
Do not repay Abu Ubaydah good

لاتجزين أبا عبيدة صالحا

1. Do not repay Abu Ubaydah good
For our long stop at Qinnasrin.

١. لاتُجزَيَنَّ أَبا عُبَيدَةَ صالِحاً
عَن طولِ وَقفَتِنا بِقِنَّسرينا

2. Repay us, though desire was no motive for us -
We grew weary from riding to an unfamiliar place.

٢. جُزنا وَماكانَ الجَوازُ هَوىً لَنا
تَعِبينَ مِن نَصَبِ السُرى لَغِبينا

3. Our mounts grew tired from the long journey
And we had our fill of the pain of separation.

٣. حَسِرَت مِنَ السَفَرِ البَعيدِ رِكابُنا
فَشَبِعنَ مِن أَلَمِ الوَجى وَرَوينا

4. Your dogs barked as though
Seeking vengeance that had preceded us.

٤. وَسَرَت كِلابُكَ بِالنُباحِ كَأَنَّما
يَطلُبنَ ثَأراً قَد تَقَدَّمَ فينا

5. Yelping after us
Until we shed our supplies and were content.

٥. مُتَعَبِّثاتٍ بِالنُباحِ وَراءَنا
حَتّى طَرَحنا زادَنا فَرَضينا

6. We spent a wretched night in Bashir
When our mounts suffered hardship and so did we.

٦. بِتنا بِباشِيّا مِنَ اجلِكَ لَيلَةً
بَلِيَ المَطِيُّ بِبُؤسِها وَبَلينا

7. You fed us bitter herbs when we refused
To stay in its lodging and gave us salty water to drink.

٧. أَطعَمتَنا الزَقومَ حينَ أَبَتَّنا
في خانِها وَسَقَيتَنا الغِسلينا

8. Were it not for you, our route would have been
Through Kufeer or Yathrib or through Tarheen.

٨. لَولاكَ كانَ عَلى الكُفَيرِ مَمَرُّنا
وَاليَثرِبِيَّةِ أَو عَلى تَرحينا

9. I do not know if you will seek the protection
Of a band from Syria or Jazireen after us.

٩. لا أَعلَمَنَّكَ تَستَزيرُ عِصابَةً
مِن بَعدِنا شامينَ أَو جَزرينا

10. You used to long that we visit you for a period
As a burden to us, but when we came, you went away.

١٠. قَد كُنتَ تَهوى أَن نَزورَكَ حِقبَةً
كَلَفاً بِنا فَذَهَبتَ لَمّا جينا

11. Were it not for my share in your brotherhood that
Clung to me in the morning, I would have left in sorrow.

١١. لَولا نَصيبي مِن إِخائِكَ رِنَّهُ
عَلقٌ غَدَوتُ بِهِ الغَداةَ ضَنينا

12. Estrangement between us and you would have taken hold
So we raise your sons with its riches and our sons.

١٢. لَتَمَكَّنَت مِنّا وَمِنكَ قَطيعَةٌ
نَغذو بَنيكَ بِدَرِّها وَبَنينا