1. Is Abraham calling for help from one restored,
For an opinion from you that is praiseworthy?
١. أَإِبراهيمُ دَعوَةَ مُستَعيدٍ
لِرَأيٍ مِنكَ مَحمودٍ فَقيدِ
2. Your paganism was made clear to me yesterday,
As was the lengthy shadowed side.
٢. تَجَلّى بِشرُكَ الأَمسِيُّ عَنّي
تَجَلّى جانِبِ الظِلِّ المَديدِ
3. What was luminous between us became dark,
In the moments between the striking of the tent poles.
٣. وَأَظلَمَ بَينَنا ما كانَ أَضوا
عَلى اللَحَظاتِ مِن فَلَقِ العَمودِ
4. And in your eyes I see a translation
That indicates rancor and hatred.
٤. وَفي عَينَيكَ تَرجَمَةٌ أَراها
تَدُلُّ عَلى الضَغائِنِ وَالحُقودِ
5. Morals I was accustomed to as being gentle
Have become as if they were iron rods.
٥. وَأَخلاقٌ عَهِدتُ اللينَ فيها
غَدَت وَكَأَنَّها زُبَرُ الحَديدِ
6. I incline toward you with a close affection
Yet you distance me to remote lineage.
٦. أَميلُ إِلَيكَ عَن وَدٍّ قَريبٍ
فَتُبعِدُني عَلى النَسَبِ البَعيدِ
7. What is my crime that the son of my uncle
Was none other than you, though your character was not my character?
٧. وَما ذَنبي بِأَن كانَ اِبنُ عَمّي
سِواكَ وَكانَ عودُكَ غَيرَ عودي
8. If your Iraq is far from my Syria
As your ancestors were far from my ancestors,
٨. لَئِن بَعُدَت عِراقُكَ عَن شَآمي
كَما بَعُدَت جُدودُكَ عَن جُدودي
9. Still, my intention toward you was not by choice
And God was more worthy of the servants.
٩. فَلَم تَكُ نِيَّتي عَنكَ اِختِياراً
وَكانَ اللَهُ أَولى بِالعَبيدِ
10. And it was made in my defiance of a people,
And some making from a remote cause.
١٠. وَيُصنَعُ في مُعانَدَتي لِقَومٍ
وَبَعضَ الصُنعِ مِن سَبَبٍ بَعيدِ
11. Are you not ashamed of the praise of Sa'war
In describing you among the beasts and camels?
١١. أَما اِستَحيَيتَ مِن مِدَحٍ سَوارٍ
بِوَصفِكَ في التَهائِمِ وَالنُجودِ
12. You wish it were a wonder for you about me
In its precise composition in verse.
١٢. تَوَدُّ بِأَنَّها لَكَ فِيَّ عُجباً
بِجَوهَرِها المُفَصَّلِ في النَشيدِ
13. It built for you in poetry a stronghold,
And maintained for you renown in the ode.
١٣. بَنَت لَكَ مَعقِلاً في الشِعرِ ثَبتاً
وَأَبقَت مِنكَ ذِكراً في القَصيدِ
14. And you insult me when the cup goes round
With sips that come in succession.
١٤. وَتَبدَهُني إِذا ما الكَأسُ دارَت
بِنَزقاتٍ تَجيءُ عَلى البَريدِ
15. Nonsense that makes the gathering hang their heads
Over me as if it were firewood.
١٥. عَرابِدُ يُطرِقُ الجُلَساءُ مِنها
عَلَيَّ كَأَنَّها حَطَبُ الوُقودِ
16. And detractors, if I exalt a matter,
Bore witness against me though they are my own witnesses.
١٦. وَمُعتَرِضينَ إِن عَظَّمتُ أَمراً
بِهِم شَهِدوا عَلَيَّ وَهُم شُهودي
17. And I have no power to restrain you from me,
Nor do I resort to a sturdy pillar,
١٧. وَما لي قُوَّةٌ تَنهاكَ عَنّي
وَلا آوي إِلى رُكنٍ شَديدِ
18. Other than flames that the free man fears
With a blaze that does not hope to die down.
