
Why is this gazelle not to be caught

ما لذا الظبي لاينال إقتناصه

1. Why is this gazelle not to be caught
Though near, and easy to ensnare?

١. ما لِذا الظَبيِ لايُنالُ إِقتِناصُه
وَهوَ بِالقُربِ بَيِّنٌ إِفراصُه

2. Hearts desire to own it, and those in love
Find it appealing to their souls.

٢. باتَ تَختَصُّهُ النُفوسُ وَمَن حُب
بَ تَحَلّى إِلى النُفوسِ إِختِصاصُه

3. Smiling softly - only the house
Brightens, or his dimples shine.

٣. مُرهَفٌ ماثَنى التَبَسُّمَ إِلّا
أَشرَقَ البَيتُ أَو أَنارَ خَصاصُه

4. Many disparaged us, and spoke
Words to please the slanderers.

٤. كَثَّرَ الناسُ في هَوانا وَقالوا
فيهِ قَولاً يُرضي الوُشاةَ إِقتِصاصُه

5. From a tale they spun, though it might
Cast doubt upon the story, plucking it apart.

٥. مِن حَديثٍ تَخَرَّصوهُ وَقَد يو
قِعُ شَكّاً عَلى الحَديثِ إِختِراصُه

6. With lies it craved the glances
Of eyes filled with saltiness from their persons.

٦. حَبَّ بِالزَورِ رائِحاً لِعُيونٍ
مَلَأَتها مَلاحَةً أَشخاصُه

7. Its branches writhing as they bent
Heavy, its boughs entangled.

٧. فَتَنتَنى قُضبانُهُ إِذ تَثَنَّت
وَتَبَّتَت ثَقيلَةً أَدعاصُه

8. A pearl granted elegance until
Its diver was given mastery over it.

٨. لُؤلُؤٌ أُعطِيَ النَفاسَةَ حَتّى
أُعطيتَ فَوقَ حَكمِها غُوّاصُه

9. Who will convey my words to the Shah?
The Shah's actions are lofty, straight his stature.

٩. مَن يُؤَدّي قَولي إِلى الشاهِ وَالشا
هُ رَفيعُ الفَعالِ سَروٌ مُصاصُه

10. Many journeys came to you, from the tribe
Of Luhya, their bags filled with trinkets.

١٠. رُبَّ سَفرٍ أَتاكَ غَرثانَ مِن زا
دِ اللُهى أُشبِعَت نَوالاً خِماصُه

11. And cunning you witnessed, which then
Became your food, its flavor absorbed.

١١. وَمَكَرٍّ شَهَدتَهُ فَغَدا قِر
نُكَ فيهِ مُغَلِّساً إِقعاصُه

12. The enemy within it seeks refuge
But where can he take refuge?

١٢. يَتَبَغّى العَدُوُّ فيهِ مَناصاً
يَتَوَقّى بِهِ وَأَنّى مَناصُه

13. A nature shining like pure gold
Beautiful in its luster and purity.

١٣. خُلُقٌ يَستَنيرُ كَالذَهَبِ الرا
ئِقِ حُسناً إِبريزُهُ وَخَلاصُه

14. Loyal, though people waver,
His sincerity apparent despite their hypocrisy.

١٤. واحِدُ العَهدِ في تَنَقُّلِ قَومٍ
ظاهِرٍ عَن نِفاقِهِم إِخلاصُه

15. A lord who exceeds, though abundant the valleys -
Abundant the downpour of his generosity and recompense.

١٥. سَيِّدٌ يَغتَدي وَفَيضُ الغَوادي
فَيضُ إِغزارِ جودِهِ وَقِصاصُه

16. Bringing corpses close, for the deceased
Has nothing left but soil, and dissolution.

١٦. مُتَداني الثُغبانِ إِذ لَيسَ لِلما
تِحِ إِلّا الثَرى وَإِلّا إِمتِصاصُه

17. He rises above the enemy hosts,
A conqueror climbing the ranks of glory.

١٧. يَتَرَقّى عَلى شَباةِ الأَعادي
دَرَجَ المَجدِ طَيِّعاً مُعتاصُه

18. Like the steps of clouds, rising through them
In loftiness, his increase and decrease.

١٨. دَرَجاتُ السَحابِ فاوَتَ مِنها
في السُمُوِّ اِزدِيادُهُ وَاِنتِقاصُه

19. His banner bows when it draws apart,
Playing with eyes, fluttering.

١٩. يَتَدَنّى رَبابُهُ حينَ يَنأى
مُستَقِلّاً عَلى العُيونِ نَشاصُه

20. Ample with weaponry, which surpasses
The most hardened warrior's capacity and cunning.

٢٠. بَسطَةٌ في السِلاحِ يَعجَزُ عَنها
سابِغُ السَردِ زَعفُهُ وَدِلاصُه

21. Ample in spear-throwing, as he lingered -
The supple knight in battle a pounder.

٢١. بَسطَةَ الرُمحِ إِذ تَمَهَّلَ مِنها
مارِنُ المَتنِ في الوَغى عَرّاصُه

22. Vanishing into the abodes of Gharsh and Ghuwar
To a shoulder whose bones were refined.

٢٢. ذاهِبٌ في عَمائِرِ الغَرشِ وَالغَو
رِ إِلى مَنكَبٍ زَكَت أَعياصُه

23. In encampments your eyes survey,
Bearing the mantles of kingship and their brocade.

٢٣. في رِباعٍ تَرتادُ عَينُكَ فيها
حِلَلَ المُلكِ مُفضِياتٍ عِراصُه

24. Glory that vexes the envious, and from
The lowest recompense for one who envies is his anguish.

٢٤. شَرَفٌ يُمغِصُ الحَسودِ وَمِن أَد
نى جَزاءٍ لِحاسِدٍ إِمغاصُه

25. O Abu Ghanim, you remain for extolling praise
That rewards the generous, relaxing them.

٢٥. يا أَبا غانِمٍ بَقيتَ لِإِغلا
ءِ مَديحٍ يَجزي الكِرامَ اِرتِخاصُه

26. How often we found you among the hopes of a group
Yearning, or those whose dreams ran dry came to you.

٢٦. كَم وَجَدناكَ عِندَ آمالِ رَكبٍ
راغِبٍ أَو جَفَت إِلَيكَ قِلاصُه

27. If a need arises for you, one brother's need
Might also call for you to fulfill it.

٢٧. أَفرَضَت حاجَةٌ إِلَيكَ وَقَد يَد
عو أَخا حاجَةٍ إِلَيكَ اِفتِراصُه

28. By my life, if you help, most readily
Jonah and his whale would seek aid from you!

٢٨. وَلَعَمري لَئِن أَعَنتَ لَقَد أَل
جا إِلى العَونِ يونِسٌ وَعِفاصُه

29. A need - if you addressed it with a matter
That humbled the commanded and lessened his worries;

٢٩. حاجَةٌ إِن قَضَيتَ فيها بِأَمرٍ
ذَلَّ مَأمورُها وَقَلَّ اِعتِياصُه

30. And easy to request fairness for one whose
Weakness does not allow injustice or blood-sucking.

٣٠. وَيَسيرٌ طِلابُ إِنصافِ مَن لا
ضَعفُهُ مُعوِزٌ وَلا إِمصاصُه