
Who will inform Al-Tai

من مبلغ الطائي وهو مخيم

1. Who will inform Al-Tai
While he camps

١. مَن مُبلِغُ الطائِيِّ وَهوَ مُخَيِّمٌ
بِالحيرَةِ البَيضاءِ أَو كوفانِ

2. At Al-Hayra Al-Bayda or Kufan
That the gain the day you shot me

٢. أَنَّ الزِيادَةَ يَومَ رُمتَ زِيادَتي
عادَت عَلَيَّ بِأَكبَرِ النُقصانِ

3. Returned to me in greatest loss
It would have been plenty, had I been satisfied with it

٣. قَد كانَ غُنماً لَو قَنِعتُ بِقَدرِهِ
في أَن يَصِحَّ وَتَخلُصَ المِأَتانِ

4. So it stayed sound and the two hundred were spared
But now my limbs have returned to me

٤. فَالآنَ قَد رَجَعَت إِلَيَّ جَوارِحي
وَيَدي مَطِيَّةَ خَيبَةٍ وَلِساني

5. And my hands are empty of disappointment and my tongue
How can I go to Damascus when

٥. كَيفَ الخُروجُ إِلى الشَآمِ وَعِندَهُ
زادي وَراحِلَتي اللَذا فاتاني