1. I warned love even if my warning enriched it,
And I fled from separation even if my fleeing rescued it.
١. حَذِرتُ الحُبَّ لَو أَغنى حِذاري
وَرُمتُ الفَرَّ لَو نَجّى فِراري
2. Yet the turns of fate continued, until
The names of spacious tombs prevailed.
٢. وَمازالَت صُروفُ الدَهرِ حَتّى
غَدَت أَسماءُ شاسِعَةَ المَزارِ
3. And I was not given rest, though wishes increased,
And this love prevents my peace.
٣. وَما أُعطى القَرارَ وَقَد تَناءَت
وَهَذا الحُبُّ يَمنَعُني قَراري
4. The roses are jealous that I traveled, and their
Changing color shows gloom in the rosebud.
٤. يَغارَ الوَردُ أَن سَفَرَت وَيَبدو
تَغَيُّرُ كَأبَةً في الجُلَّنارِ
5. Your love blinded me, so the speck remains in my eye,
And gray hair plays in my braids.
٥. هَواكِ أَلَجَّ في عَيني قَذاها
وَخَلّى الشَيبَ يَلعَبُ في عِذاري
6. Because of the blushing in your cheeks,
And the batted lashes of your eyes.
٦. بِما في وَجنَتَيكِ مِنِ اِحمِرارِ
وَما في مُقلَتَيكِ مِنِ اِحوِرارِ
7. If I leave you wrongly, I will indeed
Be sad on the day of parting.
٧. لَئِن فارَقتُكُم عَبَثاً فَإِنّي
عَلى يَومِ الفِراقِ لَجِدُّ زارِ
8. And how many nights I spent with you,
Enamored nights and brief days.
٨. وَكَم خَلَّيتُ عِندَكِ مِن لَيالٍ
مُعَشَّقَةٍ وَأَيّامٍ قِصارِ
9. So am I selling a life for a life past,
Or exchanging a house for a house?
٩. فَهَل أَنا بائِعٌ عَيشاً بِعَيشٍ
مَضى أَو مُبدِلٌ داراً بِدارِ
10. My harassers blamed names unjustly,
And my pouring tears are plenty.
١٠. أَعاذِلَتي عَلى أَسماءَ ظُلماً
وَإِجراءِ الدُموعِ لَها الغِزارِ
11. Whenever you blame me again,
Sleep as a borrowed pillow.
١١. مَتى عاوَدتِني فيها بِلَومٍ
فَبِتِّ ضَجيعَةً لِلمُستَعارِ
12. When the passionate become evening,
And the envious become morning.
١٢. لِأَسلَحَ حينَ يُمسي مِن حُبارى
وَأَضرَطَ حينَ يُصبِحُ مِن حِمارِ
13. When his loved ones become evening,
They prepare and make ready for ruin.
١٣. إِذا أَحبابُهُ أَمسَوا عَشِيّاً
أَعَدّوا وَاِستَعَدّوا لِلبَوارِ
14. When he desires his bed at night,
Oh disgrace of the cushions and pillows.
١٤. إِذا أَهوى لِمَرقِدِهِ بِلَيلٍ
فَيا خَزيَ البَراذِعِ وَالسَراري
15. Oh misery of the bedfellow, having found
A rigid mixture next to him as company.
١٥. وَيا بُؤسَ الضَجيعِ وَقَد تَطَلّى
بِخِلطَي جامِدٍ مَعَهُ وَجارِ
16. The clothes of a king were never packed
With the fleas of a worn-out coat.
١٦. وَما كانَت ثِيابُ المُلكِ تُحشى
جَريرَةَ بائِلٍ فيهِنَّ خارِ
17. If only we were able, we would ransom
Pieces of writings from it with ruin.
١٧. فَلَو أَنّا اِستَطَعنا لَاِفتَدَينا
قَطوعَ الرَقمِ مِنهُ بِالبَوارِ
18. It destroys passions on the day of regret,
And it ruins provision on the day of drunkenness.
١٨. يُبيدُ الراحَ في يَومِ النَدامى
وَيُفني الزادَ في يَومِ الخُمارِ
19. It kneads, so it finishes off the bread, a glutton
Recently familiar with syrup poured freely.
١٩. يَعُبُّ فَيُنفِدُ الصَهباءَ جِلفٌ
قَريبُ العَهدِ بِالدِبسِ المُدارِ
20. We repelled him, despised,
And he spread destruction upon the land.
٢٠. رَدَدناهُ بِرُمَّتِهِ ذَليلاً
وَقَد عَمَّ البَرِيَّةَ بِالدَمارِ
21. He was more malicious among them than Suhayl,
When it sets, with inauspicious rising of stars.
٢١. وَكانَ أَضَرَّ فيهِم مِن سُهَيلٍ
إِذا أَوبا وَأَشأَمَ مِن قُدارِ
22. The people perished until I said they returned
To the war of dirhams or immorality.
٢٢. تَفانى الناسُ حَتّى قُلتُ عادوا
إِلى حَربِ البَسوسِ أَوِ الفِجارِ
23. If not for God and the honored supporter of the religion,
Many a monastery would have perished like Jurayr.
٢٣. فَلَولا اللَهُ وَالمُعتَزُّ بِدنا
كَما بادَت جَديرٌ مِن وَبارِ
24. He embraced a confused group among us,
On the brink of a burning pit.
