1. Hisham came to us while cups were guiding him,
He arrived like a bird with unbelief in his palms.
١. أَتانا هِشامٌ وَالكُؤوسُ تَقودُهُ
فَجاءَ كَمِثلِ العِفرِ في يَدِهِ كَفرُ
2. If a man's sobriety is the start of his deviance,
How can intoxication be hoped to correct him?
٢. إِذا كانَ صَحوُ المَرءِ بَدءَ اِعوِجاجِهِ
فَكَيفَ يُرَجّى أَن يُقَوِّمَهُ السُكرُ