1. My bliss is happiness in the grove of happiness, whether absent or present,
And my succor is in the pursuit of fortune, whether I penetrate or soar aloft.
١. حُلّي سُعادُ غُروضَ العيسِ أَو سيري
وَأَنجِدي في اِلتِماسِ الحَظِّ أَو غوري
2. All that we hope for and aspire to
Is predetermined by the compulsions of destiny.
٢. كُلُّ الَّذي نَتَرَجّاهُ وَنَأمُلُهُ
مُضَمَّنٌ في ضَروراتِ المَقاديرِ
3. So neither does my striving bring its far goal any nearer,
Nor does my lingering delay the imminence of its advent.
٣. فَما يُقَرِّبُ تَقريبي شَواسِعَها
وَلا يُباعِدُ ما أَدنَينَ تَأخيري
4. Why, then, should I weary myself with communications that deceive and exile me,
With expectations that entrap and banish me?
٤. فَلِم أُكَلِّفُ نَفسي ما أُكَلِّفُها
مِنِ اِتِّصالاتِ تَغليسي وَتَهجيري
5. The dogs awake, and yet no merit accrues to them
Save that which appears in their contrast with swine.
٥. تَغدو الكِلابُ وَلا فَضلٌ يُعَدُّ لَها
سِوى الَّذي بانَ مِن نَقصِ الخَنازيرِ
6. When you look closely into the secrets of things, you find
A merit that shines even on the blind vis-à-vis the one-eyed.
٦. مَتى تَصَفَّح خَفِيّاتِ الأُمورِ تَجِد
فَضلاً يُبِرُّ عَلى العُميانِ لِلعورِ
7. I said to the vile slanderer, "Her trade is despicable:
Squat, if you wish, or fly away, if you prefer!"
٧. قَد قُلتُ لِلرَخَمِ المَرذولِ مَكسَبُها
خَسَّ الجَدا فَقَعي إِن شِئتِ أَو طيري
8. I made ready my father Abu Nasr's affection and support
Against the caprices of Time, both fang and claw.
٨. أَعدَدتُ وُدَّ أَبي نَصرٍ وَنُصرَتَهُ
لِشِكَّةِ الدَهرِ مِن نابٍ وَأُظفورِ
9. Each day, as it lengthens, I return
To the beneficence of an oft-repeated ritual.
٩. أَعودُ في كُلِّ يَومٍ مِن تَطَوُّلِهِ
إِلى مُعادٍ مِنَ الإِحسانِ مَكرورِ
10. Refined, his universal charm inundates all people,
While, immersed, they flow and surge like billows.
١٠. مُهَذَّبٌ تَغمُرُ الأَقوامَ مَسطَتُهُ
وَالناسُ مِن غامِرٍ سُرّوا وَمَغمورِ
11. The kings of Soghdia contested his inheritance,
Trembling in awe of a prowess both ancient and extolled.
١١. تَنازَعَتهُ مُلوكُ السُغدِ وارِثَةً
عَن شِمرِ يَرعَشَ فَخراً جِدَّ مَذكورِ
12. At every valiant warrior his origin made fall
The posts of prudent governance through shrewd generalship.
١٢. مِن كُلِّ أَشوَسَ لَقَّتهُ أَصالَتَهُ
مَواقِعَ الحَزمِ مِن رَأيٍ وَتَدبيرِ
13. Hesitating, amid their long-standing sagacity,
Like a buyer whose eye had never looked on light.
١٣. مُرَدَّدٌ في قَديمٍ مِن نَباهَتِهِم
كَالمُشتَري لَم يَكُن مُستَحدَثَ النورِ
14. O Hamd, nothing was in Hamd ibn Muntasir
Save what is found in you of merit and bounty.
١٤. يا حَمدُ ما كانَ في حَمدِ بنِ مُنتَصِرٍ
إِلّا كَما فيكَ مِن فَضلٍ وَمِن خيرِ
15. Why, then, do some claim his station is not sublime,
And his aspiration falls short of the heights?
١٥. فَلِم يَقولُ أُناسٌ إِنَّ رُتبَتَهُ
لا تُرتَقى وَنَداهُ غَيرُ مَعسورِ
16. When you demolished the edifices of munificence
Where the rainclouds of your bursting beneficence pelted down.
١٦. وَقَد نَقَضتَ مَرامي الجودِ حَيثُ نَحَت
مُثلى سَحائِبِكَ الغُرِّ المَباكيرِ
17. Neither has your share of the sublime been deficient,
Nor your striving for efficacy been vainglorious.
١٧. ما كانَ حَظُّكَ في العَليا بِمُنتَقَصٍ
وَلا مُرَجّيكَ لِلجَدوى بِمَغرورِ
18. Though you increase the quantity of your donations,
They are trifling next to my remoteness and exile.
١٨. إِنَّ النَوالَ وَإِن أَكثَرتَ مَبلَغَهُ
يَقِلُّ في جَنبِ إِغرابي وَتَسييري
19. When inspiration guides them, slender poems
Excel dinars and drachmas in value.
١٩. وَهيَ القَوافي إِذا سارَت هَوىً صُغرا
قَدرُ الدَراهِمِ عَنها وَالدَنانيرُ
20. No benefactor has memorialized his benevolence in gratitude,
However much he was praised for it.
٢٠. ما مُنعِمٌ لَم يُضَمِّن شُكرَ أَنعُمِهِ
وَإِن أَشادَ بِها مُثنٍ بِمَشكورِ
21. Indeed, it is lightning: if it strikes a tent,
It scorches the desolate abodes or homes.
٢١. بَل إِنَّها البَرقُ إِن جُزنَ الحِمى فَعَلى
مَنازِلَ أَقفَرَت بِالحِنوِ أَو دورِ
22. Through its intensity, days arouse it,
Now with the melody of the lutes, now the pipes.
٢٢. أَلوَت بِجِدَّتِها الأَيّامُ تُخلِقُها
بِمائِرٍ مِن رَبابِ المُزنِ أَو مورِ
23. And it can inspire intimacy, although passion
Previously shunned the company of humankind.
٢٣. وَقَد تَكونُ مُعاناً وَالهَوى قَبَلٌ
لِأُنَّسٍ مِن ظِباءِ الإِنسِ أَو فورِ
24. When it appears to the beholders' eyes, say
It is pearls strewn on the sand's surface.
٢٤. إِذا بَدَونَ لِلَحظِ الناظِرينَ فَقُل
في لُؤلُؤٍ بِجُنوبِ الرَملِ مَنثورُ
25. The pearls oysters bring forth are not more lustrous
Than pearls kept safe in necklaces.
٢٥. ما الدُرُّ تُبرِزُهُ الأَصدافُ أَملَحُ مِن
دُرٍّ يَبيتُ مَصوناً في المَقاصيرِ
26. The phantom of probing does not lead me
To the anguish of passions set aflame.
٢٦. وَما تَثالُ دَواعي البَثِّ تَذهَبُ بي
إِلى غَليلٍ مِنَ الأَشجانِ مَسعورِ
27. With a blush on the cheeks of the white women
And languor in the eyes of the houri.
٢٧. بِحُمرَةٍ في خُدودِ البيضِ مُشرَبَةٍ
وَفَترَةٍ في جُفونِ الأَعيُنِ الحورِ