
My pledge to you is serenity,

عهدي بربعك مثلا آرامه

1. My pledge to you is serenity,
Its darkness dispelled by their radiant cheeks.

١. عَهدي بِرَبعِكَ مُثَّلاً آرامُهُ
يُجلى بَضَوءِ خُدودِهِنَّ ظَلامُهُ

2. As guide in my house, my longing for you
Suffices me, greater than all other desire.

٢. إِلمامَةً بِالدارِ إِنَّ مُتَيَّماً
يَكفيهِ أَكثَرَ شَوقِهِ إِلمامُهُ

3. In his breast at night kindles a flame
That flares as darkness gathers.

٣. أَمسى يُضَرِّمُ في جَوانِحِهِ الجَوى
بَرقٌ يَشُبُّ مَعَ العَشِيِّ ضِرامُهُ

4. A night that finds me sleepless, while my love
Slumbers, my wakefulness her lullaby.

٤. لَيلٌ يُصادِفُني وَمُرهَفَةَ الحَشا
ضِدَّينِ أَسهَرُهُ لَها وَتَنامُهُ

5. Veiled, she seems the full moon in sky
At its peak, its perfection complete.

٥. مَحجوبَةٌ فَإِذا بَدَت فَكَأَنَّها
بَدرُ السَماءِ تَمامُهُ وَمُرامُهُ

6. I met her, but no use was my sacrifice,
For her words cannot be comprehended.

٦. وَلَقَد لَقيتُ فَما اِنتَفَعتُ ضَحِيَّةً
بِلِقاءِ مَن لا يُستَطاعُ كَلامُهُ

7. A greeter, his cure the day we part
Is that his greeting be returned.

٧. وَمُسَلِّمٍ يَومَ الوَضاعِ شِفاؤُهُ
مِمّا يُعاني أَن يُرَدَّ سَلامُهُ

8. The valley's streams were watered, Harran and Sail
And Arak, Bisham too, were sated.

٨. سُقيَ اللِوى حَوذانُهُ وَعَرارُهُ
وَسَيالُهُ وَأَراكُهُ وَبَشامُهُ

9. Yet many who reveled in passion
Saw not their nights or days improved.

٩. فَلَرُبَّ عَيشٍ بِاللِوى لَم تُستَرَد
حُسناً لَياليهِ وَلا أَيّامُهُ

10. Who will convey from me to the minister,
Though veiled in darkness his abode,

١٠. مَن مُبلِغٌ عَنّي الوَزيرَ وَإِن أَتى
مِن دونِهِ خَرقٌ يَمورُ ظَلامُهُ

11. That loyalty to him remains unbroken,
Gratitude encompassing its parts,

١١. أَنَّ الوَفاءَ كَعَهدِهِ لَم يُنتَقَض
وَالشُكرَ وافِيَةٌ لَهُ أَقسامُهُ

12. I gathered its obtainment and exceeded not
The Tigris, though it brimmed over.

١٢. أَجمَمتُ نائِلَهُ وَلَيسَ بِزائِدٍ
في نَحرِ دِجلَةَ إِذ طَما إِجمامُهُ

13. I left him for a time of rest
And found him after, his destination Sham.

١٣. وَلَبِثتُ عَنهُ لَبثَ مُؤثِرِ راحَةٍ
لَقيَتهُ مِن بَعدِ العِراقِ شَآمُهُ

14. Supererogations from Ahmad ibn Muhammad
Whose authenticity was proven.

١٤. وَنوافِلٌ مِن أَحمَدَ بنِ مُحَمَّدٍ
أَعتامُ مِنهُنَّ الَّذي أَعتامُهُ

15. Your gifts to me contend and yet
They, and the showers and spears preceding,

١٥. خَلَفَت يَدَيكَ يَضاهُ فِيَّ وَإِنَّما
هُوَ وَبلُهُ وَرَذاذُهُ وَرِهامُهُ

16. Adorn the necks of the honored with necklaces,
