1. Does every house of yours have a tearful eye
And a heart that throbs with constant memory?
١. أَفي كُلِّ دارٍ مِنكَ عَينٌ تَرَقرَقُ
وَقَلبٌ عَلى طولِ التَذَكُّرِ يَخفِقُ
2. Yes, we have cried for the people for a while
And without them a scattered people for Layla
٢. نَعَم قَد تَباكَينا عَلى الشَعبِ ساعَةً
وَمِن دونِهِ شَعبٌ لِلَيلى مُفَرَّقُ
3. On a carpet wherein the drinkers of wine
Have the beauty of days they love and desire
٣. عَلى دِمنَةٍ فيها لِأُدمانَةِ النَقا
مَحاسِنُ أَيّامٍ تُحَبُّ وَتُعشَقُ
4. I paused and paused my passion at the passion of love
The nights whose return brings blossoming youth
٤. وَقَفتُ وَأَوقَفتُ الجَوى مَوقِفَ الهَوى
لَيالِيَ عودُ الدَهرِ فَينانُ مورِقُ
5. It stirred my remoteness while it was still
And renewed my passion while it was latent
٥. فَحَرَّكَ بَثّي رَبعُها وَهوَ ساكِنٌ
وَجَدَّدَ وَجدي رَسمُها وَهوَ مُخلِقُ
6. May God give descendants of time fresh rain
Our passion rained on us when grief flashed and flashed
٦. سَقى اللَهُ أَخلافاً مِنَ الدَهرِ رَطبَةً
سَقَتنا الجَوى إِذ أَبرَقُ الحَزنِ أَبرَقُ
7. Nights we stole from fate after it had
Lit up with a gray morning halo
٧. لَيالٍ سَرَقناها مِنَ الدَهرِ بَعدَما
أَضاءَ بِإِصباحٍ مِنَ الشَيبِ مَفرِقُ
8. I took a cure from Layla through Layla but he who stays with water does not quench his thirst at the water of dew
The Christian maiden knew that I
٨. تَداوَيتُ مِن لَيلى بِلَيلى فَما اِشتَفى
بِماءِ الرُبا مَن باتَ بِالماءِ يَشرِقُ
9. Conceal when the chattels sleep and I become infatuated
And I do not accompany the memory when I remember it
٩. لَقَد عَلِمَت عيدِيَّةُ العيسِ أَنَّني
أَخُبُّ إِذا نامَ الهِدانُ وَأُعنِقُ
10. Even if Waraqa cries out and the night grows green
We went out among the white dunes but did not see
١٠. وَلا أَصحَبُ الذِكرى إِذا ما ذَكَرتُها
وَلَو هَتَفَت وَرقاءُ وَاللَيلُ أَورَقُ
11. Calm places except that they were from them the most foolish
They dashed the faces of the son of Hashim
١١. خَرَجنا بِها في البيضِ بيضاً فَلَم نَرَ ال
دَآدِئَ إِلّا وَهيَ مِنهُنَّ أَمحَقُ
12. Frowning faces for the desert that does not cease
Endurers of night without Qays who could not
١٢. هَشَمنَ إِلى اِبنَ الهاشِمِيَّةِ أَوجُهاً
عَوابِسَ لِلبَيداءِ ما تَتَطَلَّقُ
13. Catch up to its latter part from afar
Intending a stay between Qum and Abat
١٣. لَقاسَينَ لَيلاً دونَ قاسانَ لَم تَكَد
أَواخِرُهُ مِن بُعدِ قُطرَيهِ تُلحَقُ
14. On the shore of Talha that glitters
Where gifts sparkle abundantly
١٤. نَوَينَ مَقاماً بَينَ قُمٍّ وَآبَةٍ
عَلى لُجَّةٍ طَلحِيَّةٍ تَتَرَقرَقُ
15. To each peer and promises are shared
So I remained like Hassan and Muhammad remained
١٥. بِحَيثُ العَطايا مومِضاتٌ سَوافِرٌ
