1. With longing my body has withered for you and hardened,
With the strength of my love for you and the weakness of my perseverance,
١. بِطولِ ضَنى جِسمي بِكُم وَتَبَلُّدي
بِقُوَّةِ حُبِّيكُم وَضِعفِ تَجَلُّدي
2. With my love, my humility, my longing, my confusion,
With my sickness, my weakness, my persistence in supplication,
٢. بِحُبّي بِذُلّي بِالجَوى بِتَحَيُّري
بِسُقمي بِضَعفي بِاِتِّصالِ تَلَدُّدي
3. By what Allah the Almighty, majestic is His glory,
Sent down as a Quran with the words of the Prophet Muhammad,
٣. بِما أَنزَلَ اللَهُ العَظيمُ جَلالُهُ
قُراناً عَلى لَفظِ النَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدِ
4. Have mercy, for I am a man whose body has been weakened
Without fault, truly it was done intentionally,
٤. تَرَفَّق فَإِنّي المَرءُ أَوهَنتَ جِسمَهُ
بِلا خَطَإٍ قَد كانَ بَل بِتَعَمُّدِ
5. Bestow charity upon your poor one with your bounty
For here I am, my hand stretched out to you,
٥. تَصَدَّق عَلى مِسكينِكُم بِنَوالِكُم
فَهاأَنَذا مَمدودَةً نَحوَكُم يَدي