
My blame lies in estrangement and avoidance,

ملامك في صدودي واجتنابي

1. My blame lies in estrangement and avoidance,
And in journeys to far lands in solitude.

١. مَلامَكِ في صُدودي وَاِجتِنابي
وَنَأيِي بِالمَشارِقِ وَاِغتِرابي

2. For yearning's motives call me
To meet by lawful means or stealthily.

٢. فَقَد جَعَلَت دَواعي الشَوقِ تَدعو
إِلى حَلَلٍ بِواسِطَ أَو كِنابِ

3. Excuses to be made, then purpose fixed
To reach you, between hesitation and resolve.

٣. لُباناتٌ تَقَضّى ثُمَّ يُمضى
إِلَيكَ العَزمُ بَينَ هَلٍ وَهابِ

4. Though leaving half myself behind
I forget in distance, and in nearness remember.

٤. عَلى أَنّي أُخَلِّفُ شِقَّ نَفسي
وَأُنسي في بِعادي وَاِقتِرابي

5. A brother I would make him, sharing intimacy,
And begging for him raindrops from clouds.

٥. أَخاً أُعطيهِ مَكنونَ التَصافي
وَأَستَسقي لَهُ دُرَرَ السَحابِ

6. If I summon him he is a sea-bay,
Or if I rouse him, a brook in the hills.

٦. إِنِ اِستَرفَدتُهُ فَخَليجُ بَحرٍ
أَوِ اِستَنهَضتُهُ فَسَليلُ غابِ

7. When I enter his abode I find him
A boon companion, green of side.

٧. مَتى أَحلُل بِساحَتِهِ أَجِدهُ
أَنيسَ الرَبعِ مُخضَرَّ الجَنابِ

8. Lord of the house, excelling in glory,
Rare in fortune, generous in giving.

٨. وَسيطَ البَيتِ في شَرَفِ المَعالي
نَفيسَ الحَظِّ في كَرَمِ النِصابِ

9. Wilderness to the ears, not to be companied
With repetition of blame and reproach.

٩. وَوَحشِيَّ المَسامِعِ لَم يُؤَنَّس
بِتَكرارِ المَلامَةِ وَالعِتابِ

10. He sees refusal of a friend as a fault
And takes reproach for abuse.

١٠. يَرى عَذلَ الصَديقِ إِلَيهِ ذَنباً
وَيَعتَدُّ العِتابَ مِنَ السِبابِ

11. He was not pushed away from wants by slowness
As camels shoved away at the mounting-place.

١١. وَلَم يُنخَس عَلى الحاجاتِ بَطأً
كَما نُخِسَ الثَفالُ مِنَ الرِكابِ

12. Abu Bishr, you are my brother and beloved,
He who accepts my trial and choosing.

١٢. أَبا بِشرٍ وَأَنتَ أَخي وَوُدّي
وَمَن رَضِيَ اِختِباري وَاِنتِخابي

13. Your ransom is a nurtured one of Zayd's clan,
My partisan, graceful in youth,

١٣. فِداؤُكَ مُقرِفٌ مِن آلِ زَيدٍ
مُوَلّي الخَيرَ مُقتَبَلِ الشَبابِ

14. Who thinks little of being ill spoken of
If finely dressed, well praised tomorrow.

١٤. يَهونُ عَلَيهِ أَن يُمسي قَبيحَ الـ
ـثَناءِ إِذا غَدا حَسَنَ الثِيابِ

15. Base in wealth and wants fulfilled,
Wrongs forgiven and covered with dust.

١٥. ذَليلُ الأَيرِ وَالحاجاتُ تُقضى
وَمَعفورُ التَرائِبِ بِالتُرابِ

16. Licensed over his testicles a general warrant,
However deep he probes into secrets.

١٦. وَمَأذونٌ عَلى خُصيَيهِ إِذناً
يَعُمُّ وَإِن تَعَمَّقَ في الحِجابِ