
Say to the minister whose ministry

قل للوزير الذي وزارته

1. Say to the minister whose ministry
Is a gracious gift from God, sustaining him:

١. قُل لِلوَزيرِ الَّذي وَزارَتُهُ
صُنعٌ مِنَ اللَهِ راتِبٌ حَسَنُه

2. You lead the sultan in his rule, executing
His judgments, his elect, and his trusted one.

٢. أَنتَ زَعيمُ السُلطانِ في الحُكمِ تُم
ضيهِ وَمُختارُهُ وَمُؤتَمَنُه

3. With you is justice among us, ever
Its beacon bright to us, its ways familiar.

٣. وَعِندَكَ العَدلُ بَينَنا أَبَداً
مَنارُهُ واضِحٌ لَنا سَنَنُه

4. Do you claim all praise for yourself alone,
Night after night, when gratitude should share it?

٤. هَل لَكَ في الحَمدِ تَستَبِدُّ بِهِ
أُخرى اللَيالي وَالشُكرِ تَرتَهِنُه

5. None love you when the two come together
Save my slave, whose return or ransom claims you.

٥. ولَيسَ يَحبوكَ بِاِجتِماعِهِما
إِلّا غُلامي يُرَدُّ أَو ثَمَنُه