
Do you see the shameless man whose stench permeates,

أترى اللاحي وقد أروح

1. Do you see the shameless man whose stench permeates,
Who was never ashamed though his morals reek of musk?

١. أَتَرى اللاحي وَقَد أَر
وَحَ مِن نَتنِ خِلالِه

2. With no insight tied in the ropes of his ropes,
Never did the whims of that generous man cross his mind.

٢. لَم يَكُن شيَمَ نَسي
مُ المِسكِ مِن أَخلاقِ حالِه

3. God increased him only in persisting in his ignorance.
An enemy in his richness, and a friend in his ruin,

٣. لا وَرَأيٍ بَتَّ بِالحَز
مِ حِبالي مِن حِبالِه

4. A man cursed by glory for all his deeds,
If you were words, you would be some of his impossibilities,

٤. ما جَرى خاطِرُ ذاكَ الكَ
رَم المَحضِ بِبالِه

5. Or a deed, you would be the excuse of a beloved and his illness.

٥. ما زادَهُ اللَهُ إِلّا
في التَمادي في خَبالِه

٦. يا عَدُوّاً في غِناهُ
وَصَديقاً في اِختِلالِه

٧. وَفَتىً يَلعَنُهُ المَج
دُ عَلى كُلِّ فِعالِه

٨. أَنتَ لَو كُنتَ كَلاماً
كُنتَ مِن بَعضِ مُحالِه

٩. أَو فَعالاً كُنتَ مِن عُذ
رِ حَبيبٍ وَاِعتِلالِه