1. O Fadl! What good is aloofness and anger,
Or when the cord of amiability is severed?
١. يا فَضلُ فيما الصُدودُ وَالغَضَبُ
أَم فيمَ حَبلُ الصَفاءِ مُنقَضِبُ
2. Or when an absent loved one you push away
Constantly though he seeks to draw near?
٢. أَم فيمَ هِجرانُ هائِمٍ بِكُمُ
تُقصونَهُ دائِباً وَيَقتَرِبُ
3. For a fault I shall never repeat,
The wind of a northern journey shall not blow again.
٣. هَذا لِذَنبٍ فَلَن أَعودَ لَهُ
ما أَعقَبَت ريحَ شَمأَلٍ نُكُبُ
4. Or has a slanderer attacked me
Kindling for me a fire of lies with you?
٤. أَم دَبَّ لي كاشِحٌ فَأَضرَمَ لي
عِندَكَ ناراً بِالإِفكِ تَلتَهِبُ
5. O Fadl! My enemies rejoice while you
Have given them more than they hoped for.
٥. يا فَضلُ أَشمَتَّ بي العُداةَ وَقَد
أَعطَيتَهُم فِيَّ فَوقَ ما طَلَبوا
6. Your coldness toward me, though we were friends,
Whose affection was abundant before.
٦. صَدُّكَ عَنّي وَجَفوَةٌ حَدَثَت
مِن صاحِبٍ غالَ وُدَّهُ العَطَبُ
7. He was a friend, and became an acquaintance,
Thus hearts can turn and change.
٧. كانَ صَديقاً فَصارَ مَعرِفَةً
بَعدُ كَذاكَ القُلوبُ تَنقَلِبُ
8. I weep for him whenever an eye sheds tears
And they flow copiously and freely.
٨. إِنّي لَباكٍ عَلَيهِ ما طَرَقَت
عَينٌ وَما فاضَ دَمعُها السَرِبُ
9. I mourn for one alive though his love is dead,
Lamenting again and again though sympathy and affection avail me naught.
٩. بُكاءَ مَحزونَةٍ عَلى وَلَدٍ
لَم يُغنِ عَنها الإِشفاقُ وَالحَدَبُ
10. I cry for the loss of his love and devotion
That once burned bright but is extinguished now.
١٠. أَندَبُ حَيّاً ماتَت مَوَدَّتُهُ
طَوراً وَطَوراً عَلَيهِ أَنتَحِبُ
11. I used to visit him in friendship
No veil concealed me from meeting him.
١١. باخَ سَنا نارِ وُدِّهِ فَخَبا
وَكانَ حيناً لِنارِهِ لَهَبُ
12. He showed affection and honored me,
When affection's door was open between us.
١٢. قَد كُنتُ آتيهِ لِلسَلامِ فَلا
تَستُرُني عَن لِقائِهِ الحُجُبُ
13. When I was at the height of my status
That the Arabs used to honor.
١٣. قَد كانَ يُبدي وُدّاً وَتَكرِمَةً
إِذ مَشرَعُ الوُدِّ بَينَنا عُقَبُ
14. I was sheltered by glorious reigns
With abundant rain and gold.
١٤. إِذ أَنا في عُنفُوانِ مَنزِلَةٍ
تُكرِمُني مَرَّةً لَها العَرَبُ
15. In humble life and under royal shade
Milk for us flowed sweet and pure.
١٥. تُظِلُّني لِلمُلوكِ أَسمِيَةٌ
أَمطارُهُنَّ اللُجَينُ وَالذَهَبُ
16. But when fate turned against me
And time's vicissitudes came upon us,
١٦. في خَفضِ عَيشٍ وَظِلِّ مَملَكَةٍ
قَد كانَ يَصفو بِها لَنا الحَلَبُ
17. The door of amiability was closed to me
As if no connection was between us before.
١٧. حَتّى إِذا ما الزَمانُ أَعوَصَ بي
وَالدَهرُ فينا لِصَرفِهِ نُوَبُ
18. O friend! I never expected your change of heart,
One of refinement would not act this way.
