
Truly I say my heart is worn down

حقا أقول لقد تبلت فؤادي

1. Truly I say my heart is worn down
And the duration of my wandering has been prolonged

١. حَقّاً أَقولُ لَقَد تَبَلتِ فُؤادي
وَأَطَلتِ مُدَّةَ غَيِّيَ المُتَمادي

2. With constant passion - if you felt its affliction
You would find it unlike the usual passion

٢. بِجَوىً مُقيمٍ لَو بَلَوتِ غَليلَهُ
لَوَجَدتِهِ غَيرَ الجَوى المُعتادِ

3. And I have known the passion of love in my infatuation
And seen the obedience of my compliant heart

٣. وَلَقَد عَرَفتِ جَوى الهَوى في مِنَّتي
وَرَأَيتِ طاعَةَ قَلبِيَ المُنقادِ

4. Love is a complaint to souls that delights me
Forgetting habits is easy for it and habitual

٤. وَالحُبُّ شَكوٌ لِلنُفوسِ يَسُرُّني
سَهوُ العَوائِدِ عَنهُ وَالعُوّادِ

5. Are you one who diverts white hairs if they sneak
In time or hasten the appointed time?

٥. هَل أَنتَ صارِفُ شَيبَةٍ إِن غَلَّسَت
في الوَقتِ أَو عَجِلَت عَنِ الميعادِ

6. Some came forward before dawns
That comfort me while others depart

٦. جاءَت مُقَدِّمَةً أَمامَ طَوالِعٍ
هَذي تُراوِحُني وَتِلكَ تُغادي

7. The brother of the pretty one is a merchant in beauty
Who shows off its new whiteness with blackness

٧. وَأَخو الغَبينَةِ تاجِرٌ في لِمَّةٍ
يَشري جَديدَ بَياضِها بِسَوادِ

8. Do not deny that youth still remains with us
Nor is the time of youth gone

٨. لا تَكذِبَنَّ فَما الصِبا بِمُخَلَّفٍ
فينا وَلا زَمَنُ الصِبا بِمُعادِ

9. And I see youth in the splendor of its beauty
And its beauty a number of numbers

٩. وَأَرى الشَبابَ عَلى غَضارَةِ حُسنِهِ
وَجَمالِهِ عَدَداً مِنَ الأَعدادِ

10. The caliphate has boasted of Ahmad
Manners by which it excels in praise

١٠. إِنَّ الخِلافَةَ أَحمَدَت مِن أَحمَدِ
شِيَماً أَنافَ بِها عَلى الإِحمادِ

11. A king saluted by kings, and under him
Especially the mark of piety and the humility of ascetics

١١. مَلِكٌ تُحَيِّهِ المُلوكُ وَدونَهُ
سيما التُقى وَتَخَشُّعُ الزُهّادِ

12. The concord of fasting controls behavior
From the thirsty glance of fasting pilgrims

١٢. وَقَذَت مُوالاةُ الصِيامِ تَصَرُّفاً
مِن لَحظِ ظَمآنِ الهَواجِرِ صادِ

13. Devout, he hides his prayers though
The mark of prostration refuses to be hidden

١٣. مُتَهَجِّدٌ يُخفي الصَلاةَ وَقَد أَبى
إِخفاءَها أَثرَ السُجودِ البادي

14. Open-handed, when he gathers in an assembly
Generosity becomes the trait of that gathering

١٤. سَمحُ اليَدَينِ إِذا اِحتَبى في مَجلِسٍ
كانَ النَدى صِفَةً لِذاكَ النادي

15. Look at him when he turns to give
Access and say in the sea and the rivers

١٥. أُنظُر إِلَيهِ إِذا تَلَفَّتَ مُعطِياً
نَيلاً وَقُل في البَحرِ وَالوُرّادِ

16. And when he speaks, listen to a sermon
That clarifies the blindness of the confused wanderer

١٦. وَإِذا تَكَلَّمَ فَاِستَمِع مِن خُطبَةٍ
تَجلو عَمى المُتَحَيِّرِ المُرتادِ

17. The Muslims yielded to him and found
The least of creation in piety and integrity

١٧. أَفضى إِلَيهِ المُسلِمونَ فَصادَفوا
