
I wish the mixture that has appeared had not appeared

ليت الخليط الذي قد بان لم يبن

1. I wish the mixture that has appeared had not appeared
Rather I wish what was of your love had not been

١. لَيتَ الخَليطَ الَّذي قَد بانَ لَم يَبِنِ
بَل لَيتَ ما كانَ مِن حُبّيكِ لَم يَكُنِ

2. It is more fitting for the eyes that their tears should flow
An eye cried its passion at a beautiful sight

٢. أَحرى العُيونِ بِأَن تَدمى مَدامِعُها
عَينٌ بَكَت شَجوَها مِن مَنظَرٍ حَسَنِ

3. Patience is best at the separation of a beloved
Between remoteness I am between misery and grief

٣. ما أَحسَنَ الصَبرَ إِلّا عِندَ فُرقَةِ مَن
بِبَينِهِ صِرتُ بَينَ البَثِّ وَالحَزَنِ

4. O joy for me from the sun that rose
In the meadows amidst a flock of fluttering moths

٤. يا فَرحَةً لي مِنَ الشَمسِ الَّتي طَلَعَت
في الرائِحينَ بِسِربِ الرَبرَبِ القَطِنِ

5. A sandy dune in its loftiness, so alluring
With a morning sun at the top of that allure

٥. كَثيبُ رَملٍ عَلى عَليائِهِ فَنَنٌ
وَشَمسُ دَجنٍ بِأَعلى ذَلِكَ الفَنَنِ

6. When the eye falls upon it, it falls
Only on a seduction among the most fatal seductions

٦. ما تَقَعُ العَينُ مِنها حينَ تَلحَظُها
إِلّا عَلى فِتنَةٍ مِن أَقتَلِ الفِتَنِ

7. She stood, bending in her stature
As if the staff of the myrtle had not bent

٧. قامَت تَثَنّى فَلانَت في مَجاسِدِها
حَتّى كَأَنَّ قَضيبَ البانِ لَم يَلِنِ

8. In a little while, I will have a conscience that does not blame me
And a heart that is not hostage to passion for you

٨. لي عَن قَليلٍ ضَميرٌ لا يُلِمُّ بِهِ
وَجدٌ عَلَيكِ وَقَلبٌ غَيرُ مُرتَهَنِ

9. When worries take residence in a person's mind
Misery travels but does not settle in a home

٩. إِنَّ الهُمومَ إِذا أَوطَنَّ في خَلَدٍ
لِلمَرءِ سارَ وَلَم يَربَع عَلى وَطَنِ

10. After joining the ruins, the marshes of Dijlah brought us to you
Pushed by a caravan of boats

١٠. إِلَيكَ بَعدَ وِصالِ البيدِ أَوصَلَنا
آذِيُّ دِجلَةَ في عيرٍ مِنَ السُفُنِ

11. The winds' quirks, it defies and avoids them
Guided calmly by a piece of wood without oars

١١. غَرائِبُ الريحِ تَحدوها وَيُجنِبُها
هادٍ مِنَ الماءِ مُنقادٌ بِلا رَسَنِ

12. We came to you bearing words adorned
As if they were scented with the blessings of Yemen

١٢. جِئناكَ نَحمِلُ أَلفاظاً مُدَبَّجَةً
كَأَنَّما وَشيُها مِن يُمنَةِ اليَمَنِ

13. As if while walking the sand dunes
In the hands of Imru’ al-Qais or Nāil al-Hasan

١٣. كَأَنَّها وَهيَ تَمشي البُحتُرِيَّةَ في
يَدي أَبي الفَضلِ أَو في نائِلِ الحَسَنِ

14. We send rhymed poetry together to the Lord of poetry
Like one carrying allies sends them to Aden

١٤. نُهدي القَريضَ إِلى رَبِّ القَريضِ مَعاً
كَحامِلِ العَصبِ يُهديهِ إِلى عَدَنِ

15. The most radiant of all flowers
Remaining through time and the rest of time

١٥. مِن كُلِّ زَهراءَ كَالنُوّارِ مُشرِقَةٍ
أَبقى عَلى الزَمَنِ الباقي مِنَ الزَمَنِ

16. The gratitude of one who remained busy thanking you instead
Of excessive crying over ruins and remains

١٦. شُكرَ اِمرِئٍ ظَلَّ مَشغولاً بِشُكرِكَ عَن
فَرطِ البُكاءِ عَلى الأَطلالِ وَالدِمَنِ

17. I said, when you extended your palms from my hopes
Whatever fate wills, so let it be

١٧. قَد قُلتُ إِذ بَسَطَت كَفّاكَ مِن أَمَلي
ماشاءَ مِن نائِباتِ الدَهرِ فَليَكُنِ

18. I was satisfied with morals from you that have mixed
With virtues, the mixing of spirit with body

١٨. رَضيتُ مِنكَ بِأَخلاقٍ قَدِ اِمتَزَجَت
بِالمَكرُماتِ اِمتِزاجَ الروحِ بِالبَدَنِ

19. And you increased my desire to tie the knot of your love
When you combined that dew with discernment and wisdom

١٩. وَزِدتَني رَغبَةً في عَقدِ وُدِّكَ إِذ
شَفَعتَ ذاكَ النَدى بِالفَهمِ وَالفِطَنِ

20. A palm of yours draws near to glory, having become
Familiar with giving and generosity, like an eye to kohl

٢٠. تُدني إِلى المَجدِ كَفّاً مِنكَ قَد أَنِسَت
بِالبَذلِ وَالجودِ أُنسَ العَينِ بِالوَسَنِ

21. Whoever passion settles in from one he loves, and whoever
Yearns, you have no home but glory as a settle

٢١. مَن يُصبِهِ سَكَنٌ مِمَّن يُحِبُّ وَمَن
يَهوى فَما لَكَ غَيرُ المَجدِ مِن سَكَنِ