1. I pledge to you that my eyes do not sleep,
And that my heart is never devoid of passion for you.
١. ضَمانٌ عَلى عَينَيكِ أَنِّيَ لا أَسلو
وَأَنَّ فُؤادي مِن جَوىً بِكِ لا يَخلو
2. And if you wished, you could on the day of distress, alleviate his illness,
A lover seeking union with you, if union were possible.
٢. وَلَو شِئتِ يَومَ الجِزعِ بَلَّ غَليلَهُ
مُحِبٌّ بِوَصلٍ مِنكِ إِن أَمكَنَ الوَصلُ
3. Indeed a lover whose yearning might be chased away,
And indeed a remedy that might cure madness.
٣. أَلا إِنَّ وِرداً لَو يُذادُ بِهِ الصَدى
وَإِنَّ شِفاءً لَو يُصابُ بِهِ الخَبلُ
4. The seeker of your favor is not in want before you,
Rather bounty is in want and generosity indebted.
٤. وَما النائِلُ المَطلوبُ مِنكِ بِمُعوِزٍ
لَدَيكِ بَلِ الإِسعافُ يُعوِزُ وَالبَذلُ
5. Yielding to it is an alluring, clear guide,
Distracted yet focused, tender yet firm.
٥. أَطاعَ لَها دَلٌّ غَريرٌ وَواضِحٌ
شَتيتٌ وَقَدٌّ مُرهَفٌ وَشَواً خَدلُ
6. And glances of an eye that did not cling to empty spaces,
So we left it until it would be preoccupied.
٦. وَأَلحاظُ عَينٍ ما عَلِقنَ بِفارِغٍ
فَخَلَّينَهُ حَتّى يَكونَ لَهُ شُغلُ
7. And I have an inner self that yearns intensely
For it while the heart is heedless in passion for other than it.
٧. وَعِندِيَ أَحشاءٌ تُشاقُ صَبابَةً
إِلَيها وَقَلبٌ مِن هَوى غَيرِها غُفلُ
8. And distance did not increase the distance between us,
Nor did passion flow unrestrained in my core, or exceed.
٨. وَما باعَدَ النَأيُ المَسافَةَ بَينَنا
فَيُفرِطَ شَوقٌ في الجَوانِحِ أَو يَغلو
9. For the estrangement of the beloved is aimless wandering,
And knowing the effects of old age is senility.
٩. عَلى أَنَّ هِجرانَ الحَبيبِ هُوَ النَوى
أَشَتَّت وَعِرفانَ المَشيبِ هُوَ العَذلُ
10. I have found the youth addressed with names,
Beautiful in name but contradicted by deeds.
١٠. عَدِمتُ الغَواني كَيفَ يُعطَينَ لِلصِبا
مَحاسِنَ أَسماءٍ يُخالِفُها الفِعلُ
11. Favors but did not favor with any gains we would count,
Beauties but did not beautify with true knowledge of beauty.
١١. فَنُعمٌ وَلَم تُنعِم بِنَيلٍ نَعُدُّهُ
وَجُملٌ وَلَم تُجمِل بِعارِفَةٍ جُملُ
12. I gained wisdom and so bid farewell to madness,
For the perfection of reason is to resist the foolhardiness of man.
١٢. عَقَلتُ فَوَدَّعتُ التَصابي وَإِنَّما
تَصَرُّمُ لَهوِ المَرءِ أَن يَكمُلَ العَقلُ
13. I see forbearance as misery in the life of a youth,
And no life except what ignorance has granted you with madness.
١٣. أَرى الحِلمَ بُؤسى في المَعيشَةِ لِلفَتى
وَلا عَيشَ إِلّا ما حَباكَ بِهِ الجَهلُ
14. O clan of Taghlib, it honors me to see
Your dwellings become desolate with no inhabitants.
١٤. بَني تَغلِبٍ أَعزَز عَلَيَّ بِأَن أَرى
دِيارَكُمُ أَمسَت وَلَيسَ لَها أَهلُ
15. A land emptied of its inhabitants and deserted
Of encampments, with desolation howling through it.
١٥. خَلَت بَلَدٌ مِن ساكِنيها وَأَوحَشَت
مَرابِعُ مِن سِنجارَ يَهمي بِها الوَبلُ
16. And a formidable attacker disquieted the people of meadows
With a war containing no jest or frivolity.
