
I am deprived of your approval due to my shortcoming and loss

حرمت رضاك من عدمي وخسري

1. I am deprived of your approval due to my shortcoming and loss
And I used to consider it for the turns of fate

١. حُرِمتُ رِضاكَ مِن عَدَمي وَخُسري
وَكُنتُ أُعِدُّهُ لِصُروفِ دَهري

2. I repeat, would that I know what has brought me
Near you, if only I had benefited from "would that I know"

٢. أُرَدِّدُ لَيتَ شِعري ما دَهاني
لَدَيكَ لَوِ اِنتَفَعتُ بِلَيتَ شِعري

3. When will I ask about the misfortune brought by your displeasure
A questioner would say that I do not know

٣. مَتى أَسأَل بِسُخطِكَ ما جَناهُ
يَقُل مُستَخبِرٌ أَن لَستُ أَدري

4. Yes, they attended while I was absent, and it was a deficiency upon me
That they attended while my mention was absent

٤. بَلى حَضَروا وَغِبتُ وَكانَ نَقصاً
عَلَيَّ حُضورُهُم وَمَغيبُ ذِكري

5. So if I am too weak to rectify my affairs
Then it is old age that bears witness to my excuse

٥. فَإِن أَضعُف عَنِ اِستِصلاحِ شَأني
فَتِلكَ السِنُّ شاهِدَةٌ بِعُذري

6. And I used to consider the length of life a gain
But the length of my life turned out the opposite

٦. وَكُنتُ أَعُدُّ طولَ العُمرِ غُنماً
فَعادَ بِضِدِّ ذَلِكَ طولُ عُمري

7. If men rally around you apart from me
They have not rallied around you with the like of my poetry

٧. لَئِن حَشَدَ الرِجالُ عَلَيكَ دوني
لَما حَشَدوا عَلَيكَ بِمِثلِ شِعري

8. And if they served you with their bodies, I
Can serve better than them with my thoughts

٨. وَإِن خَدَموكَ بِالأَبدانِ إِنّي
لَأَبلَغُ خِدمَةً مِنهُم بِفِكري

9. When I direct them as voyages
As the stars of the night shine clearly as they move

٩. إِذا سَوَّمتُهُنَّ مُسَيَّراتٍ
كَما اِتَّضَحَت نُجومُ اللَيلِ تَسري

10. Answering the night from east and west
And the breadth of the earth from land and sea

١٠. يُجِبنَ اللَيلَ مِن شَرقٍ وَغَربٍ
وَعَرضَ الأَرضِ مِن بَرٍّ وَبَحرِ

11. You knew that what you presented to me
Deserves gratitude for it from me

١١. عَلِمتَ بِأَنَّ ما قَدَّمتَ عِندي
حَرِيٌّ أَن يُبِرَّ عَلَيهِ شُكري

12. So unless I am graced by you, it is no sin of mine
The shortfall of my share apart from my worth

١٢. فَإِلّا أَحظَ مِنكَ فَلَيسَ ذَنباً
عَلَيَّ قُصورُ حَظّي دونَ قَدري

13. And I have almost expired of hope
And my pursuit languished and my matter waned

١٣. وَقَد أَوشَكتُ أَن يَتوى رَجائي
وَيُكدِيَ مَطلَبي وَيَخَسَّ أَمري

14. With a promise after a promise you initiate
In them my years and months are crimes

١٤. بِوَعدٍ بَعدَ وَعدٍ تَبتَديهِ
تَجَرَّمُ فيهِما سَنَتي وَشَهري

15. And my loyalty did not fall short of its extent
To hand me over to deficiency as my excuse

١٥. وَلَم يَقصُر وَفائي عَن مَداهُ
فَيُسلِمَني إِلى التَقصيرِ عُذري

16. Neither did ingratitude cover up your blessings
Nor did my disbelief veil your favors

١٦. وَلا شَرقَ اِمتِنانَكَ نَقصُ شُكري
وَلا غَطّى عَلى نُعماكَ كُفري

17. When your dwellings were distant from my dwellings
My sun set and the light of my full moon was lost

١٧. إِذا بَعُدَت دِيارُكَ عَن دِياري
دَجَت شَمسي وَغابَ ضِياءُ بَدري

18. And for the day hidden from your person
There is an indication of a continuous ill-omened day

١٨. وَلِليَومِ المُغَيَّبِ عَنكَ شَخصي
أَمارَةُ يَومِ نَحسٍ مُستَمِرِّ

19. I swear by Wael and by what an ally ascends in virtues
Shurayk, the son of Amr, is his peer

١٩. حَلَفتُ بِوائِلٍ وَبِما تَرَقّى
شَريكٌ في مَناقِبِها اِبنُ عَمرِو

20. And Shayban the son of Tha'labah of great deeds
And Sa'b the lofty, son of Bakr, find them difficult

٢٠. وَشَيبانُ بنُ ثَعلَبَةَ المَساعي
وَصَعبُ عَلِيِّها الأَعلى اِبنُ بَكرِ

21. You have competed in benevolence until you
Surpassed with every glorious deed and honor

٢١. لَقَد نافَستَ في الإِحسانِ حَتّى اِن
فَرَدتَ بِكُلِّ مَأثُرَةٍ وَفَخرِ

22. I see my cause will grow stronger after weakness
When I brace myself with the minister as my reinforcement

٢٢. أَرى سَبَبي سَيَقوى بَعدَ ضَعفٍ
إِذا أَنا بِالوَزيرِ شَدَدتُ أَزري

23. When will he unleash with understanding a tongue of mine
Which is not of his choice understandings

٢٣. مَتى يُطلِق بِعارِفَةٍ لِساني
فَلَيسَت مِن عَوارِفِهِ بِبِكرِ

24. And how often his hands came to my hands suddenly
With a downpour from the palms of his generous hands

٢٤. وَكَم فَجِئَت يَداهُ يَدَيَّ بُغتاً
بِنَيلٍ مِن نَدى كَفَّيهِ غَمرِ