
The specter of my beloved hurts more than his enemies,

طيف الحبيب ألم من عدوائه

1. The specter of my beloved hurts more than his enemies,
And the distance of his land and skies,

١. طَيفُ الحَبيبِ أَلَمَّ مِن عُدَوائِهِ
وَبَعيدِ مَوقِعِ أَرضِهِ وَسَمائِهِ

2. The ardor hastened in anguish, and directed him speedily,
From the sadness of his lightning to his loved ones,

٢. جَزَعَ اللِوى عَجِلاً وَوَجَّهَ مُسرِعاً
مِن حَزنِ أَبرَقِهِ إِلى جَرعائِهِ

3. He sends greetings, and in the guidance of his imagination,
From afar he is wondrous, and in his gift,

٣. يُهدي السَلامَ وَفي اِهتِداءِ خَيالِهِ
مِن بُعدِهِ عَجَبٌ وَفي إِهدائِهِ

4. If he had visited without misfortune he would have healed you,
From the delirium of passion and the burning of his longing,

٤. لَو زارَ في غَيرِ الكَرى لَشَفاكَ مِن
خَبَلِ الغَرامِ وَمِن جَوى بُرَحائِهِ

5. So leave desire or die of your malady, for
It is the fate of the enamored to die of their malady,

٥. فَدَعِ الهَوى أَو مُت بِدائِكَ إِنَّ مِن
شَأنِ المُتَيَّمِ أَن يَموتَ بِدائِهِ

6. And a brother with whom I wore life, fresh and flourishing,
With his noble company and the excellence of his brotherhood,

٦. وأَخٍ لَبِستُ العَيشَ أَخضَرَ ناضِراً
بِكَريمِ عِشرَتِهِ وَفَضلِ إِخائِهِ

7. How abundant were my hopes in him and wishes,
Other than God’s defense of his loved ones,

٧. ما أَكثَرَ الآمالَ عِندي وَالمُنى
إِلّا دِفاعُ اللَهِ عَن حَوبائِهِ

8. And my father Noah wore a garment of love,
That gave him pure affection from his enemies,

٨. وَعَلى أَبي نوحٍ لِباسُ مَحَبَّةٍ
تُعطيهِ مَحضَ الوُدِّ مِن أَعدائِهِ

9. The eloquence of his cheerfulness revealed his generosity,
That he almost attained success before meeting,

٩. تُنبي طَلاقَةُ بِشرِهِ عَن جودِهِ
فَتَكادُ تَلقى النُجحَ قَبلَ لِقائِهِ

10. And the light of a face, if a man contemplated it,
Yearning at heart, would be sated from its water.

١٠. وَضِياءُ وَجهٍ لَو تَأَمَّلَهُ اِمرُؤٌ
صادي الجَوانِحِ لَاِرتَوى مِن مائِهِ