
A vision came to me from Su’day, reviving me,

طيف تأوب من سعدى فحياني

1. A vision came to me from Su’day, reviving me,
I loved him though he was deep in slumber unaware of me.

١. طَيفٌ تَأَوَّبَ مِن سُعدى فَحَيّاني
أَهواهُ وَهوَ بُعَيدَ النَومِ يَهواني

2. Oh, such a lovely vision that heals my torment,
If only it came when I was awake to awaken me!

٢. فَيا لَها زَورَةً يُشفى الغَليلُ بِها
لَو أَنَّها جُلِبَت يَقظى لِيَقظانِ

3. Swaying as she walked, her swaying could not be hidden
By the scent of mint, nor was mint found with sweet basil.

٣. مَهزوزَةٌ إِن مَشَت لَم تُلفَ هِزَّتُها
لِلخَيزُرانِ وَلَم توجَد مَعَ البانِ

4. Fate brought her image near me and awoke me,
Then passion took her phantom image away from me.

٤. يُدني الكَرى شَخصَها مِنّي وَيوقِظُني
وَجدٌ فَيُبعِدُ مِنّي طَيفَها الداني

5. I swore by nearness after distance from a home,
And union that came after separation's adversity.

٥. حَلَفتُ بِالقُربِ بَعدَ البُعدِ مِن سَكَنٍ
وَبِالوِصالِ أَتى في إِثرِ هِجرانِ

6. That the son of Miskalah al-Bakri protected me
And sufficed me from the greatness of my troubles.

٦. أَنَّ اِبنَ مِصقَلَةَ البَكرِيَّ دافَعَ لي
عَن نِعمَتي وَكفاني العُظمَ مِن شاني

7. Well-mannered, he continued to rise to generosity,
Renewed, not worn by time or fate.

٧. مُهَذَّبٌ لَم يَزَل يَسمو إِلى كَرَمٍ
مُجَدَّدٍ لَيسَ يُبليهِ الجَديدانِ

8. A refuge - when I feared the turns of fate -
Was my protector, unlike any brethren.

٨. خِرقٌ مَتى خِفتُ مِن دَهرٍ تَصَرُّفُهُ
كانَ المُجيرَ عَلَيهِ دونَ إِخواني

9. Dazzling as the auspicious rising moon
When it shines after a long time and well-being.

٩. أَغَرُّ كَالقَمَرِ المَسعودِ طَلعَتُهُ
إِذا تَبَلَّجَ عَن طولٍ وَإِحسانِ

10. Modesty makes him blush, generosity makes his palm bleed
Like a lion stirred in its den by the scent of basil.

١٠. يَندى حَياءٍ وَتَندى كَفُّهُ كَرَماً
كَاللَيثِ تَخلِجُهُ في الجَوِّ ريحانِ

11. Submit, Abu Sakhr, to benevolence, it is your making,
And glory, built in the awe of Bani Shayban.

١١. إِسلَم أَبا الصَقرِ لِلمَعروفِ تَصنَعُهُ
وَالمَجدِ تَبنيهِ في ذُهلِ بنِ شَيبانِ

12. The West has surrendered its hopes, desiring you,
Whether from a new endeavor or an old companionship.

١٢. قَد أَلقَتِ الغَرَبُ الآمالَ راغِبَةً
إِلَيكَ مِن مُجتَدٍ جَدوى وَمِن جانِ

13. So the Nile meets the confessor eternally through you,
Welcomed, while disappointment is for the complainer.

١٣. فَالنَيلُ لِلمُعتَفي يَلقَونَهُ أَبَداً
لَدَيكَ مُقتَبَلاً وَالفَكُّ لِلعاني