1. O companion of life, have you ever seen someone like me
When repelling desires and doubting doubts
١. يائِبنَةَ الدَهرِ هَل رَأَيتِ كَمِثلي
عِندَ دَفعِ المُنى وَنفيِ الشُكوكِ
2. I embark on a momentous mission with determination
And my clothes are the darkness of convolutions
٢. أَركَبُ المَهمَهَ المَهولَ بِعَزمٍ
وَثِيابي ظَلامَةُ الحَلكوكِ
3. I tear open sleeves to get rid of weariness
With a handful of resolve and a strong grip
٣. وَأَشُقُّ الجُيوبَ مِن خَلعِ اللَي
لِ بِكَفٍّ مِنَ الزَماعِ بَتوكِ
4. And I am the one who rouses determination towards anxiety
So I dispel it from the steadfastness of the frowning one
٤. وَأَنا الباعِثُ العَزيمَ إِلى الهَم
مِ فَأُجليهِ عَن ثَباتِ الحَنيكِ
5. The protector of the soul like the cheeky and audacious one
Wavering between arrogance and entanglement
٥. شَمَّرِيُّ الجَنانِ كَالخَذمِ الصا
رِمِ بَينَ الإِرهافِ وَالتَحبيكِ
6. In his thickets, the flies, daughters of the insects
Frolick in an alluring and interwoven manner
٦. في غِرارَيهِ وَالذُبابِ بَناتُ الذَر
رِ يَرفُلنَ في نَهيكٍ سَبيكِ
7. Indifferent to pillows, with a heart that keeps
The mind awake, not boiling or hissing
٧. مُتَجافٍ عَنِ الوِسادِ بِقَلبٍ
يَقِظِ اللُبِّ غَيرِ جَوشٍ صَكيكِ
8. I ride the night in the horror of the immense darkness
And the dawn returns at the time of buckets
٨. أَركَبُ اللَيلَ في زُها هائِلِ اللَي
لِ وَرَأدَ الضُحى لِوَقتِ الدُلوكِ
9. And so I wish to be the young man of ambition
Not the lowly and defeated one
٩. وَكَذا أَشتَهي يَكونُ فَتى الحِم
مَةِ غَيرَ الخُمَيِّمِ المَأفوكِ
10. And to my brothers, owners of the camel litter
I send my greetings and affections
١٠. وَإِلى اِخوَتي ذَوي الرَدَبِ الغُر
رِ أُؤَدّي تَحِيَّتي وَأَلوكي
11. Greet them from someone witnessing the Bedouins
Who is absent from them in the abode of Atik
١١. حَيِّهِم مِنهُمُ كَشاهِدِ عُربٍ
غائِبٍ مِنهُمُ بِدارِ عَتيكِ
12. So the praise of its expanses is conjecture
In the land of Iraq and Yarmouk
١٢. فَمَديحُ فَغورِها فَتِهامٍ
فَبِأَرضِ العِراقِ وَاليَرموكِ
13. Khorasan roared, and Yemen the remover
The making of its Sanaa, and the people of Tabuk
١٣. فَخُراسانَ صاحَ فَاليَمَنِ النا
زِحِ صَنعائِها فَأَهلِ تَبوكِ
14. Woe to you, may you cry, poetry has been violated
So weep for its ravaged curtain
١٤. وَيلَكُم وَيبَكُم لَقَد هُتِكَ الشِع
رُ فَبَكّوا لِسِترِهِ المَهتوكِ
15. Then they tore open the sleeves, the matter came close
And its vastness is like Abu Al-Durook
١٥. ثُمَّ شُقّوا الجُيوبَ قَد قَرُبَ الأَم
رُ وَاِتِّساعُهُ كَأَبي الدُروكِ
16. O woman of Qais, if you saw your beloved poetry
Brought down by the water of inferior diction
١٦. يا اِمرَأَ القَيسِ لَو رَأَيتَ حَبيكَ ال
شِعرِ يُغدى بِماءِ لَفظٍ رَكيكِ
17. You would cry tears of blood for literature
In a stream of pouring tears
١٧. لَبَكَيتَ الدِماءَ لِلأَدَبِ الغَضِّ
بِفَيضٍ مِنَ الدُموعِ سَفوكِ
18. You would make Tarafa, Zuhair, Labid and the family of Nahik cry
And the two Nabighas cried from intense passion
١٨. وَلَأَبكَيتَ طَرفَةً وَزُهَيراً
وَلَبيداً وَقَرمِ آلِ نَهيكِ
19. Then the plaiter of the well-woven poem
Where are Shammakh, Al-Kumait, and he of renown, the describer of momentous events and Nabik?
١٩. وَبَكى النابِغانِ مِن فَرطِ وَجدٍ
ثُمَّ صَنّاجَةُ القَريضِ المَحوكِ
20. Where is that witty one, I mean Ibn Hani
Good looking and taught the kings' companions?
٢٠. أَينَ شَمّاخُ وَالكُمَيتُ وَذو الرُم
مَةِ وَصّافُ مَهمَهٍ وَنَبيكِ
21. Death has ruled over you
And its rule came without doubts
٢١. أَينَ ذاكَ الظَريفُ أَعني اِبنَ هاني
حَسَناً وَيبَهُ نَديمَ المُلوكِ
22. And I was substituted for them with the substitution
Of the blind for the one-eyed, the unworthy for the worthy
٢٢. حَكَمَت فيكُمُ أَكُفُّ المَنايا
فَجَرى حُكمُها بِغَيرِ شُكوكِ
23. The people are gone. Rather, the time of the people has passed
And I was left for the ravaged time
٢٣. وَتَبَدَّلتُ مِنهُمُ البَدَلَ الأَع
وَرَ بَينِ قُذرَةٍ وَأَفيكِ
٢٤. ذَهَبَ الناسُ بَل مَضى زَمَنُ النا
سِ وَخُلِّفتُ لِلزَمانِ الهَتوكِ