1. A herd with affection or guides?
The day their camels were decked at Ramah.
١. أَصُدودٌ غَلا بِها أَم دَلالُ
يَومَ زُمَّت بِرامَةَ الأَجمالُ
2. They turned from the trouble of the rod and strayed,
From nearby, as the gazelle strays.
٢. أَعرَضَت عَطفَةَ القَضيبِ وَحادَت
مِن قَريبٍ كَما يَحيدُ الغَزالُ
3. You knew me in my prime,
When life was new and I donned it.
٣. عَهِدَتني وَلِلشَبيبَةِ سِربا
لٌ جَديدٌ فَأَنهَجَ السِربالُ
4. She saw me as wisdom left me
And abstinence turned from my folly.
٤. وَرَأَتني تَدارَكَ الحِلمُ مِنّي
وَتَناهى عَن عَذلِيَ العُذّالُ
5. If estrangement returns anew, it had been
Anew for us and for her, reunion.
٥. إِن يَعُد هَجرُها جَديداً فَقَد كا
نَ جَديداً مِنّا وَمِنها الوِصالُ
6. When the margins of time are green meadows
And the canal of days holds composure,
٦. إِذا حَواشي الزَمانِ خُضرٌ رِقاقٌ
وَقَناةُ الأَيّامِ فيها اِعتِدالُ
7. By the sandhill she has, from the side of Hazwa,
A dwelling, alive and pure company.
٧. وَلَها بِالكَثيبِ مِن جَنبِ حُزوى
أَنَسٌ قاطِنٌ وَحَيٌّ حِلالُ
8. The ruins and relics reminded me
Of pleasures whose memory leads astray.
٨. ذَكَّرَتني الرُسومُ وَالأَطلالُ
صَبَواتٍ ذِكري لَهُنَّ ضَلالُ
9. It suits dreaming to obey sudden ideas.
And distraction for the resolute to turn gray.
٩. تَلَفُ الحِلمِ أَن يُطاعَ التَصابي
وَرَدى اللَهوِ أَن يَشيبَ القَذالُ
10. Life left, so grayness in the eyes of the mature,
And youth is beauty.
١٠. أَبرَحَ العَيشُ فَالمَشيبُ قَذىً في
أَعيُنِ البيضِ وَالشَبابُ جَمالُ
11. Give us a gift, where is a gift like yours?
Or make us promises, and promises like yours are empty.
١١. نَوِّلينا وَأَينَ مِنكِ النَوالُ
أَو عِدينا وَوَعدُ مِثلَكَ آلُ
12. I'm satisfied for you to give generously
With a lying word, or a phantom of you to haunt me.
١٢. أَنا راضٍ بِأَن تَجودي بِقَولٍ
كاذِبٍ أَو يُطيفَ مِنكِ خَيالُ
13. Oh you who seek to compete with destiny,
You tried to attain what cannot be attained.
١٣. أَيُّها المُبتَغي مُساجَلَةَ الفَت
حِ لَحاوَلتَ نَيلَ ما لا يُنالُ
14. Where are those morals in you, when you hurl
Accusations, and where are those fine traits?
١٤. أَينَ تِلكَ الأَخلاقُ مِنكَ إِذا رُم
تَ مَداها وَأَينَ تِلكَ الخِلالُ
15. The seas will not compete, when the tide rages in them,
Nor will the mountains equal each other in height.
١٥. لَن تُجارى البِحارُ حينَ يَجيشُ ال
مَدُّ فيها وَلَن تُوازى الجِبالُ
16. The distant is conspicuous in its separation
While types and forms draw near each other.
١٦. يَبعُدُ البائِنُ المُبَرِّزُ فَوتاً
وَتَدانى الضُروبُ وَالأَشكالُ
17. The leadership was not handed over to him until
It knew his superiority over it, the men.
١٧. لَم تُسَلَّم لَهُ المَقادَةُ حَتّى
عَرَفَت فَضلَهُ عَلَيها الرِجالُ
18. Tanookh raised his glory above it,
So he has an outlook higher than anyone else's.
١٨. رَفَعَت مَجدَهُ عَلَيهِ تَنوخٌ
فَلَهُ فَوقَ غَيرِهِ إِطلالُ
19. A speaker and a doer, and a saying does not become
Glory until it becomes action.