أَدنى البَرِيَّةِ مِن تُقى وَسَدادِ

18. With a virtue in himself that connected him
To the virtues of fathers and ancestors

١٨. بِفَضيلَةٍ في النَفسِ توصَلَ عِندَهُ
بِفَضائِلِ الآباءِ وَالأَجدادِ

19. And a status that rises above which fall
The ambitions of enemies and spite of enviers

١٩. وَمَحَلَّةٍ تَعلو فَتَسقُطُ دونَها
هِمَمُ العِدى وَنَفاسَةُ الحُسّادِ

20. And they weighed his lineage and in fact
Weighed with it a towering mountain

٢٠. وَزَنوا الأَصالَةَ مِن حِجاهُ وَإِنَّما
وَزَنوا بِها طَوداً مِنَ الأَطوادِ

21. And behind that forbearance a hidden lion
Beyond their territory, and a serpent of the valley

٢١. وَوَراءَ ذاكَ الحِلمِ لَيثُ خَفِيَّةٍ
مِن دونِ حَوزَتِهِم وَحَيَّةُ وادِ

22. Vigilant, the first steps of his command were protected
With reins of sound reason, tightly pulled

٢٢. مُتَيَقِّظٌ عَصِمَت بَوادِرُ أَمرِهِ
بِعُرىً مِنَ الرَأيِ الأَصيلِ شِدادِ

23. Like the sword in God’s essence, and he may be seen
As a vine, like the called upon spring

٢٣. كَالسَيفِ في ذاتِ الإِلَهِ وَقَد يَرى
كَرَماً كَفَرعِ النَبعَةِ المُنآدِ

24. A shepherd whom truth guided on his path
So he came to struggle beneath it and clash

٢٤. راعٍ أَراهُ الحَقُّ قَصدَ سَبيلِهِ
فَغَدا يُناضِلُ دونَهُ وَيُرادي

25. His subjects wished that nights
Would pass with him in kingship and birth

٢٥. وَدَّت رَعِيَّتُهُ لَوَ اَنَّ لَيالِياً
قَدُمَت بِهِ في المُلكِ وَالميلادِ

26. The Abbasids followed the guidance of triumphant Muwaffaq
Of insight through argument, a guide

٢٦. تَبِعَت بَنو العَبّاسِ هَديَ مُوَفَّقٍ
ثَبتِ البَصيرَةِ بِالمَحَجَّةِ هادِ

27. Seeking their utmost effort of advice
From supporters and warding of enemies

٢٧. مُستَجلِبٍ لَهُمُ اِجتِهادَ نَصيحَةٍ
مِن أَولِيائِهِم وَذَودَ أَعادِ

28. As if when they followed his traces
They followed the light of the blazing star

٢٨. وَكَأَنَّهُم لَمّا اِقتَفَوا آثارَهُ
تَبِعوا ضِياءَ الكَوكَبِ الوَقّادِ

29. He forgets sins and the oldness of their time
Casting aside grudges, erasing hatreds

٢٩. يَنسى الذُنوبَ وَما تَقادَمَ عَهدُها
مُلقى الضَغائِنِ دارِسُ الأَحقادِ

30. You pardon seeking God’s pardon for you
And pardon is the best trait of glories

٣٠. تَعفو لِعَفوِ اللَهِ عَنكَ تَحَرِّياً
وَالعَفوِ خَيرُ خَلائِقِ الأَمجادِ

31. Your precautions have reached every tribe
And your justice relieved all countries

٣١. بَلَغَ اِحتِياطُكَ وَفدَ كُلِّ قَبيلَةٍ
وَأَغاثَ عَدلُكَ أَهلَ كُلِّ بِلادِ

32. You will never lack a life whose happiness
Brings you eternal joy and fortune

٣٢. لا تَخلُ مِن عَيشٍ يَكُرُّ سُرورُهُ
أَبَداً وَنَيروزٍ عَلَيكَ مُعادِ

33. And you remain ransomed by people - and truly
The ransomed's worth is little for the ransomer

٣٣. وَبَقيتَ يَفديكَ الأَنامُ وَإِنَّهُ
لَيَقِلُّ لِلمَفدِيِّ قَدرُ الفادي

34. I fear the tax though I called on
The King of Kings, supporter of the supported

٣٤. أَخشى الخَراجَ وَقَد دَعَوتُ لِعُظمِهِ
مَلِكَ المُلوكِ وَرافِدَ الرُفّادِ