١٨. أُغلِقَ دوني بابُ الصَفاءِ كَأَن
لَم يَكُ بَيني وَبَينَهُ سَبَبُ
19. Why did I hope in a friend
Looking for his benefits and favors?
١٩. يا صاحِباً لَم أَخَف تَغَّيُّرَهُ
ما هَكَذا فِعلُ مَن لَهُ أَدَبُ
20. I come to you, my feet stumbling in haste,
Yearning drives me though you veil yourself from me.
٢٠. ما لي وَكُنتُ الصَديقَ آمُلُهُ
وَأَرتَجي نَفعَهُ وَأَرتَقِبُ
21. As if when I come to see you in peace
I am shunned or frowned upon by your cold guards.
٢١. آتيكَ سَعياً مُعَفِّراً قَدَمي
يَحفِزُني الشَوقُ ثُمَّ تَحتَجِبُ
22. Such disdain is not the reward of a loyal friend,
Qualities and speeches fall short of this.
٢٢. عَنّي كَأَنّي إِذا أَتَيتُكُمُ
مُسَلِّماً شارِفٌ بِها جَرَبُ
23. By my life! A free man does not accept humiliation,
Though young his determination is firm.
٢٣. ثَمَّةَ حُجّابُكَ الجُفاةُ إِذا إِستَأ
ذَنتُ هَرّوا عَلَيَّ أَو قَطَبوا
24. O Fadl! I shall not bear estrangement,
Though in the world I am humbled and troubled.
٢٤. لَيسَ جَزاءُ القُشولِ فيكَ بِما
تَقصُرُ عَنهُ الصِفاتُ وَالخُطَبُ
25. Never! I shall not be disgraced by one
Who has spurned me though his meadows are vast.
٢٥. هَذا لَعَمري وَالحُرُّ لا يَرتَضي ال
هونَ وَإِن قَلَّ عِندَهُ النَشَبُ
26. My resolve prevents me from bearing
What would shame me though hearts waver.
٢٦. يا فَضلُ لا أَحمِلَ الجَفاءَ وَلي
في الأَرضِ مَندوحَةٌ وَمُضطَرَبُ
27. Until dust covers my bones
I carry what would shame the weak.
٢٧. هَيهاتَ هَيهاتَ لا أَهونُ وَلي
عَمَّن جَفاني مَنادِحٌ رُحُبُ
28. O Fadl! I have words to say
That stir anger when I repeat them.
٢٨. تَمنَعُني نَبعَةٌ مُغَرَّسَةٌ
لا قادِحٌ شانَها وَلا قَلَبُ
29. Honor prevents me from you
And an intimacy that falsehood would taint.
٢٩. عَن حَملِ ما في اِحتِمالِهِ ضَعَةٌ
حَتّى يُوارِي عِظامِيَ التُرُبُ
30. How many foes have I silenced for your sake
And how often anger against you I have curbed.
٣٠. يا فَضلُ لي مِقوَلٌ أَقولُ بِهِ
عَضبٌ إِذا ما هَزهَزتُهُ ذَرِبُ
31. When men denounced you
I defended you from their attacks.
٣١. تَحجِزُني عَنكَ حُرمَةٌ قَدُمَت
وَخُلَّةٌ ما يَشينُها كَذِبُ
32. If people were judged by their deeds
You would be the one I choose and prefer.
٣٢. كَم مِن عَدُوٍّ أَرغَمتُ مَعطِسَهُ
فيكَ وَكَم فيكَ هَزَّني الغَضَبُ
33. I make you the best among them
Even if they are displeased and angry.
٣٣. عَلى رِجالٍ إِذا هُمُ قَدَحوا
فيكَ فَبَيني وَبَينَهُم نَحَبُ
34. Yet I find myself spurned by you
Though I respected propriety and avoided harm.
٣٤. إِن حُصِّلَ الناسُ في فِعالِهِمِ
كُنتَ الَّذي أَصطَفي وَأَنتَخِبُ
٣٥. أَجعَلُكَ الفَذَّ مِن قِداحِهِمِ
إِذا أُجيلَت وَإِن هُمُ غَضِبوا
٣٦. ثُمَّ أَراني لَدَيكَ مُطَّرِحاً
أُجفى عَلى حُرمَتي وَأَجتَنِبُ