Bought or gifted that he endows.

١٦. مُغلَ رِقابَ المَكرُماتِ بِسُؤدَدٍ
يَبتاعُهُ أَو سُؤدَدٍ يَستامُهُ

17. When faced with matters weighty, his resolve
Suffices, his determination a sword.

١٧. كافٍ إِذا أَلقى المُهِمَّ بِرَأيِهِ
بَدءً سَواءٌ عَزمُهُ وَحُسامُهُ

18. The guardian of two glories, neither lances
Nor pens surpassed his agents.

١٨. وَوَلِيُّ مَأثُرَتَينِ لا أَرماحُهُ
طاشَت عَوامِلُها وَلا أَقلامُهُ

19. From poverty he enriched us,
Our need and asking but to praise him.

١٩. بَدآتُهُ بِنَوالِهِ إِغناؤُنا
مِن عُدمِنا وَسُؤالُنا إِعدامُهُ

20. Extending his hands to virtuous works,
His foundations forget and remember.

٢٠. مُلقٍ يَدَيهِ إِلى ابتِناءِ مَكارِمٍ
تَنسى وَتَذكُرُ ما بَنى بِسِطامُهُ

21. Expected without warning was his favor,
His gift only a beginning.

٢١. وَبَديهَةٍ مِن طَولِهِ لَم تُرتَقَب
وافاكَ مُبتَدِئاً بِها إِنعامُهُ

22. It came like a torrent in your valleys,
Dawn dispersing the clouds' veil.

٢٢. كَالسَيلِ أَصبَحَ في ذُراكَ أَتِيُّهُ
وَالصُبحُ مُصحٍ ما يُحَسُّ غَمامُهُ

23. Pleasing him was matching a violent lion,
His hand subduing its fury.

٢٣. أَرضاهُ كُفؤُ مُلِمَّةٍ تَعطو لَها
يَدُهُ وَيَهتِكُ هَولَها إِقدامُهُ

24. When the friend curved toward me crookedly,
He proceeded upright, halting not.

٢٤. وَإِذا الصَديقُ نَبا عَلَيَّ تَلَوِّياً
لَم يَنبُ مُعتَدِلُ الطَريقِ مُقامُهُ

25. The enemy wished to wrong me,
But my protector from injustice refused.

٢٥. وَلَقَد أَرادَ بِيَ العَدُوُّ تَهَضُّماً
فَأَباهُ آبي الضَيمِ حينَ يُسامُهُ

26. He made me forget when time
Brought fears, lasting, persisting.

٢٦. أَنساهُ إِذ أَلقى الزَمانُ بِساحَتي
خَطباً يُخافُ تَمامُهُ وَدَوامُهُ

27. His standing by me when enemies approached,
My goal, and when shelter was his stance.

٢٧. وَقِيامُهُ دوني إِذا اِلتَقَتِ العِدى
قَصدي وَإِذ لَجَإِ الحَريزُ قِيامُهُ

28. A matter whose praise and thanks
Some blamed while others found fault.

٢٨. أَمرٌ تَوَلّى حَمدُهُ وَثَناؤُهُ
وَأَبَذَّ قَوماً ذَمُّهُ وَأَثامُهُ

29. Evident of truth before its occurrence,
Dispelling the darkness of his doubter's side.

٢٩. مُتَبَيِّنٌ لِلحَقِّ قَبلَ وُقوعِهِ
هَضّامُ جانِبِ مالِهِ ظَلّامُهُ

30. And I saw the beautiful in one adorned
By haste, not waiting to perfect.

٣٠. وَرَأَيتُ مَعروفَ الكَريمِ يَزينُهُ
تَعجيلُهُ عَن وَقتِهِ وَتَمامُهُ

31. And a sign of a fertile year to one experienced
Is the early bloom of its first flower.

٣١. وَدَليلُ عامِ الخَصبِ عِندَ مُجَرِّبٍ
تَبكيرُ أَوَّلِ زَهرِهِ وَتُؤامُهُ