1. My messenger came with tidings that made
My beloved weep with grief and sorrow;
١. أَتاني بِما لاقى رَسولي وَلَم يَكَد
يُبَيِّنُهُ مِن عَبرَةٍ وَنَحيبِ
2. I wept with those around me,
My brother shared in my agony.
٢. فَأَبكَيتُ وَاِستَبكَيتُ مَن كانَ حاضِري
وَباءَ أَخي مِن حَسرَةٍ بِنَصيبِ
3. Have not the days gorged themselves on me,
And seen my enemies gather and block my love?
٣. أَما اِشتَفَتِ الأَيّامُ مِنّي وَقَد رَأَت
تَظاهُرَ أَعدائي وَصَدِّ حَبيبي
4. Perhaps time will appease you after injury
With a dear one near and a spy far away.
٤. عَسى الدَهرَ أَن يُرضيكَ بَعدَ إِساءَةٍ
بِقُربِ حَبيبٍ وَاِغتِرابِ رَقيبِ