١٨. سِوى شُعَلٍ يَخافُ الحُرُّ مِنها
لَهيباً غَيرَ مَرجُوِّ الخُمودِ
19. And if I want, while you are fostering
Against me, I would stir a bound revolt.
١٩. وَلَو أَنّي أَشاءُ وَأَنتَ تُربي
عَلَيَّ لَثُرتُ ثَورَةَ مُستَقيدِ
20. You wronged a brother - if he sought vengeance
Poetry would invade you in armies.
٢٠. ظَلَمتَ أَخاً لَوِ اِلتَمَسَ اِنتِصاراً
غَزاكَ مِنَ القَوافي في جُنودِ
21. The stars of fates have risen together
Bringing misfortune and good fortune.
٢١. نُجومُ خَلائِقٍ طَلَعَت جَميعاً
فَجاءَت بِالنُحوسِ وَبِالسُعودِ
22. You have bound me against this
While God said "Fulfill your oaths."
٢٢. وَقَد عاقَدتَني بِخِلافِ هَذا
وَقالَ اللَهُ أَوفوا بِالعُقودِ
23. I repent to you from trusting scarcity
Of a gentle disposition or harmony.
٢٣. أَتوبُ إِلَيكَ مِن ثِقَةٍ بِخِلٍّ
طَريفٍ بِالأُخُوَّةِ أَو تَليدِ
24. And I thank the blessing to you in my knowing
That loyalty today is a habit.
٢٤. وَأَشكُرُ نِعمَةً لَكَ بِاِطِّلاعي
عَلى أَنَّ الوَفاءَ اليَومَ مودِ
25. I will depart faulting while my faulting is
Without threat or warning.
٢٥. سَأَرحَلُ عاتِباً وَيَكونُ عَتبي
عَلى غَيرِ التَهَدُّدِ وَالوَعيدِ
26. And I will preserve from you what you neglected of me
In spite of the quarreling and envy.
٢٦. وَأَحفَظُ مِنكَ ما ضَيَّعتَ مِنّي
عَلى رَغمِ المُكاشِحِ وَالحَسودِ
27. I have seen composure in a quick breast
When I discern the consequence of affection.
٢٧. رَأَيتُ الحَزمَ في صَدرٍ سَريعٍ
إِذا اِستَوبَأتُ عاقِبَةَ الوُرودِ
28. I used to, if a friend saw my intimacy
As business, return to aloofness.
٢٨. وَكُنتُ إِذا الصَديقُ رَأى وِصالي
مُتاجَرَةً رَجِعتُ إِلى الصُدودِ
29. Greetings whenever greetings are said
To Sa'd the gentle, that I am happy.
٢٩. سَلامٌ كُلَّما قيلَت سَلامٌ
عَلى سَعدِ العُفاةِ أَني سَعيدِ
30. A youth who made zeal for high values
And directed his love toward fellowship.
٣٠. فَتىً جَعَلَ التَعَصُّبَ لِلمَعالي
وَوَجَّهَ وُدَّهُ نَحوَ الوَدودِ
31. And immortalized his glory among the verse
While some poetry I composed for eternity.
٣١. وَخَلَّدَ مَجدَهُ بَينَ القَوافي
وَبَعضُ الشِعرِ أَملى بِالخُلودِ
32. That is how it shone in my highest hopes
And I did not perceive it a moment of excess.
٣٢. كَذَلِكَ لاحَ في أَقصى ظُنوني
فَلَم أَلحَظهُ لَحظَةَ مُستَزيدِ
33. And how could that be when each day
He meets me with some new kindness?
٣٣. وَكَيفَ يَكونُ ذاكَ وَكُلُّ يَومٍ
يُقابِلُني بِمَعروفٍ جَديدُ