
How many a brother you have whom you don't deny

كم من أخ لك لست تنكره

1. How many a brother you have whom you don't deny
As long as you're comfortable in your life

١. كَم مِن أَخٍ لَكَ لَستَ تُنكِرُهُ
مادُمتَ مِن دُنياكَ في يُسرِ

2. He pretends affection towards you
Greets you with welcome and good news

٢. مُتَصَنِّعٌ لَكَ في مَوَدَّتِهِ
يَلقاكَ بِالتَرحيبِ وَالبِشرِ

3. He flies loyalty, yes with loyalty, but woe
He works hard at betrayal, yes at betrayal

٣. يُطري الوَفاءَ وَذا الوَفاءِ وَيَل
حى الغَدرَ مُجتَهِداً وَذا الغَدرِ

4. So when time turns against with its changes
Time has turned against you with the changes

٤. فَإِذا عَدا وَالدَهرُ ذو غِيَرٍ
دَهرٌ عَلَيكَ عَدا مَعَ الدَهرِ

5. So generally reject the brotherhood of those
Who befriend the poor and love the wealthy

٥. فَاِرفُض بِإِجمالٍ أُخُوَّةَ مَن
يَقلى المُقِلَّ وَيَعشَقُ المُثري

6. And beware those who treated you the same
In ease or hardship, wherever you were

٦. وَعَلَيكَ مَن حالاهُ واحِدَةٌ
في اليُسرِ إِمّا كُنتَ وَالعُسرِ

7. Don't mix them with their dust
Those who mix snakes and yellow dogs

٧. لا تَخلِطَنَّهُم بِغَبرِهِم
مَن يَخلُطُ العِقيانَ بِالصُفرِ