
The night insisted on prolonging itself

أبى الليل إلا أن يعود بطوله

1. The night insisted on prolonging itself
Upon a lover with little sleep

١. أَبى اللَيلُ إِلّا أَن يَعودَ بِطولِهِ
عَلى عاشِقٍ نَزرِ المَنامِ قَليلِهِ

2. When the censurers deter him, tears flow
That do not care for their censure

٢. إِذا ما نَهاهُ العاذِلونَ تَتابَعَت
لَهُ أَدمُعٌ لا تَرعَوي لِعَذولِهِ

3. Perhaps nearing the abode would stem his tears
And heal some of his anguish

٣. لَعَلَّ اِقتِرابَ الدارِ يَثني دُموعَهُ
فَيُقلِعَ أَو يَشفي جَوىً مِن غَليلِهِ

4. The trotting of mounts did not cease, swaying us
The distance pained us, and the smooth plains

٤. وَمازالَ تَوخيدُ المَطايا وَطَيُّها
بِنا البُعدَ مِن حَزنِ المَلا وَسُهولِهِ

5. Until the courtyard of Iraq appeared, unveiled
From the darkness, its water and palms

٥. إِلى أَن بَدا صَحنُ العِراقِ وَكُشِّفَت
سُجوفُ الدُجى عَن مائِهِ وَنَخيلِهِ

6. The doves cooing in the branches
Remind us of our loved ones with their murmurs

٦. يَظَلُّ الحَمامُ الوُرقُ في جَنَباتِهِ
يُذَكِّرُنا أَحبابَنا بِهَديلِهِ

7. So the vision of a beloved revived a lover
And the howling of a friend gladdened a friend

٧. فَأَحيَت مُحِبّاً رُؤيَةٌ مِن حَبيبِهِ
وَسَرَّت خَليلاً أَوبَةٌ مِن خَليلِهِ

8. With the blessings of the Commander of the Faithful
Life turned lush after its long withering

٨. بِنُعمى أَميرِ المُؤمِنينَ وَفَضلِهِ
غَدا العَيشُ غَضّاً بَعدَطولِ ذُبولِهِ

9. An imam whom Allah saw as the best of His servants
With truth, and guided them to the path's midst

٩. إِمامٌ رَآهُ اللَهُ أَولى عِبادِهِ
بِحَقٍّ وَأَهداهُم لِقَصدِ سَبيلِهِ

10. His successor on His earth, his trustee
Content in his presence, the Prophet's cousin

١٠. خَليفَتُهُ في أَرضِهِ وَوَلِيُّهُ ال
رَضِيُّ لَدَيهِ وَابنُ عَمِّ رَسولِهِ

11. An ocean from which the hopeful extend their eyes
To the abundant good he openly shows them

١١. وَبَحرٌ يَمُدُّ الراغِبونَ عُيونَهُم
إِلى ظاهِرِ المَعروفِ فيهِم جَزيلِهِ

12. You see the land watered by his passing over it
And clothed in vegetation by his entering it

١٢. تَرى الأَرضَ تُسقى غَيثَها بِمُرورِهِ
عَلَيها وَتُكسى نَبتَها بِنُخولِهِ

13. He came from the west in numbers like
Grains of sand, with his horsemen and steeds

١٣. أَتى مِن بِلادِ الغَربِ في عَدَدِ النَقا
نَقا الرَملِ مِن فُرسانِهِ وَخُيولِهِ

14. The face of the east beamed as if
The full moon had risen there after setting

١٤. فَأَسفَرَ وَجهُ الشَرقِ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
تَبَلَّجَ فيهِ البَدرُ بَعدَ أُفولِهِ

15. And Baghdad wore her finest raiment
For his arrival, and watched for his return

١٥. وَقَد لَبِسَت بَغدادُ أَحسَنَ زِيِّها
لِإِقبالِهِ وَاِستَشرَفَت لِعُدولِهِ

16. Yet his longing and innermost desire pull him
To the courtyard of Ja'far and its length

١٦. وَيَثنيهِ عَنها شَوقُهُ وَنِزاعُهُ
إِلى عَرضِ صَحنِ الجَعفَرِيِّ وَطولِهِ

17. To a dwelling wherein are his most intimate companions
Seeing them is his furthest goal and inclination

١٧. إِلى مَنزِلٍ فيهِ أَحِبّاؤُهُ الأُلى
لِقاؤُهُمُ أَقصى مُناهُ وَسولِهِ

18. A place pleasant to live in, gentle its night
Cool its morning, good its climate

١٨. مَحَلٌّ يَطيبُ العَيشَ رِقَّةُ لَيلِهِ
وَبَردُ ضُحاهُ وَاِعتِدالُ أَصيلِهِ

19. By my life, Ja'far the Caliph has come
And every soul has a need for his return

١٩. لَعَمري لَقَد آبَ الخَليفَةُ جَعفَرٌ
وَفي كُلِّ نَفسٍ حاجَةٌ مِن قُفولِهِ

20. Passion called him from the secret of one who saw so he turned
The lion's turn towards his lair

٢٠. دَعاهُ الهَوى مِن سُرَّ مَن راءَ فَاِنكَفا
إِلَيها اِنكِفاءَ اللَيثِ تِلقاءَ غيلِهِ

21. Though it had lost its sweetness since he left
And its intimacy departed with his departure

٢١. عَلى أَنَّها قَد كانَ بُدِّلَ طيبُها
وَرُحِّلَ عَنها أُنسُها بِرَحيلِهِ

22. Its exceeding ugliness when he departs
Like its exceeding beauty when he arrives

٢٢. وَإِفراطُها في القُبحِ عِندَ خُروجِهِ
كَإِفراطِها في الحُسنِ عِندَ دُخولِهِ

23. To congratulate his son, the best of sons, Muhammad
On the arrival of a father, lofty and revered

٢٣. لِيَهنِ اِبنَهُ خَيرَ البَنينَ مُحَمَّداً
قُدومُ أَبٍ عالي المَحَلِّ جَليلِهِ

24. He has become peerless in all virtues
Is there one to report the like of him or his equal?

٢٤. غَدا وَهوَ فَردٌ في الفَضائِلِ كُلِّها
فَهَل مُخبِرٌ عَن مِثلِهِ أَوعَديلِهِ

25. And the crown princes in forbearance, piety
And virtue are the like of him and his rising stars

٢٥. وَإِنَّ وُلاةَ العَهدِ في الحِلمِ وَالتُقى
وَفي الفَضلِ مِن أَمثالِهِ وَشُكولِهِ