
With affection, if only the unfeeling would yearn and love

بودي لو يهوى العذول ويعشق

1. With affection, if only the unfeeling would yearn and love
Then he would know the causes of passion and how it clings

١. بِوُدِّيَ لَو يَهوى العَذولُ وَيَعشَقُ
فَيَعلَمَ أَسبابَ الهَوى كَيفَ تَعلَقُ

2. I see a nature given to haughtiness for a long time
If he does not persist with lovers, how bad is his character

٢. أَرى خُلُقاً هُبِّي لِعَلوَةَ دَأماً
إِذا لَم يَدُم بِالعاشِقينَ التَخَلُّقُ

3. And falsehood came to me by night so I thought it
An apparition came from the end of night to knock

٣. وَزَورٍ أَتاني طارِقاً فَحَسِبتُهُ
خَيالاً أَتى مِن آخِرِ اللَيلِ يَطرُقُ

4. I waver in suspicion, at times belying it
And at times believing it is truth, back and forth

٤. أُقَسِّمُ فيهِ الظَنَّ طَوراً مُكَذِّباً
بِهِ أَنَّهُ حَقٌّ وَطَوراً أُصَدِّقُ

5. I fear and hope the proof of my suspicion and its validity
So my doubt perplexes me when I hope and separate

٥. أَخافُ وَأَرجو بُطلَ ظَنّي وَصِدقَهُ
فَلِلَّهِ شَكّي حِينَ أَرجو وَأَفرَقُ

6. We have embraced and the doubt of meeting and wrapped
An embrace around our necks, then it narrowed

٦. وَقَد ضَمَّنا وَشكُ التَلاقِي وَلَفَّنا
عِناقٌ عَلى أَعناقِنا ثَمَّ ضَيِّقُ

7. So you have not seen but an informant of youth
With complaint or with tears flowing down the cheek

٧. فَلَم تَرَ إِلّا مُخبِراً عَن صَبابَةٍ
بِشَكوى وَإِلّا عَبرَةً تَتَرَقرَقُ

8. So treat us well as tears mingle with tears
Their intermingling and cheek pressed against cheek

٨. فَأَحسِن بِنا وَالدَمعُ بِالدَمعِ واشِجٌ
تَمازُجُهُ وَالخَدُّ بِالخَدِّ مُلصَقُ

9. With kisses before commiseration and after
We almost split open from intensity of passion

٩. وَمِن قُبَلٍ قَبلَ التَشاكي وَبَعدَهُ
نَكادُ لَها مِن شِدَّةِ الوَجدِ نَشرَقُ

10. If people understood the beauty of meeting
For the sake of reunion, separation would be loved

١٠. فَلَو فَهِمَ النَاسُ التَلاقِي وَحُسنَهُ
لَحُبِّبَ مِن أَجلِ التَلاقي التَفَرُّقُ

11. When the roaring sea joins the bliss of
The Caliph, the sea in it almost drowned

١١. إِذا قُرِنَ البَحرُ الخِضَمُّ بِأَنعُمِ ال
خَليفَةِ كادَ البَحرُ فيهِنَّ يَغرَقُ

12. Gifts enumerating wishes and behind them
Promises where blossoms of the willow nearly bloom

١٢. مَواهِبُ أَعدادُ الأَماني وَخَلفَها
عِداتٌ يَكادُ العودُ مِنهُنَّ يورِقُ

13. With it, the world is set right when his aim leans
And the work of fate improves and fate is torn

١٣. بِهِ تُعدَلُ الدُنيا إِذا مالَ قَصدُها
وَيَحسُنُ صُنعُ الدَهرِ وَالدَهرُ أَخرَقُ

14. God has decreed for the proud in God that he
Is the just ruler, the rightly-guided, successful

١٤. قَضى اللَهُ لِلمُعتَزِّ بِاللَهِ أَنَّهُ
هُوَ القائِمُ العَدلُ الرَشيدُ المُوَفَّقُ

15. His love is a duty from God incumbent
And disobeying him is God's wrath, ruinous

١٥. مَحَبَّتُهُ فَرضٌ مِنَ اللَهِ واجِبٌ
وَعِصيانُهُ سُخطٌ مِنَ اللَهِ موبِقُ

16. You have remained, Commander of the Faithful, hopeful
So the kingdom has light for as long as you remain and thrive

١٦. بَقيتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ مُؤَمِّلاً
فَلِلمُلكِ نورٌ ما بَقيتَ وَرَونَقُ

17. Indeed, your horses arrived ahead yesterday
While you are foremost in glory and honor ahead

١٧. لَقَد أَقبَلَت بِالأَمسِ خَيلُكَ سُبَّقاً
وَأَنتَ إِلى العَلياءِ وَالمَجدِ أَسبَقُ