إِلى كُلِّ عافٍ وَالمَواعيدُ فُرَّقُ
16. Like Harith of Ghassan and Abat creaked
Dwellings where my voice is subdued
١٦. فَظَلتُ كَحَسّانٍ وَظَلَّ مُحَمَّدٌ
كَحارِثِ غَسّانٍ وَآبَةُ جِلِّقُ
17. A stranger and no arrow of mine toward them flies
They saddled us with night while it was painstaking
١٧. مَنازِلُ لا صَوتي بِهِنَّ مُخَفَّضٌ
غَريبٌ وَلا سَهمي لَدَيهِنَّ أَفوَقُ
18. And woke us at dawn while it was breaking
Near Ash'ari who knows poetry will pull
١٨. أَرَجنَ عَلَينا اللَيلَ وَهوَ مُمَسَّكٌ
وَصَبَّحنَنا بِالصُبحِ وَهوَ مُخَلَّقُ
19. Him into belief then drown him
I met his call in Iraq and glimpses for him
١٩. لَدى أَشعَرِيٍّ يَعلَمُ الشَعرُ أَنَّهُ
سَيَنزِعُ في تَصديقِهِ ثُمَ يُغرِقُ
20. Dazzled in the mountains flashing
A gift like the light of the sun it encompasses an occident
٢٠. لَقيتُ نَداهُ بِالعِراقِ وَأَومَضَت
لَهُ بِالجِبالِ مُزنَةٌ تَتَأَلَّقُ
21. That becomes equal in his hatred and love
So if his character contended with heavy rain
٢١. عَطاءٌ كَضَوءِ الشَمسِ عَمَّ فَمَغرِبٌ
يَكونُ سَواءً في سَناهُ وَمَشرِقُ
22. A seller of rain would constrain it and narrow it
He appeared leaning when the star of generosity shone
٢٢. فَلَو ذارَعَت أَخلاقُهُ الغَيثَ حافِلاً
لَحاجَزَها باعٌ مِنَ الغَيثِ ضَيِّقُ
23. And its seeker is vile in his request and blinking
So he spent in the lofty until you thought
٢٣. بَدا مائِلاً إِذ كَوكَبَ الجودِ خافِقٌ
وَطالِبُهُ رَثُّ الوَسائِلُ مُخفِقُ
24. That he was given by fate or that fate spent
Laughing to heroes while he frightens them
٢٤. فَأَنفَقَ في العَلياءِ حَتّى حَسِبتَهُ
مِنَ الدَهرِ يُعطى أَو مِنَ الدَهرِ يُنفِقُ
25. And the sword has an edge when they draw and shine
Modesty and death are one in their end
٢٥. ضَحوكٌ إِلى الأَبطالِ وَهوَ يَروعُهُم
وَلِلسَيفِ حَدٌّ حينَ يَسطو وَرَونَقُ
26. So is the flood of water, it waters and drowns
And in every state there is glory that lights him
٢٦. حَياءٌ وَمَوتٌ واحِدٌ مُنتَهاهُما
كَذَلِكَ غَمرُ الماءِ يُروي وَيُغرِقُ
27. He has a trait in which no affectation crept
So he spends but his spending and laughs
٢٧. وَفي كُلِّ حالٍ مِنهُ مَجدٌ يُنيرُهُ
لَهُ خُلُقٌ ما دَبَّ فيهِ تَخَلُّقُ
28. And resolves but his resolve and ponders
Ali son of Isa son of Musa son Talha
٢٨. فَلا بَذلَ إِلّا بَذلُهُ وَهوَ ضاحِكٌ
وَلا عَزمَ إِلّا عَزمُهُ وَهوَ مُطرِقِ
29. Son of Saib son of Malik when he aims
A watering place and opinion when allegiances break
٢٩. عَلِيُّ بنُ عيسى بنِ موسى بنِ طَلحَةَ ب
نِ سائِبٍ اِبنِ مالِكٍ حينَ يُرمَقُ
30. And semblances of calamities thunder and light
People are but a flock of horses, so among them
٣٠. رُواءٌ وَرَأيٌ عِندَما تُنقَضُ الحُبى
وَتُرعِدُ أَشباهُ الخُطوبِ وَتُبرِقُ
