
He broke his covenant with me, repeatedly betraying my trust,

خان عهدي معاودا خون عهدي

1. He broke his covenant with me, repeatedly betraying my trust,
He who had my intimacy and sincere affection,

١. خانَ عَهدي مُعاوِداً خَونَ عَهدي
مَن لَهُ خُلَّتي وَخالِصُ وُدّي

2. He stood alone in beauty, with no rival,
He has no partner, while I spread rumors on my own,

٢. بانَ بِالحُسنِ وَحدَهُ لَم يُنازِع
هُ شَريكٌ وَبِنتُ بِالبَثِّ وَحدي

3. I openly declare my passion for him, and am content
With my error in what I have done intentionally,

٣. أُعلِنُ السِرَّ في هَواهُ وَأَرضى
خَطَأي في الَّذي أَتَيتُ وَعَمدي

4. The ardour of love cannot be concealed if I keep quiet about it,
Indeed the ardour of love cannot be manifested if I do not speak of it,

٤. لَيسَ بَرحُ الغَرامِ ما بِتُّ تُخفي
إِنَّ بَرحَ الغَرامِ ما بِتَّ تُبدي

5. He came close to watering the roses, almost dying them red,
And picked a blossom becoming rosy like my reddened cheek,

٥. هَبَّ يَسقي فَكادَ يَصبُغُ ما جا
وَرَ مِن حُمرَتَي مُدامٍ وَخَدِّ

6. Then he plucked a third rose, and so my only course is
To smell a rose at times, and at others to kiss a rose,

٦. وَجَنى الوَردَ ثالِثٌ فَسَبيلي
شَمُّ وَردٍ تارَةً وَتَقبيلُ وَردِ

7. The night of Tuesday was beautiful when
The hand of fate whitened what had been blackened to me,

٧. حَسُنَت لَيلَةُ الثُلاثاءِ وَاِبيَضَّ
ت بِمُسوَدِّها يَدُ الدَهرِ عِندي

8. The beloved ones stayed overnight with me, as did the servant of God,
I was pleased with the family of Hussein the son of Saad,

٨. باتَ أَرضى الأَحبابِ عِندي وَعَبدُ اللَهِ
أَرضى بَني الحُسَينِ اِبنِ سَعدِ

9. A lord who felled warriors in the arena
With his mighty, powerful arm,

٩. سَيِّدٌ يَصرَعُ المُصارِعُ في السُؤ
دُدِ بِالساعِدِ القَوِيِّ الأَشَدِّ

10. The most generous, who widened the field of those known
And was highest in glorious purpose,

١٠. أَوسَعُ العالَمينَ ساحَةَ مَعرو
فٍ وَأَعلاهُمُ بَنِيَّةَ مَجدِ

11. He was given decisiveness in discourse, as is afforded
To one esteemed, whose opponent is not formidable,

١١. أُعطِيَ الفَصلَ في الخِطابِ كَما يُؤ
ثَرُ أَم لَيسَ خَصمَهُ بِالأَلَدِّ

12. You are to be congratulated, you perfecter of kindness
That delights the soul, or great increaser of support,

١٢. حَبَّذا أَنتَ مِن مُتَمِّمِ بِرٍّ
يُفرِحُ النَفسَ أَو مُعَظِّمِ رِفدِ

13. That fine gift and flask have reached us,
Of the best you have freely given to present,

١٣. طَرَقَتنا تِلكَ الهَدِيَّةُ وَالصَه
باءُ مِن خَيرِ ما تَبَرَّعتَ تُهدي

14. We have left to you steeds of beautiful
Strange hue, or finely marked,

١٤. قَد تَرَكنا لَكَ المَراكِبَ مِن أَح
وى غَريبٍ في لَونِهِ أَو سَمَندِ

15. And the steeds of Rum, combining
Gleaming white and deep brown,

١٥. وَبَني الرومِ بَينَ أَبيَضَ بَضٍّ
مُشرِقٍ لَونُهُ وَأَسمَرَ جَعدِ

16. While we limited ourselves to those that had surprised us,
When a rose was picked for a rose,

١٦. وَاِقتَصَرنا عَلى الَّتي فاجَأَتنا
وَردَةٌ عِندَما اِستُشِفَّت لِوَردِ

17. She wore the blueness of glass and so came
Golden, illuminated as if in lazaward,

١٧. لَبِسَت زُرقَةَ الزُجاجِ فَجاءَت
ذَهَباً يَستَنيرُ في لازَوَردِ