١٦. وَأَزعَجَ أَهلَ المَحلَبِيّاتِ ناجِزٌ
مِنَ الحَربِ ما فيهِ خِداعٌ وَلا هَزلُ
17. And the cliffs of a towering rebel were set ablaze
By the fires of battle, unrestrained over the dunes.
١٧. وَأَقوَت مِنَ القَمقامِ أَعراصُ مارِدٍ
فَما ضُمِنَت تِلكَ الأَعِقَّةُ وَالرَملُ
18. Is it that every day a band of all of you
Perish, and a house of your assemblies lies empty?
١٨. أَفي كُلِّ يَومِ فِرقَةٌ مِن جَميعِكُم
تَبيدُ وَدارٌ مِن مَجامِعِكُم تَخلو
19. Battlefields of aggression whose injustice between them
In an instant of glory concluded with humiliation.
١٩. مَصارِعُ بَغيٍ تابَعَ الظُلمُ بَينَها
بِساعَةِ عِزٍّ كانَ آخِرَهُ الذُلُّ
20. When they met on a day of fury they were averse,
And in their midst death had a fair share.
٢٠. إِذا ما اِلتَقَوا يَومَ الهِياجِ تَحاجَزَوا
وَلِلمَوتِ فيما بَينَهُم قِسمَةٌ عَدلُ
21. The two bands set out at dawn, their rejection cruelty,
So in this, a register, and in that, a register.
٢١. غَدَوا عُصبَتَي وِردٍ سِجالُهُما الرَدى
فَفي هَذِهِ سَجلٌ وَفي هَذِهِ سَجلُ
22. When there is a debt owed among a people
It will be repaid, no procrastination or delay.
٢٢. إِذا كانَ قَرضٌ مِن دَمِ عِندَ مَعشَرٍ
فَلا خَلَفٌ في أَن يُؤَدّى وَلا مَطلُ
23. The living have met their match,
And the exemplars, their similitude creeps up to match them.
٢٣. كَفِيٌّ مِنَ الأَحياءِ لاقى كَفِيَّهُ
وَمِثلٌ مِنَ الأَقوامِ زاحِفَهُ مِثلُ
24. When a brother dragged his spear,
A brother leapt forth, neither slow in piercing nor burdened.
٢٤. إِذا ما أَخٌ جَرَّ الرِماحَ انبَرى لَهُ
أَخٌ لا بَليدٌ في الطِعانِ وَلا وَغلُ
25. They are roused by white banners and a gloomy resolve,
Freed captives, and accounts by which one reaches maturity.
٢٥. تَحُثُّهُمُ البيضُ الرِقاقُ وَضُمَّرٌ
عِتاقٌ وَأَحسابٌ بِها يُدرَكُ التَبلُ
26. Death is but to witness an hour
When their horsemen are trapped and they are on foot.
٢٦. وَما المَوتُ إِلّا أَن تُشاهِدَ ساعَةً
فَوارِسَهُم في مَأزِقٍ وَهُمُ رَجلُ
27. With a stab whose blow fells the armored,
And a blow that spills guts like a water skin.
٢٧. بِطَعنٍ يَكُبُّ الدارِعينَ دِراكُهُ
وَضَربٍ كَما تَرغو المُخَزَّمَةُ البُزلُ
28. The young lad bears the hardship until
The gray elders turn him back from its horrors.
٢٨. يُهالُ الغُلامُ الغَمرُ حَتّى يَرُدَّهُ
عَلى الهَولِ مِن مَكروهِها الأَشيَبُ الكَهلُ
29. The Commander of the Faithful has turned away from she
Whom you came to, while for the guilty in the like of it is loss.
٢٩. تَجافى أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ عَنِ الَّتي
أَتَيتُم وَلِلجانينَ في مِثلِها الثُكلُ
30. And he returned bestowing bounties upon you
With merits that came while he was their rightful guardian.
٣٠. وَعادَ عَلَيكُم مُنعِماً بِفَواضِلٍ
أَتَت وَأَميرُ المُؤمِنينَ لَها أَهلُ
31. In your presence the hand of conquest of Khagan's son
Was like the rain's hand to the scorched earth.
٣١. وَكانَت يَدُ الفَتحِ بنِ خاقانَ عِندَكُم
يَدَ الغَيثِ عِندَ الأَرضِ حَرَّقَها المَحلُ
32. Were it not for him, your blood would have been shed in defiance,
No blood money given for the lowly or the wise.
