1. Youth has departed and all things fade away,
And man is pledged to that which is destined.
١. بانَ الشَبابُ وَكُلُّ شَيءٍ بائِنُ
وَالمَرءُ مُرتَهَنٌ بِما هُوَ كائِنُ
2. His days and months have sneered at him,
Truly, he who remains steadfast through adversities is wretched.
٢. ظَعَنَت بِهِ أَيّامُهُ وَشُهورُهُ
إِنَّ المُقيمَ عَلى الحَوادِثِ ظاعِنُ
3. Youth has departed and the water of his stream is diminishing,
Now from it every freshet is turbid.
٣. ذَهَبَ الشَبابُ وَغاضَ ماءُ بِرَندِهِ
فَاليَومَ مِنهُ كُلُّ وِردٍ آجِنُ
4. Its attributes have passed away and its ravens have flown,
Yet attributes may still remain for you.
٤. دَرَسَت مَحاسِنُهُ وَطارَ غُرابُهُ
وَلَقَد تَكونُ لَهُ عَلَيكَ مَحاسِنُ
5. The days of your prime are devoted to the grave,
And death in the sight of the grave is lurking.
٥. أَيّامَ طَرفُكَ لِلجَآذِرِ كامِنٌ
وَالمَوتُ في حَدَقِ الجَآذِرِ كامِنُ
6. Time has betrayed your brother in his pleasures,
Verily time for every free man is a traitor.
٦. خانَ الزَمانُ أَخاكَ في لَذّاتِهِ
إِنَّ الزَمانَ لِكُلِّ حُرٍّ خائِنُ