
The passion of youth is the brother and companion of adolescence

شرخ الشباب أخو الصبا وأليفه

1. The passion of youth is the brother and companion of adolescence
While old age is the disappointment and fading of desire

١. شَرخُ الشَبابِ أَخو الصِبا وَأَليفُهُ
وَالشَيبُ تَزجِيَةُ الهَوى وَخُفوقُهُ

2. And I see you amazed by the passion of a lover
Who lingered long in the dwellings

٢. وَأَراكَ تَعجَبُ مِن صَبابَةِ مُغرَمٍ
أَسيانَ طالَ عَلى الدِيارِ وُقوفُهُ

3. He turned his hearing away from the reproach of the blamer
Blaming him is no use, nor rebuking him

٣. صَرَفَ المَسامِعَ عَن مَلامَةِ عاذِلٍ
لا لَومُهُ أَجدى وَلا تَعنيفُهُ

4. And I refuse the slanderers on the day they set out
In which the well-built ones marched in their prime

٤. وَأَبي الظَعائِنِ يَومَ رُحنَ لَقَد مَضى
فيهِنَّ مَجدولَ القَوامِ قَضيفُهُ

5. A sun has set whose setting is our separation
And a full moon whose eclipse is estrangement

٥. شَمسٌ تَأَلَّقَ وَالفِراقُ غُروبُها
عَنّا وَبَدرٌ وَالصُدودُ كُسوفُهُ

6. So when a flashing lightning endures from Tuhama
There follow black clouds with the southern winds

٦. فَإِذا تَحَمَّلَ مِن تُهامَةَ بارِقٌ
لَجِبٌ تَسيرُ مَعَ الجَنوبِ زُحوفُهُ

7. The commotion of night when its lightning flares
Startles the contentious in the sky, fluttering them

٧. صَخِبُ العَشِيِّ إِذا تَأَلَّقَ بَرقُهُ
ذَعَرَ الأَجادِلَ في السَماءِ حَفيفُهُ