٣٢. وَلَولاهُ طُلَّت بِالعُقوقِ دِماأُكُم
فَلا قَوَدٌ يُعطى الأَذَلُّ وَلا عَقلُ
33. O Fatah, you followed the wounds with remedies,
After poisoning them with the deadly venom of arrows.
٣٣. تَلافَيتَ يا فَتحَ الأَراقِمَ بَعدَما
سَقاهُم بِأَوحى سُمِّهِ الأَرقَمُ الصِلُّ
34. You granted them the remainder of their lives through peace
Though killing had almost finished them entirely.
٣٤. وَهَبتَ لَهُم بِالسِلمِ باقي نُفوسِهِمُ
وَقَد شارَفوا أَن يَستَتِمَّهُمُ القَتلُ
35. Delegations of gratitude came to you praising
What blessings of yours preceded for them before.
٣٥. أَتَوكَ وُفودَ الشُكرِ يُثنونَ بِالَّذي
تَقَدَّمَ مِن نُعماكَ عِندَهُمُ قَبلُ
36. Never have I seen a day more crowded
Than this day with paths leading them to your court.
٣٦. فَلَم أَرَ يَوماً كانَ أَكثَرَ سُؤدُداً
مِنَ اليَومِ ضَمَّتهُم إِلى بابِكَ السُبلُ
37. You could see them from the outskirts of Samarra,
Their steps hurried though they had crossed the plain walking.
٣٧. تَراءَوكَ مِن أَقصى السَماطِ فَقَصَّروا
خُطاهُم وَقَد جازوا السَتورَ وَهُم عُجلُ
38. When they traversed Samarra and converged,
Upon a smiling hand whose nature is generosity.
٣٨. فَلَمّا قَضَوا صَدرَ السِماطِ تَهافَتوا
عَلى يَدِ بَسّامٍ سَجِيَّتُهُ البَذلُ
39. When they began a speech, the splendor
Of the radiance of your face's aspect distracted them.
٣٩. إِذا شَرَعوا في خُطبَةٍ قَطَعَتهُمُ
جَلالَةُ طَلقِ الوَجهِ جانِبُهُ سَهلُ
40. When they averted their gaze in awe
And turned with a glance, you would think them facing you before.
٤٠. إِذا نَكَسوا أَبصارَهُم مِن مَهابَةٍ
وَمالوا بِلَحظٍ خِلتَ أَنَّهُمُ قُبلُ
41. You set for them a piercing gaze, an eloquent tongue,
And a sound opinion like an unsheathed blade.
٤١. نَصَبتَ لَهُم طَرفاً حَديداً وَمَنطِقاً
سَديداً وَرَأياً مِثلَ ما اِنتُضِيَ النَصلُ
42. It probed the diseases of their chests, so your doing
Is beautiful, and the finest remedy for their malice, your decisive words.
٤٢. وَسَلَّ سَخيماتِ الصُدورِ فَعالُكَ ال
جَميلُ وَأَبرا غِلَّها قَولُكَ الفَصلُ
43. They did not stop until their palms
Took your charity, neither stingy nor lacking.
٤٣. فَما بَرَحوا حَتّى تَعاطَت أَكُفُّهُم
قِراكَ فَلا ضِغنٌ لَدَيهِم وَلا ذَحلُ
44. They dragged the coolness of fresh vines, their trailing hems
Bestowing gifts of a generous one whom greed has never spoiled.
٤٤. وَجَرّوا بُرودَ العَصبِ تَضفو ذُيولُها
عَطاءَ جَوادٍ ما تَكاءَدَهُ البُخلُ
45. Amr ibn Ghanm did not generalize against them
As your grant did yesterday in favor.
٤٥. وَما عَمَّهُم عَمرُو بنُ غَنمٍ بِنِسبَةٍ
كَما عَمَّهُم بِالأَمسِ نائِلُكَ الجَزلُ
46. Through you the common people became united
When once estranged from them and separated.
٤٦. بِكَ التَأَمَ الشَعبُ الَّذي كانَ بَينَهُم
عَلى حينِ بُعدٍ مِنهُ وَاِجتَمَعَ الشَملُ
47. So whatever delight they saw in their reconciliation
Is from your bounty flowing, and to you belongs grace.
٤٧. فَمَهما رَأَوا مِن غِبطَةٍ في اِصطِلاحِهِم
فَمِنكَ بِها النُعمى جَرَت وَلَكَ الفَضا