
Were it not for love's objection in my heart

لولا اعتراض الحب في صدري

1. Were it not for love's objection in my heart
And my fear of the pain of estrangement

١. لَولا اِعتِراضُ الحُبِّ في صَدري
وَخِفَتي مِن لَوعَةِ الهَجرِ

2. I would not have made humiliation my garment for one who
Went astray, nor sought excuse

٢. لَم أَجعَلِ الذُلَّ لِباسي لِمَن
تاهَ وَلَم أَفزَع إِلى العُذرِ

3. He tested my patience jestingly
That vexed him, though I did not know

٣. جَرَّبَ صَبري صَبرَهُ مازِحاً
فَغاظَهُ ذاكَ وَلَم أَدرِ

4. Patience delivered me to his estrangement
It did not avail me more than patience

٤. أَسلَمَني الصَبرُ إِلى هَجرِهِ
ما كانَ أَغناني عَنِ الصَبرِ