31. Are those on the color of ancestors long gone and piebald
If he travels among the two sons of Malik, the spy flees
٣١. وَما الناسُ إِلّا سِربُ خَيلٍ فَمِنهُمُ
عَلى لَونِ أَسلافٍ قَدُمنَ وَمُبلِقُ
32. On a mountain that covers mountains and they shake
The demons of Heyja as if their Thursday among them
٣٢. إِذا سارَ في اِبنَي مالِكٍ قَلِقَ القَنا
عَلى جَبَلٍ يَغشى الجِبالَ فَتَقلَقُ
33. When the battalions meet them is blinking
They supported that banner which had become
٣٣. عَفاريتُ هَيجاءٍ كَأَنَّ خَميسَهُم
بِهِ حينَ تَلقاهُ الكَتائِبُ أَولَقُ
34. Fluttering above banners fluttering
So no informant remained among the vagabonds
٣٤. هُمُ نَصَروا ذاكَ اللِواءَ وَقَد غَدَت
ذَوائِبُهُ فَوقَ الذَوائِبِ تَخفِقُ
35. About the people, how they gathered then scattered
And the day the Kurds saw the flash of his blade
٣٥. فَلَم يَبقَ في جَمعِ الصَعاليكِ مُخبِرٌ
عَنِ القَومِ كَيفَ اِستَجمَعوا ثُمَّ فُرِّقوا
36. Blood pouring from them chaotic and flowing
They fled confusedly with fleeing bare
٣٦. وَيَومَ رَأى الأَكرادُ بَرقَ سِنانِهِ
يَثُجُّ دَماً مِنهُم فَوَبلٌ وَرَيِّقُ
37. And confusedly with swords splitting
Abu Ja'far these are your great efforts
٣٧. تَوَلَّوا فَهامٌ بِالفِرارِ مُعَيَّرٌ
دُهوراً وَهامٌ بِالسُيوفِ مُفَلَّقُ
38. And this is my tongue, cutting off and loosing
I spoke and pressured the enemies but
٣٨. أَبا جَعفَرٍ هَذي مَساعيكَ غَضَّةٌ
وَهَذا لِساني قاطِعُ الحَدِّ مُطلَقُ
39. Their crowds could not subdue me when I spoke
With every adornment of rhymes as if
٣٩. نَطَقتُ فَأَقحَمتُ الأَعادي وَلَم يَكُن
لِيُفحِمَني جُمهورُهُم حينَ يَنطِقُ
40. When recited among the horde of people they glittered
No custom except with he whose thankfulness for
٤٠. بِكُلِّ مُعَلّاةِ القَوافي كَأَنَّها
إِذا أُنشِدَت في فَيلَقِ القَومِ فَيلَقُ
41. The distance of separation stayed vigilant and awake
Men wished that my requests be restrained
٤١. فَلا عُرفَ إِلّا عِندَ مَن باتَ شُكرُهُ
لِبُعدَ التَنائي مُشإِماً وَهوَ مُعرِقُ
42. Then troubled in your seas they become angry
Your loyalty is a veil over that, lowering
٤٢. تَمَنّى رِجالٌ أَن تُضامَ مَطالِبي
فَتَكدَرَ في جَدواكَ ثُمَّ تُرَنَّقُ
43. And your generosity a door over that, closed
You take initiative in spending until it is as though
٤٣. وَفاؤُكَ سِترٌ دونَ ذَلِكَ مُسبِلٌ
وَجودُكَ بابٌ دونَ ذَلِكَ مُغلَقُ
44. You compete with a messenger in which he almost won
The high-minded do not have a seeker so wait
٤٤. تُبادِرُ في الإِفضالِ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
تُجاري رَسيلاً فيهِ قَد كادَ يَسبِقُ
45. And if you were sought there would be none to equal you
٤٥. وَما لِلعُلا مِن طالِبٍ فَتَمَهَّلَن
وَلَو طُلِبَت ما كانَ مِثلُكَ يُلحَقُ