1. Deliver to my beloveds a message from a longing lover
Who has confided his complaint and declared it
١. أَبلِغ ذُفافِيَّنا رِسالَةَ مُش
تاقٍ أَسرَّ الشَكوى وَأَعلَنَها
2. Many a dawn in Aleppo's orchard
He gathers at noontime its roses and lilies
٢. رُبَّ غَداةٍ لِلقَصفِ في حَلَبٍ
يَجني ضُحىً وَردَها وَسَوسَنَها
3. By God, our times at their best
And their most beautiful days
٣. لِلَّهِ أَزمانُنا بِعَلوَةِ ما
أَطيَبَ أَيّامِها وَأَحسَنَها
4. You told her, she was married to an effeminate brother
Who softened the juicy ends of her limbs
٤. نُبِّئتَها زُوِّجَت أَخا خَنَثٍ
أَغَنَّ رَطبَ الأَطرافِ لَيِّنَها
5. She fornicated with a adulterer so she exposed him
She also fornicated with a whore so she exposed her
٥. نيكَت زِناءً فَكَشخَنَتهُ وَقَد
نيكَ بُغاءً أَيضاً فَكَشخَنَها
6. She envies her female cousins and he prevents her
From seeing them, it saddened and grieved her
٦. تَرومُ إِخوانَها وَيَمنَعُها
مِنهُم لَقَد ساءَها وَأَحزَنَها
7. If he wanted, she would not be blessed in her desire
He would divorce her and deliver her to her refuge
٧. لَو شاءَ لا بورِكَت مَشيأَتُهُ
أَبلَغَها بِالطَلاقِ مَأمَنَها