1. Your protector is Allah, who has always been
A guardian warding harm from you and defending
١. وَلِيُّكُمُ اللَهُ الَّذي لَم يَزَل لَنا
وَلِيٌّ دُروءٍ عَنكُمُ وَدِفاعِ
2. I was gladdened that consequences horrified
Your enemies with courageous resolve and brave audacity
٢. لَقَد سَرَّني أَنَّ العَواقِبَ رَوَّعَت
عِداكُم بِرَأسَي تامِشٍ وَشُجاعِ
3. Those two were wicked, outwardly and secretly
Hostile and deaf to your views and listening
٣. وَكانا خَبيثَي ظاهِرٍ وَسَريرَةٍ
لَكُم وَقَبيهَي رُؤيَةٍ وَسَماعِ
4. They established corruption and misguidance as companions
And perished as duped wanderers in confusion and loss
٤. أَقاما قَرينَي غَيَّةٍ وَضَلالَةٍ
وَباتا قَتيلَي غِرَّةٍ وَضَياعِ
5. Though at times commanded to be righteous, they disobeyed
And how many righteous commanders go disobeyed!
٥. وَقَد أُمِرا بِالرُشدِ حيناً فَعاصَيا
وَكَم آمِرٍ بِالرُشدِ غَيرِ مُطاعِ
6. Tell the Imam al-Mu'tasim, whose inheritance
Is the legacy of Qusayy in glory and range
٦. فَقُل لِلإِمامِ المُستَعينِ الَّذي لَهُ
تُراثُ قُصيٍّ مِن عُلاً وَمَساعِ
7. Support Ibn Yazdad, so affairs improve, for he
Is a caretaker who excellently shepherds and attends
٧. أَقِم بِاِبنِ يَزدادَ الأُمورَ فَإِنَّهُ
لَها خَيرَ والٍ تَصطَفيهِ وَراعِ
8. Trustworthiness of chest, shouldering competence
Strength of resolve, and breadth of capability
٨. أَمانَةُ صَدرٍ وَاِضطِلاعُ كِفايَةٍ
وَصِحَّةُ عَزمٍ وَاِتِّساعُ ذِراعِ
9. You have revived sound judgment, not compromised
And have embraced righteousness, not neglected
٩. أَلانَ اِبتَعَثتَ الرَأيَ غَيرَ مُثَبَّجٍ
بِهِ وَاِقتَبَلتَ الرُشدَ غَيرَ مُضاعِ