
O revolving heavens, have patience,

أناة أيها الفلك المدار

1. O revolving heavens, have patience,
Whether you are a plunderer or a tyrant,

١. أَناةً أَيُّها الفَلَكُ المُدارُ
أَنَهبٌ ما تَطَرَّفُ أَم جُبارُ

2. You will perish just as you make others perish,
As you wear out, so will vengeance against you come about.

٢. سَتَفنى مِثلَ ما تُفني وَتَبلى
كَما تُبلي فَيُدرَكُ مِنكَ ثارُ

3. Misfortunes recur when they become extreme,
And destructive fate pursues its course.

٣. تُنابُ النائِباتُ إِذا تَناهَت
وَيَدمُرُ في تَصَرُّفِهِ الدَمارُ

4. The people of high position are but a cavalcade,
Their steeds are ghosts and their glory is borrowed.

٤. وَما أَهلُ المَنازِلِ غَيرُ رَكبٍ
مَطاياهُم رَواحٌ وَاِبتِكارُ

5. We have hopes in life that are long,
We aspire to them though our lives are short.

٥. لَنا في الدَهرِ آمالٌ طِوالٌ
نُرَجّيها وَأَعمارٌ قِصارُ

6. To an ignoble man, misfortunes are slight
If they stand between him and pleasures - he has no excuse.

٦. وَأَهوِن بِالخُطوبِ عَلى خَليعٍ
إِلى اللَذاتِ لَيسَ لَهُ عِذارُ

7. The end of his day is intoxication manifest,
Its beginning, the effects of wine.

٧. فَآخِرُ يَومِهِ سُكرٌ تَجَلّى
غَوايَتُهُ وَأَوَّلُهُ خُمارُ

8. One day, as we journeyed, the rain soaked us
With the downpour of a generous heaven.

٨. وَيَومٍ بِالمَطيرَةِ أَمطَرَتنا
سَماءٌ صَوبُ وابِلِها العُقارُ

9. We stopped at the abode of Hasan ibn Wahb
Though its drinking haunts were desolate wastes.

٩. نَزَلنا مَنزِلَ الحَسَنِ بنِ وَهبٍ
وَقَد دَرَسَت مَغانِهِ القِفارُ

10. We met winter there and put on
The garments of dissipation when the shrine was near.

١٠. تَلَقَّينا الشِتاءَ بِهِ وَزُرنا
بَناتَ اللَهوِ إِذ قَرُبَ المَزارُ

11. We ate the food of one offering hospitality,
There drinking a morning draught.

١١. أَقَمنا أَكلُنا أَكلُ اِستِلابٍ
هُناكَ وَشُربُنا شُربٌ بِدارُ

12. We vied in taking the wine-cup while it circulated,
Hastening the heated wine though it was fire.

١٢. تَنازَعنا المُدامَةَ وَهيَ صِرفٌ
وَأَعجَلنا الطَبائِخَ وَهيَ نارُ

13. That was no disgrace, except that I saw
Drinking to be their gravity and my levity.

١٣. وَلَم يَكُ ذاكَ سُخفاً غَيرَ أَنّي
رَأَيتُ الشَربَ سُخفُهُمُ الوَقارُ

14. We were pleased by the singing of Mukhariq and Ibn Khayr
As the flutes gave joy throughout the day,

١٤. رَضينا مِن مُخارِقَ وَاِبنِ خَيرٍ
بِصَوتِ الأَثلِ إِذ مَتَعَ النَهارُ

15. Stirred by the zephyr as the soft showers
Descended together on their breath.

١٥. تُزَعزِعُهُ الشَمالُ وَقَد تَوافى
عَلى أَنفاسِها قَطرٌ صِغارُ

16. On a morning clouded with rain which yielded
Pilgrimage and visitation in the meadows,

١٦. غَداةَ دُجُنَّةٍ لِلغَيثِ فيها
خِلالَ الرَوضِ حَجٌّ وَاِعتِمارُ

17. It seemed as though the wind and rain conversed
Confiding grievances, excuses in their intimacies -

١٧. كَأَنَّ الريحَ وَالمَطَرَ المُناجي
خَواطِرَها عِتابٌ وَاِعتِذارُ

18. As though the turns of the Tigris when they gathered
Were bracelets or necklaces all together.

١٨. كَأَنَّ مُدارَ دِجلَةَ إِذ تَوافَت
بِأَجمَعِها هِلالٌ أَو سِوارُ

19. By my father and the father of the sons of Harith ibn Ka'b -
Time has surely hastened them on their way.

١٩. أَما وَأَبي بَني حارِ بنِ كَعبٍ
لَقَد طَرَدَ الزَمانُ بِهِم فَساروا

20. Fate turned away from the family of Wahb
And night and day took their toll of them.

٢٠. أَصابَ الدَهرُ دَولَةَ آلِ وَهبٍ
وَنالَ اللَيلُ مِنهُم وَالنَهارُ

21. It lent them the garment of glory until
They restored what they had borrowed.

٢١. أَعارَهُمُ رِداءَ العِزِّ حَتّى
تَقاضاهُم فَرَدّوا ما اِستَعاروا

22. They were not crescent moons to an onlooker,
And their hands did not flash like lightnings.

٢٢. وَما كانوا فَأَوجُهُهُم بُدورٌ
لِمُختَبِطٍ وَأَيدِهِم بِحارُ

23. The wont of days among them
Was that their insolence ended in humiliation.

٢٣. وَإِنَّ عَوائِدَ الأَيّامِ فيها
لِما هاضَت بَوادِؤُها اِنجِبارُ