18. New Year found you at an auspicious, beloved time
Where the blossoms remain bursting with joy in it

١٨. وَوافاكَ بِالنَيروزِ وَقتٌ مُحَبَّبٌ
يَظَلُّ جَنِيُّ الوَردِ فيهِ يُفَطَّقُ

19. So you remain in abundant shade from God
Your shade is a meadow beautifying the wilderness

١٩. فَلازِلتَ في ظِلٍّ مِنَ اللَهِ سابِغٍ
فَظِلُّكَ رَوضٌ لِلبَرِيَّةِ مونِقُ

20. The course of Sham turned its reins freely to me
To the abodes of Manbij, loosened

٢٠. تَجانَفَ بي نَهجُ الشَآمِ وَطاعَ لي
عِنانٌ إِلى أَبياتِ مَنبِجَ مُطلَقُ

21. I conceal a friend or treat an adversary poorly
And spread your favours that speak

٢١. أَسُرُّ صَديقاً أَو أَسوءُ مُلاحِياً
وَأَنشُرُ آلاءً بِطولِكَ تَنطِقُ

22. And I am disposed, rather bound, after what
Makes my person a stranger, that my longing flares up

٢٢. وَإِنّي خَليقٌ بَل حَقيقٌ بِعُقبِ ما
يُغَرِّبُ شَخصي أَنَّ شَوقي يُشَرِّقُ

23. And from where does hope not rein in my reliance
Upon you and longing for you spur me on

٢٣. وَمِن أَينَ لا يَثني الرَجاءُ مُعَوَّلي
عَلَيكَ وَيَحدوني إِلَيكَ التَشَوُّقُ

24. You who have exalted me with kindness
Which, arriving soon, pours forth

٢٤. وَأَنتَ الَّذي أَعلَيتَني بِصَنيعَةٍ
هِيَ المُزنُ تَغدو مِن قَريبٍ فَتُغدِقُ

25. And a knowing woman whose traits surpassed me so neither praise
Can approach its summit nor gratitude catch up

٢٥. وَعارِفَةٍ فاتَت صَفاتي فَلا الثَنا
يُقارِبُ أَقصاها وَلا الشُكرُ يَلحَقُ

26. You carried on ten steeds my conveyance
Racing, the saddlecloth fluttering

٢٦. حَمَلتَ عَلى عَشرٍ مِنَ البَردِ مَركَبي
عِجالاً عَلَيهِنَّ الشَكيمُ المُحَلِّقُ

27. And increased my provisions with howdahs following
With your generosity in them, the well-arranged pearls

٢٧. وَأَكثَرتَ زادي مِن بُدورٍ تَتابَعَت
بِجودِكَ فيهِنَّ اللُجَينُ المُطَرَّقُ

28. And women related to the eminent and successors
A gathered beauty pleasing to behold and finest

٢٨. وَمُنتَسِباتٍ لِلوَجيهِ وَلاحِقٍ
كُمَيتٌ يَسُرُّ الناظِرينَ وَأَبلَقُ

29. And of robes they won by your wearing so they exude
A fragrance from the scent of your aura

٢٩. وَمِن خِلَعٍ فازَت بِلُبسِكَ فَاغدى
بِها أَرَجٌ مِن طيبِ عَرفِكَ يَعبَقُ

30. Over it a coat of brocade of excellent smooth
Gleaming silk that eyes slip on it and glide

٣٠. عَلَيها رِداءٌ مِن حَمائِلِ مُرهَفٍ
صَقيلٍ يَزَلُّ الطَرفُ عَنهُ فَيَزلَقُ

31. So are you, O son of the Rightly Guided, adorning me
With a ruby that dazzles me and shines?

٣١. فَهَل أَنتَ يا اِبنَ الراشِدينَ مُخَتِّمي
بِياقوتَةٍ تَهى عَلَيَّ وَتُشرِقِ

32. The red blush of roses envies the beauty of its dye
And the flowing scented oil tells of it

٣٢. يَغارُ اِحمِرارُ الوَردِ مِن حُسنِ صِبغِها
وَيَحكيهِ جادِيُّ الرَحيقِ المُعَتَّقِ

33. When it appeared and the sun - I said they vied
To some extent or the sun almost outstripped

٣٣. إِذا بَرَزَت وَالشَمسُ قُلتَ تَجارَتا
إِلى أَمَدٍ أَو كادَتِ الشَمسُ تَسبِقُ

34. When it blazed in a glance, its brilliance rivaled
Your forehead when you are generous and gleam

٣٤. إِذا اِلتَهَبَت في اللَحظِ ضاهى ضِياؤُها
جَبينَكَ عِندَ الجودِ إِذ يَتَأَلَّقُ

35. I am robed in a garment of pride, hastened
And with it remains a mention eternal

٣٥. أُسَربَلُ مِنها ثَوبَ فَخرٍ مُعَجَّلٍ
وَيَبقى بِها ذِكرٌ عَلى الدَهرِ مُخلِقُ

36. A sign of your generosity evident to me
And a witness to your favors that proves true

٣٦. عَلامَةُ جودٍ مِنكَ عِندي مُبينَةٌ
وَشاهِدُ عَدلٍ لي بِنُعماكَ يَصدُقُ

37. And one like you gave the likes of it and multiples over
And it is no wonder for the sea to surge overflowing

٣٧. وَمِثلُكَ أَعطاها وَأَضعافَ مِثلَها
وَلا غَروَ لِلبَحرِ اِنبَرى يَتَدَفَّقُ

38. If I screened my poetry from great men
Its rhymes with your description are more fitting

٣٨. لَئِن صُنتُ شِعري عَن رِجالٍ أَعِزَّةٍ
فَإِنَّ قَوافيهِ بِوَصفِكَ أَليَقُ

39. And if the workers are absolved of blame by me
Then the employer of workers is more deserving and proper

٣٩. وَإِن وَلِيَ العُمّالُ مِنّي مَبَرَّةً
فَمُستَعمِلُ العُمّالِ أَحرى وَأَخلَقُ