَقصِهِ بِوَجهٍ شَتيمِ
32. He chooses misery in his rule, while joy
Is his companion and at hand to claim.
٣٢. يُؤثِرُ البُؤسَ في مُباشَرَةِ الأَم
رِ وَفي جَنبِهِ مَكانُ النَعيمِ
33. Grim his face that will not smile, or make
Amends for all the wrongs done to the oppressed.
٣٣. نافِرُ الجَأشِ لا تَقِرُّ حَشاهُ
أَو يُؤَدّي ظُلامَةَ المَظلومِ
34. Dignified, beneath stillness he contains
The cries and quarreling heard in his court.
٣٤. وَقورٌ تَحتَ السَكينَةِ ما يَر
فَعُ وَمِن طَرفِهِ ضَجاجُ الخُصومِ
35. May God grant you an increase of His gifts
And of His grace with you ever magnify.
٣٥. زادَنا اللَهُ مِن مَواهِبِهِ في
كَ وَمِن فَضلِهِ لَدَيكَ العَميمِ
36. However you dispose rule, you gain thereby
High praise and fortune of enormous share.
٣٦. ما تَصَرَّفتَ في الوِلايَةِ إِلّا
فُزتَ مِن حَمدِها بِحَظٍّ جَسيمِ
37. You've kept it free of flaws, wearing the cloak
Of virtue, while all around spreads sickness' gown.
٣٧. لَم تَزَل مِن عُيوبِها أَبيَضَ الثَو
بِ وَمِن دائِها صَحيحَ الأَديمِ
38. Basra cried out for your deliverance
From ruin, and you came, like fate decreed.
٣٨. هَذِهِ البَصرَةُ اِستَغاثَت إِلى ذَب
بِكَ عَنها وَسَيبِكَ المَقسومِ
39. You were a cool refreshing draught for it,
Sweet scented East wind driving off disease.
٣٩. قُمتَ فيها مَقامَ مُستَعذِبِ الما
ءَ مَصيفاً وَمُستَرِقِّ النَسيمِ
40. You turned great danger from it, for none withstands
Great danger but one who holds himself as great.
٤٠. وَدَفَعتَ العَظيمَ عَنها وَلا يَد
فَعُ كُرهَ العَظيمِ غَيرُ العَظيمِ
41. Staying with Banu Muhallab, while attacks
Plundered the tents of the defenseless tribes.
٤١. نازِلاً في بَني المُهَلَّبِ وَالفِت
نَةُ تَسطو عَلى سَوامِ المُسيمِ
42. Among them you were singled out for greatest luck,
The Azd above Tamim in favor there.
٤٢. كُنتَ فيهِم فَكُنتُ أَوفَرَ حَظٍّ
خُصَّتِ الأُزدُ فيهِ دونَ تَميمِ