
Is there among you a keen observer

هل فيكم من واقف متفرس

1. Is there among you a keen observer
Who looks beyond the gazes of the graceful deer?

١. هَل فيكُمُ مِن واقِفٍ مُتَفَرِّسِ
يُعدي عَلى نَظَرِ الظِباءِ الأُنَّسِ

2. They have stirred the hearts of the ardent with yearning
And seized the reins of the impassioned and fervent steed

٢. أَثَّرنَ في قَلبِ الخَلِيِّ مِنَ الجَوى
وَمَلَكنَ مِن قَودِ الأَبِيِّ الأَشوَسِ

3. Of every shapely and slender beauty
Whose charms were made desires of souls

٣. مِن كُلِّ مُرهَفَةِ القَوامِ غَريرَةٍ
جُعِلَت مَحاسِنُها هَوىً لِلأَنفُسِ

4. She comes coquettishly each morn till when
The ardent one is preoccupied, she turns coyly away

٤. تَغدو بِعَطفَةِ مُطمِعٍ حَتّى إِذا
شُغِلَ الخَلِيُّ ثَنَت بِصَدفَةِ مُؤيِسِ

5. I have seen days of joy, but found
No day as blissful as the day of the call of Jonas

٥. شاهَدتُ أَيّامَ السُرورِ فَلَم أَجِد
يَوماً يَسُرُّ كَيَومِ دَعوَةِ يونِسِ

6. The nearest pilgrimage site amidst the finest spots
And the noblest visitors to the most wondrous gathering

٦. أَدنى مَزارٍ وَسطَ أَحسَنِ بُقعَةٍ
وَأَجَلَّ زُوّارٍ لِأَبهى مَجلِسِ

7. In a verdant garden whose light shines bright
Watered by the pouring of saturated clouds

٧. في رَوضَةٍ خَضراءَ يُشرِقُ نَورُها
تُسقى مُجاجاتِ الغُيومِ البُخَّسِ

8. So Spring triumphed over Winter with its beauty
And the rose's presence sufficed, the narcissus was forgotten

٨. فَخَرَ الرَبيعُ عَلى الشِتاءِ بِحُسنِها
وَكَفى حُضورُ الوَردِ فَقدَ النَرجِسِ

9. Give me not the small cup, for this
Is a day fitting for the largest goblets

٩. لا تَسقِياني بِالصَغيرِ فَإِنَّهُ
يَومٌ تَليقُ بِهِ كِبارُ الأَكؤُسِ

10. May you bring good fortune to the Commander of the Faithful
Dawning upon you with every delightful fulfillment

١٠. إِسعَد أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ بِدَولَةٍ
تَغدو عَلَيكَ بِكُلِّ حَظٍّ مُنفِسِ

11. For the beauty of your face holds a place in hearts
Endowed with charm to which one remains devoted

١١. فَلِحُسنِ وَجهِكَ في القُلوبِ مَحَلَّةٌ
خُصَّت إِلى جَذَلٍ بِها مُتَلَبِّسِ

12. You are a full moon for us, so whenever desolation strikes us
You dispel it with the light of a heartening face

١٢. بَدرٌ لَنا فَمَتى عَرَتنا وَحشَةٌ
جَلَّيتَها بِضِياءِ وَجهٍ مُؤنِسِ