1. Youth passed by leaving only remorse of a traveller,
And old age made me careless of blames from the censurers.
١. تَقَضّى الصِبا إِلّا تَلَوُّمَ راحِلِ
وَأَغنى المَشيبُ عَن مَلامِ العَواذِلِ
2. The turns of fate refused favours to the white
From me over the black although due to my merit.
٢. وَتَأبى صُروفُ الدَهرِ سوداً شُخوصُها
عَلى البيضِ أَن يَحظَينَ مِنّي بِطائِلِ
3. They seek my affection while I think them
Too trifling for the anxieties they inflict.
٣. يُحاوِلنَ مِنّي صَبوَةً وَأَخالُني
أَخا شُغُلٍ عَمّا يُحاوِلنَ شاغِلِ
4. My arrows of calamities hit them as though,
When I complain of them, I shoot skinny arrows.
٤. رَمِيُّ رَزايا صائِباتٍ كَأَنَّني
لِما أَشتَكي مِنها رَميُّ جَنادِلِ
5. I count the death of my beloved ones the greatest loss,
And overflow of disasters and breaking of similar things.
٥. أَعُدُّ أَجَلَّ النائِباتِ فَجيعَةً
وَفورَ الرَزايا وَاِنثِلامَ الأَماثِلِ
6. About nations who alternately dominated;
Transfer of conditions does not mean change of times.
٦. أَعَن دُوَلٍ في العُصبَتَينِ تَعاقَبَت
فَما نَقَّلُ الحالاتِ نَقلَ التَداوُلِ
7. Had I not been concerned with the sublime and its effects,
I would have dreaded the rising of the lowly.
٧. وَلَولا اِهتِمامي بِالعُلا وَاِنعِكاسِها
لَما اِرتَعتُ ذُعراً مِن تَعَلّي الأَسافِلِ
8. Who can say to the Shah while the Shah is self-conceited
Informing him about the kingdom of Gharsh and Kabul?
٨. أَما قائِلٌ لِلشاهِ وَالشاهُ غُرَّةٌ
مُخَبِّرَةٌ عَن مُلكِ غَرشٍ وَكابُلِ
9. Disdain the baseness of the world and think it low,
For the deluded wise man is not wise.
٩. أَطِل جَفوَةَ الدُنيا وَتَهوينَ شَأنِها
فَما العاقِلُ المَغرورُ مِنها بِعاقِلِ
10. Some whose efforts went wrong seek eternity
While beyond what they seek is maze of delusion.
١٠. يُرَجّي الخُلودَ مَعشَرٌ ضَلَّ سَعيُهُم
وَدونَ الَّذي يَرجونَ غَولُ الغَواءِ
11. Habits of survival are mere absurd talk
Not hopes for real stability.
١١. وَلَيسَ الأَماني في البَقاءِ وَإِن مَضَت
بِها عادَةٌ إِلّا أَحاديثُ باطِلِ
12. When a people's caution disappears and they have nothing
To protect them, then ruin overtakes fighters.
١٢. إِذا ما حَريزُ القَومِ باتَ وَما لَهُ
مِنَ اللَهِ واقٍ فَهوَ بادي المَقاتِلِ
13. Fortune did not favour more than the number
Of those already in its coils.
١٣. وَما المُفلِتونَ أَجمَلَ الدَهرُ فيحِمِ
بِأَكثَرَ مِن أَعدادِ مَن في الحَبائِلِ
14. Fate takes us towards death though we may,
Sometimes go slowly on that path.
١٤. يُسارُ بِنا قَصدَ المَنونِ وَإِنَّنا
لَنَشعَفُ أَحياناً بِطَيِّ المَراحِلِ
15. Quickly from the world, our aim is
A fixed term soon to arrive.
١٥. عِجالاً مِنَ الدُنيا بِأَسرَعِ سَعيِنا
إِلى آجِلٍ مِنها شَبيهٍ بِعاجِلِ
16. The last part of life, if examined,
Resembles the first in examples.
١٦. أَواخِرُ مِن عَيشٍ إِذا ما اِمتَحَنتَها
تَأَمَّلتَ أَمثالاً لَها في الأَوائِلِ
17. Last year, however extraordinary its marvels,
Was but a brother to the next year.
١٧. وَما عامُكَ الماضي وَإِن أَفرَطَت بِهِ
عَجائِبُهُ إِلّا أَخو عامِ قابِلِ
18. We neglected days, easy to neglect,
But the fearful betrayed no trust.
١٨. غَفَلنا عَنِ الأَيّامِ أَطوَعَ غَفلَةِ
وَما خَونُها المَخشِيُّ عَنّا بِغافِلِ
19. Seekers of death penetrated and
Motive for death searched the mean and niggardly.
١٩. تَغَلغَلَ رُوّادُ الفَناءِ وَنَقَّبَت
دَواعي المَنونِ عَن جَوادٍ وَباخِلِ
20. No disaster hurt us like the loss
Of Abul Fadl, son of the two honoured nobles.
