1. Grey streaked or hastened its roses
And borrowed youth from one who'll not restore it
١. غَلَّسَ الشَيبُ أَو تَعَجَّلَ وِردَه
وَاِستَعارَ الشَبابَ مَن لا يَرُدُّهُ
2. Ask me not of youth after its morn is past
The meadows of youth and its cool are over
٢. لا تَسَلني عَنِ الصِبا بَعدَ ما صَوَّحَ
رَوضُ الصِبا وَأَنجَزَ بُردُه
3. Though old age pretends morn and dons youthful garb
It is our new life which we still discover
٣. وَمَغاضُ المَشيبِ يَغدو فَيَستَخ
لِقُ مِن عَيشِنا الَّذي نَستَجِدُّهُ
4. God damn the killers of the dreamy heart
Whose guidance from love turned youth astray
٤. قاتَلَ اللَهُ قاتِلاتِ الغَواني
بِالغَرامِ المُنبي عَنِ الغَيِّ رُشدُه
5. And the sickly eyes whose flames kindled
A passion in hearts that fevered and burned them
٥. وَالعُيونِ المِراضِ يوقِدُ عَنهُنَّ
جَوىً يُمرِضُ الجَوانِحَ وَقدُه
6. On the lovely cheeks the bloom of Spring
Scattered freely its roses and perfume
٦. وَالخُدودِ الحِسانِ يَبهى عَلَيها
جُلَنّارُ الرَبيعِ طَلقاً وَوَردُه
7. The careless turns from love to friends
And ardour for the friend fills his soul
٧. يَتَخَلّى السالي عَنِ الحُبِّ بِالشُغ
لِ وَيَغلو بِصاحِبِ الوَجدِ وَجدُه
8. 'Tis the wrong of the white hands I love
That the estranged desires one who'll not love him
٨. وَمِنَ الضَيمِ في هَوى البيضِ عِندي
أَن يَوَدَّ المَتبولُ مَن لا يَوَدُّه
9. I have a friend I prepared for the days
When time breeds disfavor for one who'd befriend him
٩. لي صَديقٌ أَعدَدتُهُ لِصُروفٍ
مِن زَمانٍ يُربي عَلى مَن يُعِدُّه
10. A lord of the Huseins, son of Saad
Husein built his house and Saad founded it
١٠. سَيِّدٌ مِن بَني الحُسَينِ بنِ سَعدٍ
شادَ بُنيانَهُ الحُسَينُ وَسَعدُه
11. Glory lies not in him who has not first
Father and grandsire to precede and own it
١١. وَهُوَ المَجدُ لَيسَ يَحويهِ مَن لَم
يَتَقَدَّم فيهِ أَبوهُ وَجَدُّه
12. What's lost we'll not regret but what's left of
Chances we hold, though their loss we may suffer
١٢. ما نُبالي أَيَّ الحُظوظِ فَقَدنا
ما تَراخى عَنّا فَأُمهِلَ فَقدُه
13. Compare not Hatim's generosity
For Hatim's slave serves in Hatim's footsteps
١٣. لا تَقيسَنَّ حاتِمَ الجودِ في الجو
دِ إِلَيهِ فَحاتِمٌ فيهِ عَبدُه
14. Mirth is his manner, liberality, wisdom,
Sufficiency, earnest his aims ever
١٤. هَزلُهُ لِلسَماحِ شيمَتُهُ وَال
بَذلُ وَالحَزمُ وَالكِفايَةُ جِدُّه
15. War and peace find him alike, the sword's edge
In melody and in firmness rival him
١٥. تَتَكافا الحالانِ مِنهُ وَمَتنُ ال
سَيفِ سَيّانِ في الغِناءِ وَحَدُّه
16. Still he redeems a people whose worth
Though diminished remains a plenteous river
١٦. لا يَزَل يُفتَدى بِقَومٍ أَراهُم
غاضَ مَعروفُهُم وَأُترِعَ رِفدُه
17. The generous vie but their zeal furthers
One who excels them in lengthened endeavor
١٧. ما تَجارى الأَجوادُ إِلّا شَآهُم
سابِقاً واحِدَ التَطَوُّلِ فَردُه
18. Better the hopeless from urgency turn
For peace of despair than his deafness trouble
١٨. خَيرُ ما لِلمُطالِبينَ لَدَيهِ
راحَةُ اليَأسِ مِن جَداهُم وَبَردُه
19. Whose promises hope an equal favors
Or can hope overtake his favors' measure?
١٩. مَن يُشِن وَعدَهُ المِطالُ يُناجِز
مُنجِحاً أَو يُزانُ بِالنُجحِ وَعدُه
20. Yet men will persist though art perish
And slowness to pay be their only treasure
٢٠. وَمِنَ الناسِ مَن يُناكِدُ حَتّى
إِنَّ فَنّاً مِنَ النَسيئَةِ نَقدُه
21. They turned from him while the envious crept
From his sea that will aye surge and spread
٢١. حادَ عَنهُ المُساجِلونَ وَهابوا
حَفلَةَ البَحرِ وَالبِحارُ تَمُدُّه