8. It quenched the thirst of meadows, the thirst of meadows' time
When we lounge in the meadows and their summertime

٨. فَسَقى اللِوى لابَل سَقى عَهدَ اللِوى
أَيّامَ نَرتَبِعُ اللِوى وَنَصيفُهُ

9. My feet chafed in Iraq and it pained them
In a stirrup the cold of Syria and its countryside

٩. حَنَّت رِكابي بِالعِراقِ وَشاقَها
في ناجِرٍ بَردُ الشَآمِ وَريفُهُ

10. And the battle was met at the banks of Sajur
Where its pools and caves faced each other

١٠. وَمَدافِعُ الساجورِ حَيثُ تَقابَلَت
في ضِفَّتَيهِ تِلاعُهُ وَكُهوفُهُ

11. And it disturbs me that a specter never ceases to visit me
Whose features absence does not make fade

١١. وَيَهيجُني أَلّا يَزالَ يَزورُني
مِنها خَيالٌ ما يُغَبُّ مُطيفُهُ

12. And the cure for what the ribs feel of love sickness
Is a journey that weighs hard on the quiet and the lively

١٢. وَشِفاءُ ما تَجِدُ الضُلوعُ مِنَ الجَوى
سَيرٌ يَشُقُّ عَلى الهَدانِ وَجيفُهُ

13. Unless fate prevents us from her we love
And the impenetrable denies us access

١٣. إِن لَم يُرَيثَنا الجَوازُ عَنِ الَّتي
نَهوى وَيَمنَعُنا النُفوذُ رَفيفُهُ

14. Or the conqueror son of Khāqān who
Is traditional in honor and refinement

١٤. أَو نائِلُ الفَتحِ بنِ خاقانَ الَّذي
لِلمَكرُماتِ تَليدُهُ وَطَريفُهُ

15. A king in the highlands of Iraq, its pavilions
Sheltering the land, and we are its guests

١٥. مِلكٌ بِعالِيَةِ العِراقِ قِبابُهُ
يَقري البُدورَ بِها وَنَحنُ ضُيوفُهُ

16. I did not meet him before I met his grant
Bountiful, making me know his familiar generosity

١٦. لَم أَلقَهُ حَتّى لَقيتُ عَطاءَهُ
جَزلاً وَعَرَّفَني الغِنى مَعروفُهُ

17. His doors opened to me by permission
And his loftiness became easy before me

١٧. فَتَفَتَّحَت بِالإِذنِ لي أَبوابُهُ
وَتَرَفَّعَت عَنّي إِلَيهِ سُجوفُهُ

18. He favored me with care out of his affection
And his thousands followed with gift after gift

١٨. عَطَفَت عَليَّ عِنايَةٌ مِن وُدِّهِ
وَتَتابَعَت جُمَلاً إِلَيَّ أُلوفُهُ

19. The exalted one granted me in his gift
A nobility that rose above the stars

١٩. عالي المَحَلِّ أَنالَني بِنَوالِهِ
شَرَفاً أَطَلَّ عَلى النُجومِ مُنيفُهُ

20. Which of his two hands is greater in blessing to me
Enriching me or honoring me?

٢٠. أَيُّ اليَدَينِ أَجَلُّ عِندي نِعمَةً
إِغناؤُهُ إِيّايَ أَم تَشريفُهُ

21. A rain pouring and its heavily clouded sky
Upon us, and a lion whose spears are gnarled

٢١. غَيثٌ تَدَفَّقَ وَاللُجَينُ رِهامُهُ
فينا وَلَيثٌ وَالرِماحُ غَريفُهُ

22. To him belongs command with his judgment so its execution
Is either resolved or suspended

٢٢. وَلِيَ الأُمورَ بِرَأيِهِ فَسَدادُهُ
إِمضاؤُهُ بِالحَزمِ أَو تَوقيفُهُ

23. The rebels, he bent them toward him with pardon. Had he wished
He would have bent them by force of swords

٢٣. وَثَنى العُداةَ إِلَيهِ عَفوٌ لَو وَنى
لَثَنَتهُمُ غَصباً إِلَيهِ سُيوفُهُ

24. Blessings! When the envious are tested by their cause
They enliven him with favor while they are his gain

٢٤. نِعَمٌ إِذا ابتَلَّ الحَسودُ بِسَيبِها
أَحيَتهُ بِالإِفضالِ وَهيَ حُتوفُهُ

25. Say to the prince-what glory meets
Above the buildings of the prince, their ceilings?

٢٥. قُل لِلأَميرِ وَأَيُّ مَجدٍ ما التَقَت
مِن فَوقِ أَبنِيَةِ الأَميرِ سُقوفُهُ

26. As for the hospitality its first fault
Was that you were its protector and ally

٢٦. أَمّا السَماحُ فَإِنَّ أَوَّلَ خَلَّةٍ
زانَتهُ أَنَّكَ صِنوُهُ وَحَليفُهُ

27. When I met you, time was rent
And its events and turns grew calm before me

٢٧. لَمّا لَقيتُ بِكَ الزَمانَ تَصَدَّعَت
عَن ساحَتي أَحداثُهُ وَصُروفُهُ

28. I felt safe from it though someone else guaranteed
Its days - from it I would not feel secure

٢٨. وَأَمِنتُهُ وَلَوَ اَنَّ غَيرَكَ ضامِنٌ
يَومَيهِ لَم يُؤمَن عَلَيَّ مَخوفُهُ

29. If I deny the greatness you have given me
Then I am feeble in fidelity, indeed

٢٩. فَلَئِن جَحَدتُ عَظيمَ ما أَولَيتَني
إِنّي إِذاً واهي الوَفاءِ ضَعيفُهُ

30. Your generosity did not come first in merits
Unless your distinction to the wretched came with it

٣٠. لَم يَأتِ جودُكَ سابِقاً في سُؤدُدٍ
إِلّا وَجاهُكَ لِلعُفاةِ رَديفُهُ

Ghayzan, if successive drought comes

٣١. غَيزانِ إِن جَدبٌ تَتابَعَ أَقبَلا
وَهُما رَبيعُ مُؤَمِّلٍ وَخَريفُهُ

32. They are the hopeful spring and its autumn
So come, and your promise of the imamate, for it

٣٢. فَهَلُمَّ وَعدَكَ في الإِمامِ فَإِنَّهُ
فَضلٌ إِلى جَدوى يَدَيكَ تُضيفُهُ

33. Is a bounty that increases the benefit of your hands
And it is the caliphate. If his bestowal wanes,

٣٣. وَهوَ الخَليفَةُ إِن أَسِر وَعَطاؤُهُ
خَلفي فَإِنَّ نَقيصَةً تَخليفُهُ