١٩. قائِلٌ فاعِلٌ وَلَيسَ يَكونُ ال
قَولُ مَجداً حَتّى يَكونَ الفَعالُ
20. Honest generosity between people
In whose temperaments toward us crookedness hides.
٢٠. وَصَحيحُ السَماحِ بَينَ أُناسٍ
في سَجاياهُمُ عَلَينا اِعتِلالُ
21. Firm in scheming, when there is opportunity for the horsemen
Space on the side of the fallen enemy.
٢١. ثابِتٌ في المَكَرِّ إِذ راحَ لِلفُر
سانِ عَن جانِبِ الصَريعِ مَجالُ
22. A king who has independent judgement like a king's
And lives nobly in his exceeding nobility.
٢٢. مَلِكٌ يَستَقِلُّ في رَأيِهِ المُل
كُ وَيَحيا في فَضلِهِ الإِفضالُ
23. And if you seek the quarter of Abul Fadl,
Then forgiveness, deference, and regard are there.
٢٣. وَإِذا ما حَلَلتَ رَبعَ أَبي الفَض
لِ فَثَمَّ السَماحُ وَالإِبلالُ
24. Haughty over misfortunes, when the unlucky one
Stumbles in diverting them, there is nothing to say.
٢٤. مُتَعَلٍّ عَلى الخُطوبِ إِذِ العا
ثِرُ كابٍ في صَرفِها ما يُقالُ
25. And he stands listening to matters in which
There is deviation from their directions and separation.
٢٥. وَمُقيمٌ صَغى الأُمورِ وَفيها
حَيدٌ عَن جِهاتِها وَاِنفِتالُ
26. He tries over the caliphate, nothing is lacking
In his fortune, and he does not cheat.
٢٦. مُتَحَنٍّ عَلى الخِلافَةِ ما يَن
قُصُ في حَظِّها وَلا يَغتالُ
27. Showing openness to its rights, resolves
Which its hated aspects shun, the heroes.
٢٧. شاهِرٌ دونَ حَقِّها عَزَماتٍ
تَتَحامى مَكروهُها الأَبطالُ
28. And swords whose lighting is deadly
For the enemies, and their striking, fateful.
٢٨. وَسُيوفاً إيماضُها أَوجالٌ
لِلأَعادي وَوَقعُها آجالُ
29. Polished, for them when darkness
Falls over them, kindling and flaming.
٢٩. مُرهَفاتٍ لَها إِذا أَظلَمَ النَق
عُ عَلَيها تَوَقُّدٌ وَإِشتِعالُ
30. Constantly it brings news to them of blood
From their enemy, and burnishing.
٣٠. أَبَداً يَستَجِدُّ مِنها حَديثا
نِ دَمٌ مِن عَدُوِّهِ وَصِقالُ
31. Whenever I came to him I recognized glory
To be gained, a place for the eye.
٣١. كُلَّما جِئتُهُ تَعَرَّفتُ مَجداً
مُستَفاداً لِلطَرفِ فيهِ مَجالُ
32. Where rights are not denied the petitioners
And giving does not wait for asking.
٣٢. حَيثُ لا تَدفَعُ الحُقوقَ المَعاذي
رُ وَلا يَسبِقُ العَطاءَ السُؤالُ
33. The knower of generosity has needed no one but you
And hopes in other than you have failed.
٣٣. أَعوَزَت مِن سِواكَ عارِفَةُ الجو
دِ وَخابَت في غَيرِكَ الآمالُ
34. I am the one who your voice called out,
And your abundant generous gifts lifted up.
٣٤. أَنا مَن بَلَّهُ نَداكَ وَأَعلَت
مِنهُ آلاؤُكَ العِراضُ الطِوالُ
35. Favours from you carried me, messages and slight gifts,
Laden, and they are noble steeds.
٣٥. وَتَوَلَّتهُ أَنعُمٌ مِنكَ يُحمَل
نَ خِفاقاً وَهُنَّ وَفرٌ ثِقالُ
36. Filled with your mention, the earth in gratitude
And praise, and its course, sending forth.
٣٦. مالِئاتٌ بِذِكرِكَ الأَرضَ شُكراً
وَثَناءً وَسَيرُها إِرسالُ
37. Rising, those planets, so in every
Dwelling they have speech there.
٣٧. طالِعاتٌ تِلكَ النِجادَ فَفي كُلِّ
مَقامٍ لَهُنَّ فيهِ مَقالُ