
You have the easygoing and gentle people among us,

لك الخلائق فينا السهلة السمح

1. You have the easygoing and gentle people among us,
And the Nile flows smoothly for the hopeful and relaxes.

١. لَكَ الخَلائِقُ فينا السَهلَةُ السُمُحُ
وَالنَيلُ يَسلَسُ لِلراجي وَيَنسَرِحُ

2. And the generous acts whose features
Have become renowned like the stars of the night become clear.

٢. وَالمَكرُماتُ الَّتي باتَت مَعالِمُها
مَشهورَةً كَنُجومِ اللَيلِ تَتَّضِحُ

3. As for the nobles, they have pitched their tents
Wherever the world expands and breathes easy.

٣. أَمّا العُفاةُ فَقَد حَطّوا رِحالَهُمُ
بِحَيثُ تَتَّسِعُ الدُنيا وَتَنفَسِحُ

4. May you live long, he whose call no one beside a traveling woman responds to,
Nor is his chest wide open for generosity.

٤. فَداكَ مَن لا نَداهُ صَوبُ غادِيَةٍ
تَهمي وَلا صَدرُهُ لِلجودِ مُنشَرِحُ

5. O you who release captives from the hands of the youth! You, for at his feet
The sandals of the insistent suitor have chafed.

٥. أَمُطلِقي مِن يَدِ السَيبِيِّ أَنتَ فَقَد
كَلَّت لَدَيهِ رِكابُ الطالِبِ الطُلُحُ

6. I see next to his door victims felled by
The length of waiting, availing naught nor succeeding.

٦. أَرى عَلى بابِهِ صَرعى أَقامَ بِهِم
طولُ المَطالِ فَلا أَجدى وَلا نَجَحوا

7. We have stations in the courtyards of his mansion
Where our dangers are scorned and tossed aside.

٧. لَنا مَواقِفُ في أَفناءِ عَرصَتِهِ
تُهانُ أَخطارُنا فيها وَتُطَّرَحُ

8. We visit him, neither longing for his company,
Nor he delighted by us and happy.

٨. نَغشاهُ لا نَحنُ مُشتاقونَ مِنهُ إِلى
أُنسٍ وَلا هُوَ مَسرورٌ بِنا فَرِحُ

9. If gently we ask for his pride,
We remain handling a lock that does not open.

٩. إِذا طَلَبنا بِلينِ القَولِ غِرَّتَهُ
ظَلنا نُعالِجُ قُفلاً لَيسَ يَنفَتِحُ

10. He has wearied me, so I have no fear of censure,
No shrinking from invective, and no praise allures me.

١٠. أَعيا عَلَيَّ فَلا هَيّابَةٌ فَرِقٌ
مِنَ الهِجاءِ وَلا هَشٌّ فَيُمتَدَحُ

11. His scribe scripts my ruin to diminish me
Though no evil existed between us to reconcile.

١١. يُريغُ كاتِبُهُ صُلحي لِيَنقُصَني
وَلَم يَكُن بَينَنا شَرٌّ فَنَصطَلِحُ

12. And how many people who traded with me have suffered,
And sought profit in my loss, but gained nothing.

١٢. وَكَم أُناسٍ أَلاموا في مُتاجَرَتي
وَحاوَلوا الرِبحَ في نَقصي فَما رَبِحوا