1. I asked her how she wasted our union,
And the mountains crumbled from our affection.
١. سَلاها كَيفَ ضَيَّعتِ الوِصالا
وَبَطَّت مِن مَوَدَّتِنا الجِبالا
2. She now sees as forbidden in Damascus
My visit while estrangement became lawful.
٢. وَأَضحَت بِالشَآمِ تَرى حَراماً
مُواصَلَتي وَهِجراني حَلالا
3. Did the beautiful one inform me of estrangement?
Or did she want evasion or coquetry?
٣. هَلِ الحَسناءُ مُخبِرَتي أَهَجراً
أَرادَت بِالتَجَنُّبِ أَم دَلالا
4. I remembered her straight form when
She began to sway in beauty and allure.
٤. ذَكَرتُ بِها قَضيبَ البانِ لَمّا
بَدَت تَختالُ في الحُسنِ اِختِيالا
5. She sways and bends resembling it,
And describes its posture and balance.
٥. تُشاكِلُهُ اِهتِزازاً وَاِنعِطافاً
وَتَحكيهِ قَواماً وَاِعتِدالا
6. My liver melts at adversities,
And refuses in love but inflammation.
٦. وَلي كَبِدٌ تَلينُ عَلى التَصابي
وَتَأبى في الهَوى إِلّا اِشتِعالا
7. An eye that does not cease shedding tears for me,
And a heart that does not cease to ache for me.
٧. وَعَينٌ لَيسَ تَألوني اِنسِكاباً
وَقَلبٌ لَيسَ يَألوني خَبالا
8. The slanderers knew my loyalty
If the one I loved changed.
٨. وَقَد عَلِمَ الوُشاةُ ثَباتَ عَهدي
إِذا عَهدُ الَّذي أَهواهُ حالا
9. I have not ceased loving Layla
Despite the hatred of slanderers and will not cease.
٩. وَأَنّي لَم أَزَل كَلِفاً بِلَيلى
عَلى كُرهِ الوُشاةِ وَلَن أَزالا
10. I did not count my love for her as frivolity,
Nor did I consider my old passion for her as misguidance.
١٠. وَلَم أَعدُد هَوايَ لَها سَفاهاً
وَلا وَجدي القَديمَ بِها ضَلالا
11. Commander of the Faithful, and you are the most content
Of God's servants in God's sight.
١١. أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ وَأَنتَ أَرضى
عِبادَ اللَهِ عِندَ اللَهِ حالا
12. You have restored religion intact and protected,
While before you it was deficient and disgraced.
١٢. رَدَدتَ الدينَ مَوفوراً مَصوناً
وَقَبلَكَ كانَ مُنتَقِصاً مُذالا
13. When the caliphs are counted on a day of pride,
And their glory rises high and long.
١٣. إِذا الخُلَفاءُ عُدُّا يَومَ فَخرٍ
وَبَرَّزَ مَجدُهُم فَسَما وَطالا
14. You are the greatest of them in prestige and remembrance,
And the highest and most noble in deeds.
١٤. غَدَوتَ أَجَلَّهُم خَطَراً وَذِكراً
وَأَعلاهُم وَأَشرَفَهُم فَعالا
15. The regions of earth did not beautify
Until you possessed its plains and mountains.
١٥. وَما حَسُنَت نَواحي الأَرضِ حَتّى
مَلَكتَ السَهلَ مِنها وَالجِبالا
16. With a face that fills the world with light,
And a palm that fills the world with bounty.
١٦. بِوَجهٍ يَملَأُ الدُنيا ضِياءَ
وَكَفٍّ تَملَأُ الدُنيا نَوالا
17. I see the new year passing with prosperity,
And a condition of bliss for you as time passed.
١٧. أَرى الحَولَ الجَديدَ جَرى بِسَعدٍ
وَحالِ بِأَنعُمٍ لَكَ حينَ حالا
18. Conquests will reach you from all regions
As clouds gather when they follow one another.
١٨. فُتوحٌ يَدَّرِكنَ مِنَ النَواحي
كَما اِدَّرَكَ السَحابُ إِذا تَوالى
19. And it will bring you the desires of Egypt,
So I have not seen the like of its triumph and wealth.
١٩. وَجاءَكَ بِالرَغائِبِ مالُ مِصرٍ
فَلَم أَرَ مِثلَها ظَفَراً وَمالا
20. It improves my praise of you that whenever
I recount your ascendance, I find words lacking.
٢٠. يُحَسِّنُ مِن مَديحي فيكَ أَنّي
مَتى أَعدُد عُلاكَ أَجِد مَقالا
21. I am not blamed for falling short in gratitude,
Since you have burdened me with significant favors.
٢١. وَلَستُ أُلامُ في تَقصيرِ شُكري
وَقَد حَمَّلتَني المِنَنَ الثِقالا
22. You have lauded me in East and West,
And you have given me prestige and wealth.
٢٢. لَقَد نَوَّهتَ بي شَرقاً وَغَرباً
وَقَد خَوَّلتَني جاهاً وَمالا
23. A thousand is not greater than what I wish for
And hope from your continuous generosity.
٢٣. وَما أَلفٌ بِأَكثَرِ ما أُرَجّي
وَآمَلُ مِن نَداكَ إِذا تَوالى
24. When your hands precede giving,
We are secure from privation with you.
٢٤. إِذا سَبَقَت يَداكَ إِلى عَطاءٍ
أَمِنّا الخُلفَ عِندَكَ وَالمِطالا
25. And if you pave the way for kindness in words,
Then you follow words with action.
٢٥. وَإِن يَسَّرتَ لِلمَعروفِ قَولاً
فَإِنَّكَ تُتبَعُ القَولَ الفَعالا
26. I saw blessings when I saw
The whiteness of your face and the crescent.
٢٦. رَأَيتُ اليُمنَ وَالبَرَكاتِ لَمّا
رَأَيتَ بَياضَ وَجهِكَ وَالهِلالا