
He changed or strayed from his promise

تغير أو حال عن عهده

1. He changed or strayed from his promise
And harbored treachery without revealing it

١. تَغَيَّرَ أَو حالَ عَن عَهدِهِ
وَأَضمَرَ غَدراً وَلَم يُبدِهِ

2. Eager to steal hearts
With his jesting and seriousness

٢. مَليءٌ بِأَن يَستَرِقَّ القُلو
بَ عَلى هَزلِهِ وَعَلى جَدِّهِ

3. And that magic could be found in his glance
And that roses were plucked from his cheek

٣. وَأَن يوجَدَ السِحرُ في طَرفِهِ
وَأَن يُجتَنى الوَردُ مِن خَدِّهِ

4. Healing hearts even if hopes denied
And he broke his word

٤. يَشِفُّ القُلوبَ وَإِن أَكذَبَ ال
ظُنونَ وَأَخلَفَ في وَعدِهِ

5. With a face that resembled the full moon in its beauty
And a form that matched the branch in its swaying

٥. بِما أَشبَهَ البَدرَ مِن حُسنِهِ
وَما شاكَلَ الغُصنَ مِن قَدِّهِ

6. His land was watered by pouring rain
When lightning flared amid its thunder

٦. سَقى أَرضَهُ هَطَلانُ السَحا
بِ إِذا اِلتَهَبَ البَرقُ عَن رَعدِهِ

7. By my life, his abandonment
Was easier on love than his distance

٧. لَعَمري لَقَد كانَ هِجرانَهُ
عَلى الصَبِّ أَيسَرَ مِن بُعدِهِ

8. Once I yearned for his affection
Now I yearn for his rejection

٨. وَقَد كُنتُ أَظما إِلى وَصلِهِ
فَقَد صِرتُ أَظما إِلى صَدِّهِ

9. Can the eye be free of its tears?
Can the heart fall short of its pain?

٩. فَهَل تُعتَقُ العَينُ مِن دَمعِها
وَهَل يُقصِرُ القَلبُ عَن وَجدِهِ

10. We saw in the Imam of humanity
Examples of the glory we coveted

١٠. رَأَينا خِلالَ إِمامَ الوَرى
شَبايِهَ ما شِدنَ مِن مَجدِهِ

11. He drew near to God with dignity
Walking the path of truth toward his aim

١١. تَعَزَّزَ بِاللَهِ مُستَقرِباً
مَدى الحَقِّ يَسري إِلى قَصدِهِ

12. God saw how he extended his palm
So He allotted him a share of His bounty

١٢. رَأى اللَهُ كَيفَ نَدى كَفِّهِ
فَأَسنى لَهُ القَسمَ مِن عِندِهِ

13. The tranquility of the flock in his shade
And the livelihood of creation in his rain

١٣. سُكونُ الرَعِيَّةِ في ظِلِّهِ
وَعَيشُ البَرِيَّةِ في رِفدِهِ

14. Tongues of praise gathered
Thanking and praising him

١٤. وَأَلسِنَةُ الحَمدِ مَجموعَةٌ
عَلى شُكرِهِ وَعَلى حَمدِهِ

15. He is the rain pouring in streams
Sweet and fresh in its pools

١٥. هُوَ الغَيثُ يَنهَلُّ في صَوبِهِ
سِجالاً وَيَعذُبُ في وِردِهِ

16. In him we placed our hopes
With a wondrous strong rope, return it

١٦. لَقَد عَلِقَت مِنهُ آمالُنا
بِحَبلِ غَريبِ النَدى فَردِهِ

17. May his rule last in its abasement
And his life continue in its ease

١٧. فَدامَ لَهُ المُلكُ في خَفضِهِ
وَتَمَّ لَهُ العَيشُ في رَغدِهِ

18. We ask that he be honored and we need
God to protect us from losing him

١٨. مُنانا وَحاجَتُنا أَن يَعِز
زَ وَأَن يَمنَعَ اللَهُ مِن فَقدِهِ

19. It will be healed with lancing
Trusting in God's consequence of lancing

١٩. تُعالَجُ بِالفَصدِ مُستَأنِفاً
لِعاقِبَةِ اللَهِ في فَصدِهِ

20. A cure that will show in time
The safety after it from illness

٢٠. عِلاجاً يُخَبِّرُ في وَقتِهِ
بِعُقبى السَلامَةِ مِن بَعدِهِ