1. The early rains of Al-Wasm blessed us,
Then ceased and returned with abundance.
١. باكَرَتنا بَواكِرُ الوَسمِيِّ
ثُمَّ راحَت وَأَقبَلَت بِالوَلِيِّ
2. I see the rain never ceasing its downpour,
In the mornings it is cloudy and at night clear.
٢. وَأَرى الغَيثَ لَيسَ يَنفَكُّ يَهمي
في غَداةٍ مُخضَلَّةٍ وَعَشِيِّ
3. It has watered the earth with its irrigation,
So quench me with the remnants of the rains.
٣. فَسَقى الأَرضَ رَيَّها مِن نَداهُ
فَاِسقِني مِن سُلافَةِ الراحِ رَيِّ
4. The joy of bliss has come in the morning,
And in the evening between Al-Sabeeh palace and Al-Ja'fari.
٤. أَصبَحَت بَهجَةُ النَعيمِ وَأَمسَت
بَينَ قَصرِ الصَبيحِ وَالجَعفَرِيِّ
5. In the amazing building and beautiful residence,
And wonderful spectacle and excellent scenery.
٥. في البِناءِ العَجيبِ وَالمَنزِلِ الآ
نِسِ وَالمَنظَرِ الجَميلِ البَهِيِّ
6. And gardens that souls yearn for,
Revived by their roses and beauty.
٦. وَرِياضٍ تَصبو النُفوسُ إِلَيها
وَتُحَيّا بِوَردِهِنَّ الجَنِيِّ
7. The abode of a chosen king,
Whose hands inherited the legacy of the Prophet.
٧. دارُ مُلكٍ مُختارَةٌ لِإِمامٍ
أَحرَزَت كَفُّهُ تُراثَ النَبِيِّ
8. And God has granted the subjects through him,
The conduct of the virtuous, pure and righteous.
٨. وَهَبَ اللَهُ لِلرَعِيَّةِ مِنهُ
سيرَةَ الفاضِلِ النَقِيِّ الزَكِيِّ
9. So they love him for his kindness
And his satisfying rule over them.
٩. فَهيَ مَحبُوَّةٌ بِإِحسانِهِ الضا
في عَلَيها وَحُكمِهِ المَرضِيِّ
10. O Imam of guidance, and owner of truth,
And O son of Ar-Rashid and Al-Mahdi.
١٠. يَإِمامَ الهُدى وَيا صاحِبَ الحَق
قِ وَيا اِبنَ الرَشيدِ وَالمَهدِيِّ
11. May your beloved era last among people,
With an eternal and fulfilling life.
١١. لِيَدُم دَهرُكَ المُحَبَّبُ في النا
سِ بِعُمرٍ باقٍ وَعَيشٍ رَضِيِّ