
I saw you, my brother, prolonging your blame,

رأيتك يا أخي تطيل هزي

1. I saw you, my brother, prolonging your blame,
And disturbing me with your ugly speech,

١. رَأَيتُكَ يا أُخَيَّ تُطيلُ هَزّي
وَتَحريكي بِمَنطِقِكَ القَبيحِ

2. You are not steadfast among them, so you are blamed,
Nor an outright master for their steadfastness.

٢. وَلَستَ بِثابِتٍ فيهِم فَتُهجى
وَلا مَولىً لِثابِتِهِم صَريحِ

3. So do not seek what you are leading yourself to -
My blame, for it is more precious than my praise.

٣. فَلا تَخطُب بِما تَجري إِلَيهِ
هِجائي فَهوَ أَغلى مِن مَديحي