
Shall I rise or set, O Sa'id?

أشرق أم أغرب يا سعيد

1. Shall I rise or set, O Sa'id?
Shall I increase my provisions or be in want?

١. أُشَرِّقُ أَم أُغَرِّبُ يا سَعيدُ
وَأَنقُصُ مِن زَماعي أَم أَزيدُ

2. Fate has diverted me from my destinies,
So my success in them is muddled and slow.

٢. عَدَتني عَن نَصيبَينَ العَوادي
فَنُجحي أَبلَهٌ فيها بَليدُ

3. I see deprivation nearer when it is far,
And success farther when it is near.

٣. أَرى الحِرمانَ أَبعُدُهُ قَريبٌ
بِها وَالنُجحَ أَقرَبُهُ بَعيدُ

4. Countries have tossed me from country to country,
As if I were a vagrant among them.

٤. تَقاذَفَ بي بِلادٌ عَن بِلادي
كَأَنّي بَينَها خَبَرٌ شَرودُ

5. And at Sajor, belonging to Thu'al ibn 'Amr,
Were gallant youths, excellent game.

٥. وَبِالساجورِ مِن ثُعَلِ بنِ عَمرٍو
صَناديدٌ مِنَ الفِتيانِ صيدُ

6. When the doves cooed there the youths said,
For yearning, "Where did Al-Walid lodge?"

٦. إِذا سَجَعَ الحَمامُ هُناكَ قالوا
لِفَرطِ الشَوقِ أَينَ ثَوى الوَليدُ

7. And where can he who is hostage to fate,
Wretched in its events, banished, abide?

٧. وَأَينَ يَكونُ مَرتَهَنٌ بِدَهرٍ
شَريدٌ في حَوادِثِهِ طَريدُ

8. Time left me among people
Whose faces and hands were of iron.

٨. وَخَلَّفَني الزَمانُ عَلى أُناسٍ
وُجوهُهُمُ وَأَيديهِم حَديدُ

9. They wear handsome robes that are white
But their acts are ugly and black.

٩. لَهُم حُلَلٌ حَسُنَّ فَهُنَّ بيضٌ
وَأَفعالٌ سَمُجنَ فَهُنَّ سودُ

10. They have the morals of mules, and every day
Some new evil trait occurs to one of them.

١٠. وَأَخلاقُ البِغالِ فَكُلَّ يَومٍ
يَعِنُّ لِبَعضِهِم خُلُقٌ جَديدُ

11. And mostly when asked they reply
With a promise that means refusal.

١١. وَأَكثَرُ ما لِسائِلِهِم لَدَيهِم
إِذا ما جاءَ قَولُهُمُ تَعودُ

12. A promise - but from their frowning faces
One knows not if it is promise or threat.

١٢. وَوَعدٌ لَيسَ يُعرَفُ مِن عُبوسِ اِن
قِباضِهِمِ أَوَعدٌ أَم وَعيدُ

13. If Labid observed them he would weep
Over the successor whom Labid mourns.

١٣. أُناسٌ لَو تَأَمَّلَهُم لَبيدٌ
بَكى الخَلفَ الَّذي يَشكو لَبيدُ

14. Would that the ordainments had not been ordained
And there had been no fortunes and no fates,

١٤. أَلا لَيتَ المَقادِرَ لَم تُقَدَّر
وَلَم تَكُنِ الأَحاظي وَالجُدودُ

15. That we might see who at morning and evening
Would possess this retinue and servants!

١٥. فَنَنظُرَ أَيَّنا يُضحي وَيُمسي
لَهُ هَذي المَواكِبُ وَالعَبيدُ

16. Had wealth been a noble destiny
Christians and Jews would have missed it.

١٦. فَلَو كانَ الغِنى حَظّاً كَريماً
لَأَخطَأَهُ النَصارى وَاليَهودُ

17. But time is a time of vileness,
Contention for authority does what it will.

١٧. وَلَكِنَّ الزَمانَ زَمانُ سوءٍ
سِجالُ الأَمرِ يَفعَلُ ما يُريدُ

18. It favors over some ill-omened people,
And disfavors over some fortunate folk.

١٨. فَأَسعُدُهُ عَلى قَومٍ نُحوسٍ
وَأَنحُسُهُ عَلى قَومٍ سُعودُ