
Ali son of Fayyad on the day of his ascent

علي بني الفياض يوم نواله

1. Ali son of Fayyad on the day of his ascent
Brother of abundant rain in its downpour and celebration

١. عَلِيُّ بَني الفَيّاضِ يَومَ نَوالِهِ
أَخو الغَيثِ في إِغزارِهِ وَاحتِفالِهِ

2. When we tested him, we praised him, and indeed
The singing of the sword is revealed at its unsheathing

٢. إِذا ما بَلَوناهُ حَمِدنا وَإِنَّما
يَبينُ غَناءُ السَيفِ عِندَ استِلالِهِ

3. We weighed against him the dangers of a people, so
His actions humbled their haughty state

٣. وَزَنّا بِهِ أَخطارَ قَومٍ فَخَفَّضَت
مَواقِعُ مِنهُم عَن تَرَفُّعِ حالِهِ

4. Sublime, above all needs, they incline towards him
To grasp a harvested rope from his ropes

٤. جَليلٌ عَنِ الحاجاتِ يَنحونَ نَحوَهُ
فَيَعلَقنَ حَبلاً مُحصَداً مِن حِبالِهِ

5. He is not brought down to anything less than a need
If he does not diminish his majesty for it

٥. فَلَيسَ بِمَحطوطٍ إِلى دونِ حاجَةٍ
إِذا هُوَ لَم يَغضُض لَها مِن جَلالِهِ

6. Whenever I ready my soul towards him desirous
I am safe from his refusing or unwellness

٦. مَتى ما أَعِد نَفسي عَلَيهِ رَغيبَةً
أَكُن آمِناً مِن لِيِّهِ وَاِعتِلالِهِ

7. And when I sought his support, he came following
A bestowed gift from the precedence of his granted wealth

٧. وَلَمّا اِلتَمَستُ جاهَهُ جاءَ تالِياً
لِمُستَسلِفٍ مِن سَبقِ مَوهوبِ مالِهِ

8. And I am not suited to benefit expected
From the words of a man who did not benefit from his actions

٨. وَلَستُ خَليقاً لِاِنتِفاعٍ تَرومُهُ
بِقَولِ اِمرِئٍ لَم يَنتَفِع بِفِعالِهِ