٢٤. تَدارَكَ عُصبَةً مِنّا حَيارى
عَلى جُرفٍ مِنَ الحَدَثانِ هارِ
25. With His eternal tolerance and
Forgiveness and power spread wide.
٢٥. تَلافاهُم بِطولٍ مِنهُ جَمٍّ
وَعَفوٍ شامِلٍ بَعدَ اِقتِدارِ
26. A leader of guidance who endears deliberation,
And is feared in tranquility and dignity.
٢٦. إِمامُ هُدىً يُحَبَّبُ في التَأَنّي
وَيُخشى في السَكينَةِ وَالوَقارِ
27. When the delegations look upon him, they say:
"Is it the full moon of night or the sun of day?"
٢٧. إِذا نَظَرَ الوُفودُ إِلَيهِ قالوا
أَبَدرُ اللَيلِ أَم شَمسُ النَهارِ
28. To him belong the two virtues - the virtue of father and mother,
And the good fragrance of the generous family.
٢٨. لَهُ الفَضلانِ فَضلُ أَبٍ وَأُمٍّ
وَطيبُ الخيمِ في كَرَمِ النِجارِ
29. We mentioned him for the events of the nights,
So we praised the camps of Dhi al-Faqar.
٢٩. هَزَرناهُ لِأَحداثِ اللَيالي
فَأَحمَدنا مَضارِبَ ذي الفَقارِ
30. O Commander of the Faithful, your being called is an ocean,
When it floods, it reduces the seas!
٣٠. أَميرَ المُؤمِنينِ نَداكَ بَحرٌ
إِذا ما فاضَ غَضَّ مِنَ البِحارِ
31. You are most generous, extending your palm,
And most forgiving to the seekers and the active.
٣١. لَأَنتَ أَمَدُّ بِالمَعروفِ كَفّاً
وَأَوهَبُ لِلُّجَينِ وَلِلنُضارِ
32. And most protective of the guarantee, if
We come to you with it, and most defensive of the guaranteed.
٣٢. وَأَحفَظُ لِلذِمامِ إِذا مَتَتنا
إِلَيكَ بِهِ وَأَحمى لِلذِمارِ
33. If the ransom is completed, as we hope,
By your good fortune, after waiting.
٣٣. لَئِن تَمَّ الفِداءُ كَما رَجَونا
بِيُمنِكَ بَعدَ مُكثٍ وَاِنتِظارِ
34. Then of your most pure traits, is to return
The estranged ones back to their tribes and homes.
٣٤. فَمِن أَزكى خِلالِكَ أَن تُفادي
إِلى الأَهلينَ مِنهُم وَالدِيارِ
35. You spent money on them that they may return
To their tribes and homes.
٣٥. بَذَلتَ المالَ فيهِم كَي يَعودوا
إِلى الأَهلينَ مِنهُم وَالدِيارِ
36. O you who performed a deed that its example is gifted
To the people of resolve and brave heroes.
٣٦. فَيا لَكِ فَعلَةً يُهدى نَثاها
إِلى أَهلِ المُحَصَّبِ وَالجِمارِ
37. You won, by the goodness of its reputation, a lover,
And by its nobility he attained the honor of excellence.
٣٧. حَبَوتَ بِحُسنِ سُمعَتِها وَصيفاً
فَنالَ بِنُبلِها شَرَفَ الفَخارِ
38. You observed a trust from him and sincere advice,
And you are successful in your choices.
٣٨. رَعَيتَ أَمانَةً مِنهُ وَنُصحاً
وَأَنتَ مُوَفَّقٌ في الاِختِيارِ
39. And he won your faithfulness honored,
And risked when enticed by dangers.
٣٩. وَفازَ مِنَ الوَفاءِ لَكُم عَزيزاً
وَخاطَرَ عِندَ تَغريرِ الخِطارِ
40. And he preferred you and did not prefer over you,
When the world of positions was paved for him.
٤٠. وَآثَرَكُم وَلَم يُؤثِر عَلَيكُم
وَقَد شَرَعَت لَهُ دُنيا المُعارِ
41. When they drew him near and socialized with him,
He recoiled from them and avoided their company;
٤١. إِذا ما قَرَّبوهُ وَآنَسوهُ
غَلا في البُعدِ عَنهُم وَالنِفارِ
42. Shy that it be said he came with betrayal,
And noble that the place of dishonor be his.
٤٢. حَياءً أَن يُقالَ أَتى بِغَدرٍ
وَنُبلاً أَن يَحُلَّ مَحَلَّ عارِ
43. And the ambition of the independent soul aspires
With its ambition to the greatest positions.
٤٣. وَهِمَّةُ مُستَقِلِّ النَفسِ يَسمو
بِهِمَّتِهِ إِلى الرُتَبِ الكِبارِ
44. I thanked you in rhyme on behalf of my intercessor for me,
My companion, neighbor, and my confidante.
٤٤. شَكَرتُكَ بِالقَوافي عَن شَفيعي
إِلَيكَ وَصاحِبي الأَدنى وَجاري
45. And your master whom you continue to be pleased with
And praise his absence in visiting.
٤٥. وَمَولاكَ الَّذي مازِلتَ تَرضى
وَتَحمَدُ غَيبَهُ في الاِختِيارِ
46. So we do not lack your continued joy
And honor as long as the darkness flows!
٤٦. فَلا نَعدَم بَقاءَكَ في سُرورٍ
وَعِزٍّ ما سَرى الظَلماءَ سارِ