٢٠. وَما فَدَحَتنا نَكبَةٌ كَاِفتِقادِنا
أَبا الفَضلِ نَجلَ الأَكرَمينَ الأَفاضِلِ
21. For him we kindled the fire of love,
And the downpour of tears flowed from us,
٢١. شَبَبنا لَهُ نارَ الجَوى وَجَرَت لَنا
عَليهِ أَساكِبُ الدُموعِ الهَوامِلِ
22. We did not give him the right of passion,
Nor attained the fullness of sorrow.
٢٢. وَلَم نُعطِهِ حَقَّ الغَرامِ وَلَم نَكُن
لِنَبلُغَ مَفؤوضَ الأَسى بِالنَوافِلِ
23. Guide on a journey to glory, leader
In an attack against calamities, fighter,
٢٣. وَلِيُّ هُدى سَفرٍ إِلى المَجدِ سائِرٍ
وَقائِدُ زَحفٍ لِلخُطوبِ مُقاتِلِ
24. When good manners grow in the few
Who have little, much good is expected.
٢٤. يُؤَمَّلُ لِلخَيرِ الكَثيرِ إِذا نَبَت
خَلائِقُ أَصحابِ الخُيورِ القَلائِلِ
25. When they appear to the eyes mixed up,
Their virtues appear wonderfully mixed up.
٢٥. مَتى اِشتَبَهوا مَرأىً عَلى العَينِ أَعرَبَت
شَمائِلُ مِن خِرقٍ غَريبِ الشَمائِلِ
26. When some of them manage the enemy,
It seems the prey of eagles is for fledglings.
٢٦. إِذا طَلَعَت مِنهُ شَذاةٌ عَلى العِدا
أَرَت أَنَّ بَغثَ الطَيرِ صَيدُ الأَجادِلِ
27. The piercing spear is enough in its length
To reach the pigeon from feathers and nails.
٢٧. وَيَكفي مِنَ الرُمحِ المُبِرِّ بِطولِهِ
بَلاغُ الحِمامِ مِن سِنانٍ وَعامِلِ
28. Chief of Bani Mikyal when they were united
Though the beginning of loss was lack of union,
٢٨. زَعيمُ بَني ميكالَ حَيثُ تَكامَلوا
وَكانَ اِبتِداءَ النَقصِ فَرطُ التَكامُلِ
29. Brother of brothers, Mohammed's efforts were not
Negligent of goodness nor slow to aid.
٢٩. أَخو إِخوَةٍ ما كانَ مَحمُدُ سَعيِهِم
بِوانٍ عَنِ الحُسنى وَلا بِمُواكِلِ
30. The sword immersed in the blood of Bani Ahwaadh,
And the sword fulfils its promises.
٣٠. بَني أَحوَذِيٍّ يَغمُرُ السَيفَ وافِياً
بِبَسطَتِهِ وَالسَيفُ وافي الحَمائِلِ
31. Their coats of mail straiten every wide
Expanse for the lion with outstretched paws.
٣١. تَضيقُ الدُروعُ التُبَّعِيّاتُ مِنهُمُ
عَلى كُلِّ رَحبِ الباعِ سَبطِ الأَنامِلِ
32. They were men who shook the land, if they walked on it,
And the land is full of tremors.
٣٢. عَراعِرُ قَومٍ يَسكُنُ الثَغرُ إِن مَشَوا
عَلى أَرضِهِ وَالثَغرُ جَمُّ اَلزَلازِلِ
33. So many of them enjoy blessings and show pride,
Or are eminent and show arrogance,
٣٣. فَكَم فيهِمِ مِن مُنعِمٍ مُتَطَوِّلٍ
بِآلائِهِ أَو مُشرِفٍ مُتَطاوِلِ
34. When asked they give freely like floods
Resembling abundant rains from clouds.
٣٤. إِذا سُئِلوا جاءَت سَيولُ أَكُفِّهِم
نَظائِرَ جَمّاتِ التِلاعِ السَوائِلِ
35. They say what pleases regardless of critics
If none preceded them in the saying.
٣٥. يَقولونَ ما أَرضى وَلا تَرضَ قائِلاً
إِذا لَم يَكُن في القَولِ أَوَّلَ فاعِلِ
36. Worthy that their palms soften
The necks of huge events of time.
٣٦. خَليقونَ سَرواً أَن تُلينَ أَكُفُّهُم
عَرائِكَ أَحداثِ الزَمانِ الجَلائِلِ
37. And the eyes of seekers still expect
Favours from one, lofty in position,
٣٧. وَمازالَ لَحظُ الراغِبينَ مُعَلَّقاً
إِلى قَمَرٍ مِنهُم رَفيعِ المَنازِلِ
38. Abu Ghanim, may the sheep of a hopeful ever
Expect success or depend on a helper.
٣٨. أَبا غانِمٍ لا تَبرَحَن غُنمَ آمِلٍ
تَأَمَّلَ نُجحاً أَو مُعَوَّلَ عائِلِ
39. I prayed to you yesterday, so the tents
Of abundant rain poured without restraint,
٣٩. دَعَوتُ بِكَ الحاجاتِ أَمسِ فَطَبَّقَت
مَضارِبُ مَأثورِ الغَرارينِ قاصِلِ
40. If fates were just, my requests would be
To you and others would request for me.
٤٠. وَلَو تُنصِفُ الأَقدارُ كانَت مَطالِبي
إِلَيكَ وَكانَ الآخَرونَ وَسائِلي