
The antelope yearns for its meadow,

أثيل العقيق إلى بانه

1. The antelope yearns for its meadow,
So its keeper takes care of its grazing lands.

١. أُثَيلُ العَقيقِ إِلى بانِهِ
فَعُفرِ رُباهُ فَقيعانِهِ

2. There are pleasures for the hunter who seeks hearts,
With its beautiful eyes and gazelles.

٢. مَغانٍ لِوَحشٍ تَصيدُ القُلو
بَ عُيونُ مَهاهُ وَغِزلانِهِ

3. Youthfulness returns after the sincerity of old age,
And after the changes of its colors.

٣. صَبا بَعدَ إِخلاسِ شَيبِ القَذا
لِ وَبَعدَ اِختِلافاتِ أَلوانِهِ

4. And after losing a friend, hearts became estranged.
I concealed joy due to losing it.

٤. وَفِقدانِ إِلفٍ جَفَوتُ الكَرى
وَعِفتُ السُرورَ لِفِقدانِهِ

5. He obeyed the wicked against his will,
By avoiding the yearned and disobeying it.

٥. أَطاعَ الوُشاةَ عَلى كُرهِهِ
بِهَجرِ المَشوقِ وَعِصيانِهِ

6. If they had entrusted him to his opinion,
His connection would have come before estrangement.

٦. وَلَو وَكَلوهُ إِلى رَأيِهِ
أَتى وَصلُهُ قَبلَ هِجرانِهِ

7. I concealed passion, then declared it,
And the secret of passion before declaring it.

٧. كَتَمتُ الهَوى ثُمَّ أَعلَنتُهُ
وَسِرُّ الهَوى قَبلَ إِعلانِهِ

8. I give up on something when I miss it,
And seek it when I can attain it.

٨. أُخَلّي عَنِ الشَيءِ في فَوتِهِ
وَأَطلُبُهُ عِندَ إِمكانِهِ

9. I hope for a good return
With the justice of the minister and his benevolence.

٩. وَآمُلُ مِن حَسَنٍ رَجعَةً
بِعَدلِ الوَزيرِ وَإِحسانِهِ

10. When he intends, he executes the determination of youth,
And hesitation was never his trait.

١٠. إِذا هَمَّ أَمضى شَبا عَزمِهِ
وَكانَ التَوَرُّدُ مِن شانِهِ

11. He does not hesitate to execute his certainty,
Events reveal his precedence in opinion.

١١. وَلَم يَتَوَقَّف عَلى شَكِّهِ
فَيَمنَعهُ تَنفيذَ إيقانِهِ

12. The thickness of scribes prevented
The flow from the spring by the strength of its knots.

١٢. صَليبٌ تُكَشِّفُ عَن سَبقِهِ
إِلى الرَأيِ أَحداثُ أَزمانِهِ

13. The distinguished learned from his excellence,
So they flowed in the manner of his field.

١٣. وَقَد حاجَزَت عاجِماتِ الخُطو
بِ عَنِ النَبعِ شِدَّةُ عيدانِهِ

14. His aid in turmoil goes out morning and evening
Training the aid of his horsemen.

١٤. تَعَلَّمَ مِن فَضلِهِ المُفضِلو
نَ فَأَجرَوا عَلى نَهجِ مَيدانِهِ

15. The enemy dread his seriousness in donning
The shirt of iron and their bodies.

١٥. وَيَغدو وَنَجدَتُهُ في الوَغى
تُدَرِّبُ نَجداتِ فُرسانِهِ

16. If their rebellion increases his anger
And you deny the appearance of his knowledge.

١٦. يَهولُ العِدى جِدُّهُ في اِدِّخا
رِ قُمصِ الحَديدِ وَأَبدانِهِ

17. Then in the sword, if his pardon does not return,
Is the remedy for the pains of his grudges.

١٧. إِذا زادَ في غَيظِهِ بَغيُهُم
وَأَنكَرتَ ظاهِرَ عِرفانِهِ

18. He treats his subjects fairly
And fulfills the advice of his sultan.

١٨. فَفي السَيفِ إِن لَم يَعُد عَفوُهُ
شِفاءُ مُمِضّاتِ أَضغانِهِ

19. His competence stood against what
The envious hoped for out of their hatred.

١٩. تَلافى رَعِيَّتَهُ مُنصِفاً
وَوَفّى نَصيحَةَ سُلطانِهِ

20. Neither weakness is a method for his management,
Nor incapacity a house for his demons.

٢٠. وَقامَت كِفايَتُهُ دونَ ما
رَجاهُ الحَسودُ بِشَنآنِهِ

21. When he promises, his palm expands
To accomplish it without depriving it.

٢١. فَما الوَهنُ نَهجاً لِتَدبيرِهِ
وَلا العَجزُ داراً لِإيطانِهِ

22. Our hopes are fulfilled through him
With smooth attainment and haste.

٢٢. إِذا وَعَدَ اِتَّسَعَت كَفُّهُ
لِإِنجاحِهِ دونَ حِرمانِهِ

23. Generosities the like of which
Their benefactor will not construct on the day of its building.

٢٣. تُصَدِّقُ آمالَنا عِندَهُ
لَدى سَلِسِ النَيلِ عَجلانِهِ

24. Rhymes flow with their news
Like the walking of the mounted with their riders.

٢٤. مَكارِمُ لا يَبتَني مِثلَها
مُشَفِّقُهُم يَومَ بُنيانِهِ

25. Good tidings of the skillful in glory, empowered
Over the people in raising their prices.

٢٥. تَسيرُ القَوافي بِأَنبائِها
مَسيرَ المَطِيِّ بِرُكبانِهِ

26. When they oppose him with hardships,
The star rises in the distance of his determination.

٢٦. شَرى بارِعَ المَجدِ مُستَظهِراً
عَلى القَومِ في رَفعِ أَثمانِهِ

27. If we extended the need,
We limited its extent through his youth.

٢٧. إِذا طاوَلوهُ إِلى سُؤدُدٍ
عَلا النَجمَ في بُعدِ إِمعانِهِ

28. With flowers as if the clouds borrowed
From their generosity the overflowing of its scattering.

٢٨. إِذا ما اِستَطَلنا مَدى حاجَةٍ
قَصَرنا مَداها بِفِتيانِهِ

29. You see praise gathered in its integrity
For Ahmad ibn Sulayman.

٢٩. بِزُهرٍ كَأَنَّ السَحابَ اِستَعا
رَ مِن جودِهِم فَيضَ تَهتانِهِ

30. For the white one elevated by the kinship of the minister
Above the status of the minister in his old age.

٣٠. تَرى الحَمدَ مُجتَمِعاً شَملُهُ
لِأَحمَدِهِ بنِ سُلَيمانِهِ

31. The clothes of his blessings remind us
Of the clothes of youth and its prime.

٣١. لِأَبيَضَ يَعلو بِقُربى الوَزي
رِ عُلُوَّ الوَزيرِ بِشَيبانِهِ

٣٢. يُذَكِرُنا لُبسُ نَعمانِهِ
لِباسِ الشَبابِ وَرَيعانِهِ