1. Those homes and the remains of their heights
Submit to the difficulties, subtle and magnificent,
١. تِلكَ الدِيارُ وَدارِساتُ طُلولِها
طَوعُ الخُطوبِ دَقيقِها وَجَليلِها
2. Abandoned to the winds between their south and north,
And their backs and fronts.
٢. مَتروكَةٌ لِلريحِ بَينَ جَنوبِها
وَشَمالِها وَدَبورِها وَقَبولِها
3. And of ignorance that you aggrieve a weeping one,
And passion stopped at its unknown.
٣. وَمِنَ الجَهالَةِ أَن تُعَنِّفَ باكِياً
وَقَفَ الغَرامُ بِهِ عَلى مَجهولِها
4. Verily tears are the outpouring, so discard
Some of the outpouring and it will rest in its abundance.
٤. إِنَّ الدُموعَ هِيَ الصَبابَةُ فَاِطَّرِح
بَعضَ الصَبابَةِ تَستَرِح بِهُمولِها
5. And I have wronged circumstances and my companion
Is resolve that wraps its sorrow in ease.
٥. وَلَقَد تَعَسَّفتُ الأُمورَ وَصاحِبي
حَزمٌ يَلُفُّ حُزونَها بِسُهولِها
6. And I spread the cloak of darkness and folded it,
While the billy goat is between its corpse and tail.
٦. وَنَشَرتُ أَردِيَةَ الدُجى وَطَوَيتُها
وَالعيسُ بَينَ وَجيفِها وَذَميلِها
7. Lightning of an honorable Qurashi cloud flashed,
The cycles of fate drowned between its floods.
٧. شامَت بُروقَ سَحابَةٍ قُرَشِيَّةٍ
غَرِقَت صُروفُ الدَهرِ بَينَ سُيولِها
8. And a young man who reaches out to the Nile of elevation,
So it is as if Egypt extends to him from her Nile.
٨. وَفَتىً يَمُدُّ يَداً إِلى نَيلِ العُلا
فَكَأَنَّ مِصرَ تُمِدُّهُ مِن نيلِها
9. Vice does not come near his side, and he does
Not come from morals except the beautiful of them.
٩. لا تَقرَبُ الفَحشاءُ جانِبَهُ وَلَ
يَأتي مِنَ الأَخلاقِ غَيرَ جَميلِها
10. And if matters become difficult, their similitude,
His training preceded in facilitating them.
١٠. وَإِذا الأُمورُ تَصَعَّبَت شُبُهَتُها
سَبَقَت رِياضَتُهُ إِلى تَذليلِها
11. He knew the sources before the time of their arrival,
And the places of marvels before their advent.
١١. عَرَفَ المَصادِرَ قَبلَ حينِ وُرودِها
وَمَواقِعَ البَدَهاتِ قَبلَ حُلولِها
12. Abu Al-Hasan exhausted all the virtues,
With traits for the rain some of its pouring.
١٢. أَفنى أَبو الحَسَنِ المَحاسِنَ كُلَّها
بِخَلائِقٍ لِلقَطرِ بَعضُ شُكولِها
13. Verily the virtues, O cousin of Muhammad,
Found your actions standing in their way.
١٣. إِنَّ المَحاسِنَ يا اِبنَ عَمِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَجَدَت فَعالَكَ واقِفاً بِسَبيلِها
14. And when Quraysh ennobled you, you ennobled them,
By their intimate friend and uncle of their Messenger.
١٤. وَإِذا قُرَيشٌ فاضَلَتكَ فَضَلتَها
بِأَبي خَلائِفِها وَعَمِّ رَسولِها
15. And stars that shone from his children,
Were it not for you, the dew would have set in their setting.
١٥. وَكَواكِبٍ أَشرَقنَ مِن أَبنائِهِ
لَولاكَ قَد أَفَلَ النَدى بِأُفولِها
16. Abdul Malik, Saleh, and his Ali,
And his father, best of their youth and elders.
١٦. عَبدُ المَليكِ وَصالِحٌ وَعَلِيُّهُ
وَأَبوهُ خَيرُ شَبابِها وَكُهولِها
17. The verses raised them in their revelation,
And judged for them with virtue in their interpretation.
١٧. رَفَعَتهُمُ الآياتُ في تَنزيلِها
وَقَضَت لَهُم بِالفَضلِ في تَأويلِها
18. They took prophethood and the caliphate so they gathered
With the venerations, many and few.
١٨. أَخَذوا النُبُوَّةَ وَالخِلافَةَ فَاِنثَنوا
بِالمَكرُماتِ كَثرِها وَقَليلِها
19. If the days had walked in their lifespans,
To attain them, they would have been severed in their length.
١٩. لَو سارَتِ الأَيّامُ في مَسعاتِهِم
لِتَنالَها لَتَقَطَّعَت في طولِها
20. And those are the glorious deeds, the like of which
None shall build, nor rise to change.
٢٠. وَهيَ المَآثِرُ لَيسَ يَبنى مِثلَها
بانٍ وَلا يَسمو إِلى تَحويلِها
21. The poets become confused in composing them,
And the eminent fall short of evaluating them.
٢١. يَتَحَيَّرُ الشُعَراءُ في تَأليفِها
وَيُقَصِّرُ العُظَماءُ عَن تَأثيلِها
22. And you are a victor over every victor on the day of glory,
Bountiful in its plenty and abundant.
٢٢. وَلَأَنتَ غالِبُ غالِبٍ يَومَ النَدى
كَرَماً وَواهِبُ رِفدِها وَجَزيلِها
23. Its generous one, son of its generous one, and its noble one, son
Of its noble one, and its eminent one, son of its eminent one.
٢٣. وَجَوادُها اِبنُ جَوادِها وَشَريفُها اِب
نُ شَريفِها وَنَبيلُها اِبنُ نَبيلُها
24. And if you diverge, you take the best of its branches,
And if you return, you take the best of its roots.
٢٤. وَإِذا اِنشَعَبتَ أَخَذتَ خَيرَ فُروعِها
وَإِذا رَجَعتَ أَخَذتَ خَيرَ أُصولِها