1. With what smile do your lips part,
And by which eyelash do you conquer?
١. عَن أَيِّ ثَغرٍ تَبتَسِم
وَبِأَيِّ طَرفٍ تَحتَكِم
2. Beauty grieves for its beauty,
And beauty is most like generosity.
٢. حَسَنٌ يَضِنُّ بِحُسنِهِ
وَالحُسنُ أَشبَهُ بِالكَرَم
3. I ransom him from the injustice of suspicion,
Be he unjust or oppressive.
٣. أَفديهِ مِن ظُلمِ الوُشا
ةِ وَإِن أَساءَ وَإِن ظَلَم
4. And it's as if, in my body,
Is a sickness I see in his eyes.
٤. وَكَأَنَّ في جِسمي الَّذي
في ناظِرَيهِ مِنَ السَقَم
5. May you be congratulated that you've not tasted
Insomnia while I've not slept.
٥. يَهنيكَ أَنَّكَ لَم تَذُق
سَهَراً وَأَنّي لَم أَنَم
6. I swear by the inviolable house,
And the sanctity of the silent month,
٦. أَقسَمتُ بِالبَيتِ الحَرا
مِ وَحُرمَةِ الشَهرِ الأَصَمّ
7. And the most high Commander of the Faithful
That truly it is a solemn oath.
٧. وَعُلا أَميرِ المُؤمِني
نَ فَإِنَّها حَقُّ القَسَم
8. God chose for him the best of manners and traits
From all creations.
٨. لَقَدِ اِصطَفى رَبُّ السَما
ءِ لَهُ الخَلائِقَ وَالشِيَم
9. A King whose forehead
Is the bright morning sun, the full moon of darkness.
٩. مَلِكٌ بَدا وَجَبينُهُ
شَمسُ الضُحى بَدرُ الظُلَم
10. Say to Caliph Ja'far al-Mutawakkil
Son of al-Mu'tasim.
١٠. قُل لِلخَليفَةِ جَعفَرِ ال
مُتَوَكِّلِ بنِ المُعتَصِم
11. To al-Murtada son of the Chosen One
And the Bestower, son of the Avenger.
١١. لِلمُرتَضى بنِ المُجتَبى
وَالمُنعِمِ بنِ المُنتَقِم
12. As for the commoners, they are
From the safe havens of your justice.
١٢. أَمّا الرَعيَّةُ فَهيَ مِن
أَمَناتِ عَدلِكَ في حَرَم
13. It is a blessing upon them that you remain
So may blessings be completed for them.
١٣. نِعَمٌ عَلَيها في بَقا
ئِكَ فَلتَتِمَّ لَها النِعَم
14. O you who rebuilt the glory
That was once destroyed and collapsed.
١٤. يا بانِيَ المَجدِ الَّذي
قَد كانَ قُوِّضَ فَاِنهَدَم
15. Submit to the religion of Muhammad
For if you submit, you will be safe.
١٥. اِسلَم لِدينِ مُحَمَّدٍ
فَإِذا سَلِمتَ فَقَد سَلِم
16. Through you we attained guidance after blindness
And riches after destitution.
١٦. نِلنا الهُدى بَعدَ العَمى
بِكَ وَالغِنى بَعدَ العَدَم