
My friend wandered in his land

جاد الذفافي في أرضه

1. My friend wandered in his land
Clouds piled upon his darkness

١. جادَ الذُفافِيَّ في أَرضِهِ
رُكامُ الغَمامِ عَلى ظُلمِهِ

2. A brother of mine, though no blood ties us
Neither his father nor mother are kin to me

٢. أَخٌ لِيَ لَم تَتَّصِل نِسبَتي
بِقُربى أَبيهِ وَلا أُمِّهِ

3. He's changed until I hardly know him
Except I do know his name

٣. تَنَكَّرَ حَتّى لَأَنكَرتُهُ
خَلا أَنَّني عارِفٌ بِاِسمِهِ

4. And he means to me only tenderness
For which poetry flows in his understanding

٤. وَما لِيَ مِنهُ سِوى رِقَّةٍ
يَراحُ لَها الشَعرُ في فَهمِهِ

5. So is musk - it gives no pleasure
To its bearer but its scent

٥. كَذا المِسكُ ما فيهِ مُستَمتَعٌ
لِمُتَّخِذيهِ سِوى شَمِّهِ