
How often have I stood at the ruins in anguish,

كم من وقوف على الأطلال والدمن

1. How often have I stood at the ruins in anguish,
Not cured of the burning passion in my grieving heart.

١. كَم مِن وُقوفٍ عَلى الأَطلالِ وَالدِمَنِ
لَم يَشفِ مِن بُرَحاءِ الشَوقِ ذا شَجَنِ

2. Some reproach - for love's a losing fight -
Wearies patience, saddens and distresses the soul.

٢. بَعضَ المَلامَةِ إِنَّ الحُبَّ مَغلَبَةٌ
لِلصَبرِ مَجلَبَةٌ لِلبَثِّ وَالحَزَنِ

3. You need not doubt this friendship pouring into
More friendship, nor this peace flowing into more peace.

٣. وَما يَريبُكَ مِن إِلفٍ يَصُبُّ إِلى
إِلفٍ وَمِن سَكَنٍ يَصبو إِلى سَكَنِ

4. My eyes are sleepless with lids weighed down in sorrow
For the absence of my beloved; my body is emaciated.

٤. عَينٌ مُسَهَّدَةُ الأَجفانِ أَرَّقَها
نَأيُ الحَبيبِ وَقَلبٌ ناحِلُ البَدَنِ

5. The clouds have watered the barren lands,
Rousing in me passions from the land that roused them in bygone times.

٥. أَسقى الغَمامُ بِلادَ الغَورِ مِن بَلَدٍ
هاجَ الهَوى وَزَمانَ الغَورِ مِن زَمَنِ

6. Truly, I found the Bani Jarrah to be people of munificence
And piety, in secret and openly.

٦. إِنّي وَجَدتُ بَني الجَرّاحِ أَهلَ نَدىً
غَمرٍ وَأَهلَ تُقىً في السِرِّ وَالعَلَنِ

7. A people who exalted their heights and bequeathed them
Khosrow the son of Hurmuz - glory of clear, shining deeds.

٧. قَومٌ أَشادَ بِعَلياهُم وَوَرَّثَهُم
كِسرى بنُ هُرمُزَ مَجداً واضِحَ السَنَنِ

8. The summits of honor they erect ever rise high,
As towers the upland above Thahlan and Hazn.

٨. تَسمو بَواذِخُ ما يَبنونَ مِن شَرَفٍ
كَما سَما الهَضبُ مِن ثَهلانَ أَو حَضَنِ

9. And ceaselessly amongst them circulates the true gold,
Matching the matchless, however high the price.

٩. وَلَيسَ يَنفَكُّ يُشرى في دِيارِهِمِ
وافي المَحامِدِ بِالوافي مِنَ الثَمَنِ

10. When sheltered by their shade, men become
Like the bursting clouds in their heavy downpour.

١٠. الفاعِلونَ إِذا لُذنا بِظِلِّهِمِ
ما يَفعَلُ الغَيثُ في شُؤبوبِهِ الهَتِنِ

11. You are the people of glorious deeds, known
For their signs and ways throughout the ages!

١١. لِلَّهِ أَنتُم فَأَنتُم أَهلُ مَأثُرَةٍ
في المَجدِ مَعروفَةِ الأَعلامِ وَالسُنَنِ

12. Have you then no kindness or grace
That praise would grow by, enduring through time?

١٢. فَهَل لَكُم في يَدٍ يَنمي الثَناءُ بِها
وَنِعمَةٍ ذِكرُها باقٍ عَلى الزَمَنِ

13. If you brought it, it would be no new favor of yours,
Nor your hands' first gift extended generously!

١٣. إِن جِئتُموها فَلَيسَت بِكرَ أَنعُمِكُم
وَلا بَدِئَ أَياديكُم إِلى اليَمَنِ

14. The days Chosroes your ancestor dispelled
The shame of abasement from the Sword of Yazan.

١٤. أَيّامَ جَلّى أَنوشِروانُ جَدُّكُمُ
غَيابَةَ الذُلِّ عَن سَيفِ بنِ ذي يَزَنِ

15. His horses still defend against stab
And blow, Sana'a and Aden!

١٥. إِذ لا تَزالُ لَهُ خَيلٌ مُدافِعَةٌ
بِالطَعنِ وَالضَربِ عَن صَنعاءَ أَو عَدَنِ

16. You are the sons of the great benefactor.
While we are the sons of him who gained from you

١٦. أَنتُم بَنو المُنعِمِ المُجدي وَنَحنُ بَنو
مَن فازَ مِنكُم بِعُظمِ الطولِ وَالمِنَنِ

17. Abundant favors and unfailing generosity!
My hopes that went before have placed reliance

١٧. وَقَد وَثِقتُ بِآمالي الَّتي سَلَفَت
وَحُسنِ ظَنِّيَ في الحاجاتِ بِالحَسَنِ

18. On your beneficence and my good thoughts of your kindness
In the outstanding one whose nobility finds refuge

١٨. بِبارِعِ الفَضلِ يَأوي مِن شَهامَتِهِ
إِلى عَزائِمَ لَم تَضعُف وَلَم تَهِنِ

19. In resolves that have not weakened or despaired;
When we would describe his favors upon us

١٩. ما إِن نَزالُ إِلى وَصفٍ لِأَنعُمِهِ
فينا وَشُكرٍ لِما أَولاهُ مُرتَهَنِ